Sadly I need help :(

Started by Spoofus, September 04, 2012, 04:51:47 am

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Well I am in need of help, I have pretty much all of the scripts I need done except for a few that would be kind of key to my
project.Also I am in need of a few script edits that I have been trying to do, but have been failing at miserably.

well for an example of something that I need help with.
I am sure you are all aware of Pokemon, yes? good.
well my project uses the graphics from them, and barrows a few features from them as well.
I have trying to use events to come up with something that would do something sort of like and "evolution" system in pokemon but it  seemed to cause some lag and gets rather to long and I get lost on where I was doing edits in it etc.I doubt it would be anything to drastic to do where I have it out to be rather simple.I'll be better at explaining it with someone that actually helps you know.
and I would like help editing a few scripts if possible, One of the involves the Caterpillar script in TONS,I been trying to edit the spacing between actors but nothing seems to work, and this is one of the main edits I kinda need done.
I would also discuss alternative ways of doing the scripts as well, if it would be easier and made things go smoother.

My Blog site I am working on: