[XP] 3 Man CBS

Started by Nortos, February 20, 2008, 01:23:22 am

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February 20, 2008, 01:23:22 am Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 09:27:18 pm by game_guy
3 Man CBS
Authors: Nortos
Version: 1
Type: CBS
Key Term: Custom Battle System


Side view animated battle system


  • Face sets
  • 3 Man
  • Party and enemy health bars
  • Animated Battlers
  • Compact Layout



Instructions are in the script


May not work with complex battle systems or limit breaks

Credits and Thanks

  • Seph for enemy and player bars
    Credits for Animation system: ShowHide

    # ** Animated Battlers - Enhanced   ver. 10.3                      (10-30-2007)
    #  * (0) Credits:  Includes features included & additional system notes
    #  Animated Battlers by Minkoff
    #  Enhancements by DerVVulfman       
    #  Low percentage and Status Poses
    #     Concept & Base coding by Twin Matrix
    #  Hero & Enemy z.depth concept by Min-Chan and Caldaron ( totally redone :) )
    #  Collapse stack-error found by JirbyTaylor(fixed) / Code by SephirothSpawn
    #  Default 'Battle Animation' glitch found by Mimi Chan (Note, can't fully fix)
    #  Compatability Fix for 'Gradient Bars v3.4+' by Trickster.
    #  AT Battle Pause code supplied by Fomar0153
    #  'None/All' Target error found by daigotsu. Solution found & fixed... mostly.
    #  Configurables now saved in save file.  Feature requested by MasterMind5823.
    #  Viewport error (related to Gradient Bar fix) detected by Alistor.  Fixed.
    #  Long-running Full-Screen 'Battle Animation' glitch found by Mimi-Chan. Fixed.
    #  Dead battlers found still on battlefield at combat start (found by Angel_FX).
    #  Variable frames per poses glitch found by Mimi-Chan... found source n fixed.

