(RESOLVED)[XP] Mr. Wiggles Alchemy Script Disregards Recipes?

Started by Untitled, November 26, 2011, 11:41:27 pm

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Man, I feel like I've been posting a lot of (help) threads lately. Oh well.

So I'm using Mr. Wiggles' alchemy script (ForeverZer0's has a bunch of complicated functions I don't need), but a number of my recipes aren't working. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to which recipes work and which ones don't. Here's the important part of my script:
module ALCHEMY#/////////           *** EDIT AREA  ***                 /////////#
# Item IDs that can be used in Alchemy.
ALCHEMY_ITEMS   = [1,2,3,4,5,46,47,63,70]
# Item IDs that are not consumed when combined.
# Weapon IDs that can be used in Alchemy.
# Weapon IDs that are not consumed when combined.
# Armor IDs that can be used in Alchemy.
# Armor IDs that are not consumed when combined.
# Can combine more then the same type of item together, or just one of each.
# Button that is used to check if the items being combined make anything.
# Sound to play if the recipe was successful. leave blank if none.
RIGHT_SE = "055-Right01"
# Sound to play if the recipe failed. leave blank if none.
WRONG_SE = "057-Wrong01"
# recipes to make items. Example of a recipe:
# [[A,B], [A,B], [A,B], [A,B]]
# A = Type of Item in the recipe, (0 = Item, 1 = Weapon, 2 = Armor)
# B = ID if Item
# if slot is not being used in recipe, use 0.
[[0,2], [0,1], [0,1], [0,4]],#HealPot+
[[0,46],[0,70],0,0],#Raw Meat
[[0,46],[0,70],[0,70],0],#Overcooked Meat
[[0,46],[0,70],[0,70],[0,70]],#Burnt Meat
[[1,2], [2,4], [0,6],   0  ],
[[2,2], [0,2], [1,7],   0  ]
]# needs to be here
# Out comes of the above recipes:
# [A, B]
# A = Type of Creation (0 = Item, 1 = Weapon, 2 = Armor)
# B = ID of Item
[0, 2],#HealPot
[0, 5],#SPot
[0, 3],#HealPot+
[0, 46],#Raw Meat
[0, 47],#Overcooked Meat
[0, 48],#Burnt Meat
[1, 5],
[0, 3]
]# needs to be here
# Blue prints: the basic idea behind this is that the player can not create any
# items that they do not know how to create it. This can be done by using a
# script call command in an event that says:
# $game_system.add_blue_prints(Blue Print ID)
# the Blue print id refers to the location of the recipe in the
# ALCHEMY_RECIPES array, also remember that it starts counting at 0, this
# means that 1=0, 2=1, and so on.
# Bellow is the blue prints that the player already knows at the start of the
# game. [BP, BP, BP]  BP = Blue Print ID
BLUE_PRINTS = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
# Remove the items being combined if the recipe is wrong.
# Give the player a junk item if the mix was wrong. PENALIZE must be true for
# this. If you don't want to use this set the ID to 0.
end#/////////              *** END EDIT AREA  ***                     /////////#

Even though I have blueprints set for all those recipes, only these ones show up in the recipe book, as well as have the ability to be made in the alchemy scene:

If I try to make, say, a HealPot(Health Potion), I get the same message as if I had tried to make a nonexistent item.


EDIT: Never mind, finally got it! Turns out changes to the script don't apply to previously saved game files.