[VXACE] All characters use the same MP pool (edit: sorted it out, disregard)

Started by fryingbear, August 13, 2013, 01:00:59 pm

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What I'm looking to do is have every character's magic attacks drain MP from a "communal" stock of MP that the whole party uses.

For the sake of keeping things simple, we'll assign the communal magic stock to Actor 001 in the database, so that the database's standard add / remove MP commands can manage it. The idea is that, upon entering combat, everyone gets to use their magic spells as per normal, but the MP is being drained from that of Actor 001 regardless of who's actually casting it. Once Actor 001's out of MP, nobody gets to cast anything until it's replenished. That's all; I don't need items to work differently or anything.

It doesn't sound too complicated to implement, I'm just not very experienced with RGSS. Any help would be lovely, thanks.

EDIT: I sorted this out; disregard.