Not to sound rude, but have you thought about how your thread sounds from other peoples point of view?
You're asking an awful lot, and not offering any compensation for it. Personally, in the professional world, myself and a couple coworkers at the office do similar work, and we charge clients a hefty amount; more than I think you could afford. I know it's obviously not something that you would want to pay alot of cash for, but this isn't so simple as a quick search of the internet, nor as easy as just whipping something up for you in a matter of 5 minutes.. I understand this is something you're asking for help with, but have you thought about possibly doing this yourself? Find a template/set similar to what you're looking for, and make the edits you want to it?
You have 88 tilesets listed... being generous, I calculate that as 5 hours each, times 100 per hour, and you're looking at a cost of 44,000.00 ~ This is what I mean by having someone take this upon themselves as a task would be very costly.