Quote from: KK20 on August 14, 2013, 10:31:11 pm
All events that "followed" you inside will be transferred to the same location. That's only 2 variables (x- and y-coordinate) that can be used for all the "following" events. When you leave the building, and the events are no longer following, each event will need to have its x- and y- values stored...so that's 2 variables needed per event. Now you just need to make the following conditional check: which coordinates do you use?
At the moment I tried doing it so I place every zombie event in a corner where it's not accessible then if switch is on, "zombie1" for example gets transferred at the start of the map so it can continue following you.
I also made it so the zombie gets it's coordinates stored after being moved to save me from having to use another switch for the updating.
To update them I made it so when you step on a transfer event to exit the map, "zombie1" gets it's x and y coordinates updated then when you enter the map again there's a parallel process with set event location "zombie1" with coordinates variable x and y that were stored earlier.
So every time you exit the map the values will be updated and when you enter the map again the event will be transferred on the last saved coordinates.
@Zexion I know I'm over thinking but that's who I am I try to make everything seem "realistic" sometimes too much that I end up stopping from continuing the project. (Somnium tough that had fault with xp engine not powerful enough to handle dynamic events well)
Since in alive you don't fight in my opinion this helps in adding a sense of danger in the maps not having every zombie go back to it's starting position when you exit the map.
Imagine you were running from a bunch of zombies in a town and managed to enter a house without them reaching you then on your way out the map loads and those zombies are still near the house waiting for their snack hehe
Slightly off topic but I'm still contemplating regarding their movement speed 2 is slow that even walking is faster, on the other hand, speed 3 seems too fast for my tastes. (Tough it makes you run for your life hehe)
Wish there was something in between.