Closets in rpgxp

Started by AnimeGirl, December 14, 2012, 11:25:01 am

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Does anybody know how to have closets in rpgxp, Like where you can change cloths.


I don't have RMXP installed anymore, so I can't provide screenshots (or the exact name of the event codes to call), but I can give you the general gist.

This is a very simple event to do. You make an event activated by the action button without a graphic. You place this event on top of whatever  you want to be a dresser. And you give it the following event codes:

Show Choices (the one that shows 1-4 options in a dialog box)

Choice 1 (Black Dress)

Set actor graphic (choose whatever clothes you set this choice to be)

Choice 2 (Blue Dress)

Set actor graphic (choose whatever clothes you set this choice to be)

Choice 3 (Red Dress)

Set actor graphic (choose whatever clothes you set this choice to be)

Choice 4 (More options...)

Do another "show choices".

If you want an example of a game that does this, check out The Mirror Lied. In the main character's bedroom, you'll see a dresser that does this.