Why didn't we use Mono for the editor?

Started by ForeverZer0, May 15, 2012, 10:26:02 pm

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Ryex, I have no plans on ever letting the Python work go to waste, never have. It is important that you don't view this as a replacement for Python editor. Using Python is more than just a "best option" for cross-platform, it more than likely will be the "only option". As I said, I realized that some of the core libraries were not showing much hope of ever making it to Mono, so to be honest, I abandoned even worrying about it, and targeted the Windows platform in full. The editor relies way to heavily on these non-Mono libraries that "modification" of them is not realistic. They would need fully replaced, and major sections of code to be completely scrapped and redone. I don't need to tell you the major complication that would be, it would be a whole new project in and of itself, and would likely require starting from scratch again just to avoid the confusion. If that's the case, then what's the point? SharpDevelop is the only project of any scale that I have seen successfully run under Mono, but it uses WPF which I have no experience in to even get some ideas from the code. Its basically a whole separate language, at least as far as design goes, even though it is technically C#.
I am done scripting for RMXP. I will likely not offer support for even my own scripts anymore, but feel free to ask on the forum, there are plenty of other talented scripters that can help you.