    #  This script is not a battlesystem but a graphic overlay system that can con-
    #  vert a frontview 'Strategy'  battlesystem into a Sideview battlesystem.   It
    #  has gone through a number of changes over the months that I have put my spin
    #  on the system, originally coded by Minkoff himself.
    #  As of now, this system works  with the default battlesystem, the RTAB system
    #  by Cogwheel, ParaDog's ATB, XRXS's system,  and a number of systems designed
    #  by Trickster.
    #  Again,  this system  changes the  'graphic'  overlay system  and is meant to
    #  change the battlers  and battler's startup positions  for a sideview system.
    #  It is not meant  to alter  anything else,  including combat values,  defense
    #  levels, or any other graphics other than those related to the battlers them-
    #  selves.
    #  Skill and Item Scopes:
    #  Until recently,  the revised system did not allow  for target scopes beyond
    #  a single target.  This was unintentional and unforseen.   However, with the
    #  revision made in version 7.3, this was corrected. But, skills or items that
    #  have a target scope of  'None'  would still create an error if this form of
    #  attack is set in either $moving_item_atk or $moving_skill_atk hashe arrays.
    #  Don't supply the id #'s of any 'None' scope skills/items into these hashes.
    #  RTAB:  Connected Attacking
    #  A powerful add-on to the RTAB system by Cogwheel, this script allows an ac-
    #  tor to apply multiple hits on a target.  At first, there was no auto-detect
    #  feature which gave ME MIGRANES... having to use insert switch in the config
    #  section.  Now there is one.  The only caveat is that you must STILL comment
    #  out or remove the entire 'action_phase' routine in Con. Attacking (which is
    #  roughly lines 30 to 80).
    #  LARGE PARTY (Fomar0153's)
    #  In order  to take advantage of the 'Large Party' system,  and still keep the
    #  actors and enemies in the proper viewport,  the second half of Fomar's Large
    #  Party script (the Battlestatus Page) must be placed under Animated Battlers.
    #  The first page  must still  be pasted  above the  battlesystem script(s)  as
    #  before.  Please follow all of Fomar0153's instructions as always.
    #  SIDEVIEW MIRROR:     This value switches  the positions  of both enemies and
    #                       heroes to opposite ends of the screen.
    #   Script : $sideview_mirror = [number]
    #   number : a value indicating whether the hero & enemy positions are switched
    #            0 = Default:  Enemies on the left, Heroes on the right
    #            1 = Switched: Heroes on the left, Enemies on the right
    #  BATTLER FORMATIONS:  This value changes the way your heroes line up when the
    #                       battle starts.
    #   Script : $formation_style = [number]
    #   number : a value indicating the type of formation your heroes will use
    #            0 = Diagonal (Default)    4 = Column Pattern 1
    #            1 = Diagonal Pattern 2    5 = Column Pattern 2
    #            2 = Slanted Pattern 1     6 = Wave Formation 1
    #            3 = Slanted Pattern 2     7 = Wave Formation 2
    #            8 = Randomized (system will choose from 0 to 7)
    #  FORMATION OPTIONS:   These values  may expand your system  to go beyond the
    #                       default four player system.
    #   Script : $formation_max_member = [number]
    #   number : A value indicating the maximum number of members in your party.
    #             (default = 4)
    #   Script : $formation_max_height = [number]
    #   number : A value indicating (in pixels) the top height of your party shown
    #            in the Battle Screen.  The higher the number, the lower the party
    #            on the screen. (default = 220)
    #   Script : $formation_max_width  = [number]
    #   number : The left/right width of the party's formation.  (default = 128)
    #   Script : $battlestatus_height = [number]
    #   number : The actual height of your battlestatus window. (default = 160)
    #  NOTE: The combined $formation_max_height and $battlestatus_height determines
    #        the vertical distance between battlers in their formation.
    #   Things added since original version by Minkoff:
    #   Can reverse the battler positions
    #   Editable spritesheet layout in script
    #   Able to define total/max frames per pose
    #   Can define individual # of frames per each pose
    #   Can use 'red-out' RTP death or 'battler death' pose
    #   Can show battler falling before death.
    #   'Casting' pose now available for RTAB/Skill Timing users
    #   Can show battler celebrating before victory pose
    #   Can tag battlers who's victory pose loops indefinitely
    #   Can show actor battlers get ready before battle starts.
    #   Separate poses for 'skills', 'items' or 'weapons' based on their id
    #   Can allow the battlers to step forward before using items & skills (FFVII+)
    #   Attacking battlers rush towards their targets while item & skill users don't
    #   Certain weapons can force the battler NOT to move
    #   Certain items & skills can force battlers to 'rush' the enemy
    #   Certain skills or items can force movement to the center of the screen
    #   Stationary enemies. In case enemies do NOT move when they attack.
    #   Adjustable 'low health' checker. Set your low health to 25%... 30%... 10%...
    #   Poses now available for status ailments
    #   Dead revert to 'victory' pose bug fixed.
    #   Default battlers now available for actors and/or enemies
    #   Default battlers now usable by ID number (had to rewrite red-out for that)
    #   Escaping Enemies bug found by SteveE22.  Fixed just as fast.
    #   Hero Formations (total of 8 hardwired -& 1 random- ... add at your own risk)
    #   Z-Depth for attack overlapping purposes
    #   Corrected attack overlap offset routine.  Overlap now based on battler size
    #   Certain skills and items can now prevent movement
    #   Can allow battlers to take step forward before performing 'attack' pose.(FF)
    #   Certain weapons can move battlers to center screen instead of a full move.
    #   Escaping Enemies can now have a pose before disappearing (was a rush pose)
    #   Redesigned Scene_Battle's movement routine
    #   Added pose for Critical Hits
    #   Added the enemy's hash for frame number based on poses
    #   Added the actor's hash for frame number based on poses
    #   Re-Tooled the formations to go beyond the default four party system
    #   Minor value added for compatability with Delissa's Battle Cry script
    #   Default Collapse Stack-Error fixed(code by SephirothSpawn) found JirbyTaylor
    #   Removed dependancy on $game_system for the Sideview Mirror system
    #   Fixed the 'Blocking during Victory State' bug discovered by Kaze950
    #   Battler tones now adapt to the background tones, requested by doom900
    #   Fixed changing battler/battler system.  Include fade-in switch req by Neonyo
    #   Set individual Actors/Enemies that phase on an attack
    #   Translucent battlers... a personal desire for ghosts you can see through!
    #   Adjustable opacity for translucent battlers... can't forget that.
    #   FREAKIN'!!!  Fixed the Battler tones.  I forgot to 'untone' the 1st viewport.
    #   Adjustable 'attack/skill/item' movement speeds requested by KAIRE.
    #   Removed annoying translucency 'flicker' (excess code totally unneeded).
    #   Individual 'Woozy' Rates per battlers added (JirbyTaylor gave me the idea).
    #   Woozy and Status poses now override any blocking pose.  Makes sense, eh?
    #   Can now use individually sized spritesheets for enemies and actors.
    #   'Casting' pose now available for ParaDog's Spell Residence/Delay users.
    #   Another escaping enemies (do-nothing switch) bug found by Boomy. Lengthy fix
    #   Redefined the casting pose values.  Now set up for 'each' battler.  Better.
    #   ---Noted: 'FullScreen' Battle Animation bug found by Mimi Chan.
    #   A combination 'Nil'-Pose/Nil-State bug was fixed.  Found by Gaxx
    #   'Templates per Spritesheet' system for Actors and Enemies now available.
    #   ---Noted: Removed Battle Animation attempted fix. (Can't fix.  Removed.)
    #   Created 'Obtain Pose' for multiple spritesheet types to shorten code.
    #   Added additional 'Custom Spritesheet' poses for the Casting pose & the like.
    #   Added individual 'Casting' poses hash for each skill used.
    #   Added addt. Advanced 'Custom Spritesheet' pose system for Casting & the like
    #   Removed the unnecessary 'viewport.z' statement, compatible with Grad. Bars!
    #   System 'can' pause the AT bar growth when performing attack, skill & item!
    #   A 'None / All'-Target bug was found by daigotsu.  Taken care of... mostly.
    #   Configurables (like $sideview_mirror) not saved. Bug found by MasterMind5823
    #   Now a 'casting' pose available when used with the Skill Casting Delay system
    #   Bug squashed related to Casting Pose addition
    #   Random Formation/Custom Battlesystem bug found by Alistor.  Very small fix.
    #   The Actor Command Window was 'under' the battlers.  Found by Alistor. Fixed.
    #   Moves actor battlers into viewport 1.  Fixes hero/window menu glitches.
    #   Fixes the battle animation glitch found by Mimi Chan by relocating enemies!
    #   Additional compatability with Fomar0153's Large Party (v2) system added.
    #   Fixed a minor bug with battle poses if called from a Custom Sheet template.
    #   Can tag battlers who's defeat poses loops indefinitely (Hakuya suggestion).
    #   Dead guys now hidden at battle start (visible if 'raised) Thanks Angel_FX.
    #   Converted the CONFIG section to use 'constants' to reduce resources used.
    #   Converted the $global RTAB/ParaDog/Fomar detection values to $game_system.
    #   Includes an Adaptation Switch for use with RTAB's Connected Attacking script
    #   -Finally- Connected Attacking is auto-detected.  Adaption switch not needed.
    #   Got tired of referring to IDX nos for template.  Poses start at 1, not 0!!!
    #   Replaced all but '7' $global values with $game_system values.  Resources!!!
    #   Revised the AT bar growth system for Trickster's newer battlesystems.
    #   Repaired the Victory Pose looop/no-loop glitch found by joooda
    #   Now you can config where the targetting arrow is (long overdue).
    #   Repaired some CTBs 'non-existant' moved values - found by bojox3m.
    #   System cleanup.  Condensed a number of existing routines.  Made new ones.
    #   Added Flatrate HP feature to the 'low health' checker. A Boo Mansion request.
    #   Battlers can seem to be attacked from behind with the 'Advantages!' system.
    #   Added 'STRUCK by...' poses. Indiv. poses based how you're attacked Kaze950)!
    #   Fixed the DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID collapse bug. RTP battlers die collapse style!
    #   Repaired a bug in the 'Casting Pose' routine for ParaDog's Spell Delay.
    #   Reduced the number of instance variables & set up as 'locals'.
    #   Repaired a 'Variable Frames per Pose' glitch found by Mimi-Chan.
    #   Better handling of 'same pose' attack pausing.
    #   93 counted


