Until The Final Blade FallsStoryThe land of Asvern had been the dominant military power in the north for over 300 years. The empire suddenly crumbled under the stress of financial collapse, and the assassination of its King, Lord Ragnar II. Seizing upon this moment of weakness, a fraction of the Asveri Kingdom declared its independence. This would become the land of Svalgard, a mountainous, rugged region full of caves, cliffs and waterfalls. Ragnar II's son was accussed of being weak compared to this father, and thus made Svalgard's recapture his personal mission. Despite proclaiming to his court the war would be a simple matter, the struggle dragged on for years. This debacle nearly brought the Asveri people to complete revolution do to its unpopularity. The young king, not wishing to be assassinated himself, officially declared the war over after 4 years of brutal fighting. The rough terrain and raw determination of the rebels proved to be too much for a severely weakened Asveri military to capture. Ragnar III never lets go of the resentment building in his heart for Svalgard, but admits the region is forever lost. A tenuous peace treaty was drawn up, and both sides agree to respect newly drawn up borders.
The story begins one year after the failed first invasion, high in the hills of Svalgard, near the town of Himilda. A young man named Sven is cooking breakfast, and reflecting on his past, when an old friend knocks on the door, bearing troubling news. Tales of Sven's courage and strength win the hearts of people both young and old as he continues his journey, yet he ultimately wrangles with a choice that could destroy everything he holds dear
Screenshots:Waterfall Bridge Crossing
Forest Clearing
City at Night
City at Day
Mountain Map (Large)

Age: 22
Sven is a young, restless war vet scraping together a living in the outskirts of a highland town called Himilda. He served in the civil war on the Svalgardi side, but was released from duties do to his issues with authority. Sven was forced into carrying out many acts that ran contrary to his moral code, and vowed to never allow anyone to have control over him again. While not technically an outlaw, Sven lives his life in the wilderness, training constantly with swords and physical exercise. He tends to befriend people easily, despite his reclusive lifestyle, and displays great leadership when the situation calls for it.

Age: 23
Fritjof is a strong, capable warrior whose family has served in the military for generations. When Svalgard split from Asvern, Fritjof was first to sign up for duty in Himilda. His unusual strength grants him the ability to wield large axes, as well as intimidate others with ease. He currently works with the town guard, acting as a fill in for a guard who recently retired. He is Sven's closest friend, and served alongside him in the final stretch of the war, when Sven was transferred to Himilda. He, unlike Sven, respects his superiors, but begins to question this behavior after certain events transpire.

Age: 21
Raven is a highly intelligent special agent of the Shade Wings, a clandestine organization of the country Ithilia. Ithilia offered it's spy services to Svalgard during the rebellion, and Raven has recently been sent to the region to investigate a strange series of murders. Her memory is so keen, she is able to remain almost every bit of information given to her. This allows her to gain significant rank in the SW, despite her age. Utilizing her sharp memory and natural agility, she quickly mastered several foreign combat arts that stress dodging, stealth and rapid attacks. This allows her to fight physically superior foes with ease.

Age: 36
A Svalgardi veteran with a long career as an archer, Ivar is much older than the other characters. He uses his wide range of skills and experience in combat, and is a very versatile long-range fighter. His long service record has left him a bit stoic at times, but he learns to open up to people as time goes on. He particularly enjoys fishing, often disappears when he feels he isn't needed. He learned to utilize small amounts of magic from a mage long ago, and can augment his arrows to deliver elemental damage, but at great Mana cost, (except for fire.)

Age: Unknown
Astrid belongs to a tribe of mountain-dwelling Ice Demons who live in the northernmost reaches of Svalgard. Like all her kind, she has pure white hair, gray piercing eyes, and the ability to withstand freezing temperatures. However, she has been banished from her tribe due to her lack of Ice Magic ability, (she can only perform the simplest of ice-based magic spells.) She is very bitter towards most people, and has been travelling the land alone trying to gain adequate control over her powers. She hopes one day to be accepted by her peers, and fully master her powers. She doesn't get along with other people easily, and tends to opt out of group activities.

Age: 20
Magnus is a talented cleric working in the capitol of Svalgard, Brandrvere. Despite growing up in poverty, he skills in healing arts and his natural charm have enabled him to reach a cushy lifestyle of curing illnesses, chasing women, and collecting a stockpile of rare books. He is a relentless womanizer, but is well loved in town for his work curing all manner of ailments, often for free. His greatest passion is to discover simple, affordable cures for common illnesses that mainly affect the poor, (something he was exposed to often as a child.)
More characters will be met throughout the story!
Features>Large world full of optional dungeons, mountains, forests and oceans to explore.
>Class choices for all characters (choosing different strengths and weaknesses.)
>Fast travel system to quickly access major cities and locations.
>Relationship system (friendship, dating, etc.)
>Job based economy (perform tasks for money, collecting loot for cash will be slow.)
>Day and Night system
>Lively cities with plenty of reasons to revisit (and active night life!)
>Less restrictive world to explore
StatusDemo: None atm, but working on it.
Mapping: 50% complete
Storyline: 75% complete
System (battle, items, enemies, etc) 25%
Credits:Game: GrimTrigger
Scripts: Blizzard, Ryex, ForeverZer0, Game_Guy, Aqua
Resources: RTP, various sites, large amount of personal edits.
***Special thank you to everyone who gives me feedback in the forums***
*Credit to Winkio for enhancing the game story description.