Modified Shop Scene

Started by Diamond Star, October 29, 2011, 06:06:08 pm

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Diamond Star

I need a Modified Shop Scene to do the follwoing:

When buying a weapon or armor the message must appear to say: "dou you want to equip X"
where X is weapon or armor's name.
then the player choose YES or NO.
if he chooses YES then it must show a list of party member's name to choose ,then if a chosen actor can what is bought
then the weapon or armor will equip for chosen actor ,then a message will say"X equiped Y successfully"
X :actor's name
Y: weapon or armor's name
but if a chosen actoe cannopt equip a bought weapon or armor ,then a message will say "X cannot equip Y"
X :actor's name
Y: weapon or armor's name

Please mention to lines where there is texts to modify them if I want.
I have many dreams and look for who understand me and help me to achieve them


I take this idea for my improved shop script future versions, althought i will take time.