You should increase the command window's width and change its positions so no space is inbetween.
Check out Daygames and our games:

King of Booze 2      King of Booze: Never Ever
Drinking Game for Android      Never have I ever for Android
Drinking Game for iOS      Never have I ever for iOS

Quote from: winkioI do not speak to bricks, either as individuals or in wall form.

Quote from: Barney StinsonWhen I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story.


he based it off the layout i wanted :) i'm surprised this was moved to script database

My Blog site I am working on: http://spoofus.weebly.com/


It's a sideview CBS, that's rare. :P
And it's a CBS, those are not easy to make.
Check out Daygames and our games:

King of Booze 2      King of Booze: Never Ever
Drinking Game for Android      Never have I ever for Android
Drinking Game for iOS      Never have I ever for iOS

Quote from: winkioI do not speak to bricks, either as individuals or in wall form.

Quote from: Barney StinsonWhen I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story.


yeah i know i praised Nortos for his nice work for this..and oh for those who use the animated version that Nortos did for me as well.if you have a issue where the character in the first position slot runs behind the enemy when attacking (vise versa if a enemy is attacking the first position it goes behind it) just let me know i found a way to fix it. but yeah i think Nortos is up there with Blizz now in my opinion :)

My Blog site I am working on: http://spoofus.weebly.com/


pfff bs lol these are easy I find layout stuff I would have no idea to do some of the stuff Blizz does


Nice CBS ;D!! I gotta find a new battle system using the default from XP :P
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar De La Hoya


February 20, 2008, 06:02:02 pm #7 Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 06:05:36 pm by Susys
ahh! awsome! i think i like it.. just a question tho dose it work with PKE?

maby have the hp bars for enemys on the enemy's head... kuz its hard to tell what one is what.. :P


It should through the font probably won't work.
Dropbox Who need luck when you can make your own.
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February 20, 2008, 06:54:26 pm #9 Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 06:56:03 pm by Susys
im testing it now.

it dose work. :)


I liked the battle system ;D... but to be honest wasnt to big of a fan of the sprites :-\
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar De La Hoya


dollmages you can change the configuration to just use charsets or whatever you want. Also I can maybe sometime make that an option to put the health bars on the enemys Susy


Small CBS, but a good one =)

Vein Pyroclasm

I have absolutely no clue how you use this....

Dragon X

January 27, 2009, 11:22:29 am #14 Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 12:32:54 pm by Dragon X
I have the old RTAB system with the connected attacking feature, It's giving me lots of problems so this should help.
Well I'll put something in here eventualy.


->Sendspace doesn't work & megaupload doesn't let me download because of something about my IP address? May I request a new link or something?  :plz:

Please & thanks!!! ^^

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Quote from: Blizzard on February 16, 2011, 03:44:48 pmThere you go. It's the proof that SDK is crap. It's incompatible with itself.
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Quote from: Vein Pyroclasm on January 20, 2009, 03:31:11 am
I have absolutely no clue how you use this....

First you download the Demo, and open it up with RPGXP. Then you look into the scripts and modify what you wish, and follow the instructions inside. I have been planning to use something like this really. I just need to learn how to move things around (like the health bars and enemy name placements) and I should be fine.


Quote from: Kyra on April 17, 2011, 09:14:14 pm
Quote from: Vein Pyroclasm on January 20, 2009, 03:31:11 am
I have absolutely no clue how you use this....

First you download the Demo, and open it up with RPGXP. Then you look into the scripts and modify what you wish, and follow the instructions inside. I have been planning to use something like this really. I just need to learn how to move things around (like the health bars and enemy name placements) and I should be fine.

Try and pay a little more attention to the dates on posts to which you are replying. You should get a warning when you're posting in a topic that hasn't been posted in for a long time. Though necroposting is acceptable if it's relevant, try and use common sense when replying to old posts - the user to which you are replying hasn't even logged onto the site for more than a year.

This is just a friendly reminder.


wow i thought i was the only one using this script since it was made for me      weird

My Blog site I am working on: http://spoofus.weebly.com/


hey this may be an odd question but is there a way to disable this script?
for example
script:$Disable_3 Man CBS


February 21, 2012, 02:06:38 am #21 Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 02:08:30 am by diagostimo
hey, sorry for the major necro, but i was wondering if anyone knew how to change the default actor in this script? say for instance on load up the default actor is the one with the id of 7 in my actor list, and i want it to be id 1, i also cant change the names of the default actors, when i do it comes up with an error when launching the battle system, and cant see anywhere that defines them in the scripts  :<_<: one last thing :D i was wondering if its possible to switch party members around, as i want my game to consist of many playable actors, thanks if anyone can help, it will be much appreciated :)


Quote from: diagostimo on February 21, 2012, 02:06:38 am
hey, sorry for the major necro, but i was wondering if anyone knew how to change the default actor in this script? say for instance on load up the default actor is the one with the id of 7 in my actor list, and i want it to be id 1, i also cant change the names of the default actors, when i do it comes up with an error when launching the battle system, and cant see anywhere that defines them in the scripts  :<_<: one last thing :D i was wondering if its possible to switch party members around, as i want my game to consist of many playable actors, thanks if anyone can help, it will be much appreciated :)

I used to use this script alot for one of my games, so I think I can help!

- Change Default Actor
That one's simple. Just go into the game database and head into the system tab. On the top left corner of that page, you'll see initial actors. Just change it up for whoever you want to be the default actor.

- Error when launching battle system
When you change the name of your actors, you also have to change the name of the facesets in the Pictures folder. If you check in there, you'll see that the facesets are named Actor_face. Just change the first name part into whatever you name your characters.

- Switch Party Members around
Do you mean in battle or out of it? If you mean in battle, i'm sure there's a way you can event it with common events or something. As for out of it, there's a really good party changing script lying around this website, just go into the Script database and use that. :)

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ah yes, thanks, i never even knew that default actors were controled in main i just presumed that number 1 would be default and that the script changed this :P i should have clicked about the images, but i was looking for a way of defining actors instead of there facesets :)