[RMXP]Kingdom Hearts Rebirth 2

Started by Kreiss, July 17, 2015, 11:29:23 pm

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July 17, 2015, 11:29:23 pm Last Edit: July 18, 2015, 06:12:55 pm by Kreiss

Kingdom Hearts Rebirth 2 is the sequel of the first episode released in 24 december 2012.

Logiciel : Rpg maker XP
Language : French
Screen size : 878*480
MB : 300+
Site officiel : Kingdom Hearts Rebirh 2
Recommanded system : - Intel Core 2 duo - 4go de RAM


The story takes place after the Master examination.

Following their adventures in the realm of Dreams, Kioku has succeeded to restore the sleeping worlds
and escape the sleepi domain.
Unfortunately, This success is based on the sacrifice of his friend, now abandoned in dreams.

After he obtained a crystal allowing to use the Keyblade, Kioku should go talk to Yen Sid.
He finally has a new power to awakened Kiryoku, Yensid given him
a different mission.
Darkness sows chaos among the worlds of light. The locks are unlocked by a unknown boy masked.
Dès lors, les Sans-Cœurs peuvent y entrer, therefore, Heartless can enter, and attack the peoples.

The Kioku's goal, is use his new Keyblade to close the locks and investigate
those events.

Torn between duty to defend the worlds and the desire to save his friend, Kioku can face
his responsibilities ?

Dive yourself in the ultimate chapter of the Rebirth saga !

Arm yourself with your Keyblade, and accompany Kioku during his new journey,
where he will discover the truth, and discovers himself ...


Kioku is the main character of the Kingdom Hearts Rebirth 2.
16 years old, he's naturally quiet and thoughtful, He can face the most perilous situations.

Long ago, he wielded a sword to fight alongside of his friend Kiryoku.
He became the disciple of Yensid.
Kioku can now combine strength and speed!


Unlike the first game, Kingdom Heart Rebirth 2 has now an exploratory phase.
In an open world, where you can interact with your environment.

The side quests are many and varied, they allow you get various loots.
Sometimes you will be forced to fight heartless, to make Kioku stronger.
The battle system has been completely revised, very dynamic, you're now free to customize your commands and skills.
The battles take place in real time, manage your techniques to defeat your opponents without problems.

Screenshots: ShowHide

Zeus81, Brikou, Delta, Keyvall, Meyvall, Garruk, RPGZexion, RitoJS, f0tz!baerchen, Chaosg1, NearFantastica, Darkleo, Kevin Gadd (Hiretsukan), Krazplay, Yeyinde, Stephane Roys, Rodriguez Manon, Kurofidy, Biward, Yoshi Uchiwa, Roxas, Ajisai,  GovanifY, Yoshi Uchiwa, Kirah,  Disney & Square enix.

And fans and those I forget.



*spoiled images*

Was wondering when I would see you post this here. The images and videos are very top notch. I've played a demo you showed Zexion--while I'm pretty terrible at the combat, it's super impressive that it's all evented.

BTW, aren't Zexion and RPGZexion the same person?

Other Projects
RPG Maker XP Ace  Upgrade RMXP to RMVXA performance!
XPA Tilemap  Tilemap rewrite with many features, including custom resolution!

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: 8310-1917-5318
Discord: KK20 Tyler#8901

Join the CP Discord Server!


Oops sorry for screens.

So you've played the very old demo, now the game is better !
Yes, RPGzexion and Zexion are the same person. x)


Then he shouldn't get twice the credit :V:
Keep RPGZexion, remove Zexion.

Other Projects
RPG Maker XP Ace  Upgrade RMXP to RMVXA performance!
XPA Tilemap  Tilemap rewrite with many features, including custom resolution!

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: 8310-1917-5318
Discord: KK20 Tyler#8901

Join the CP Discord Server!


July 18, 2015, 06:56:59 pm #4 Last Edit: July 18, 2015, 07:00:36 pm by Zexion
But im just that awesome...

Edit: Is it done :O I wanna play


Hi ! And happy new year !

Here is a new gameplay video !
It show you the new battle system. (All the project has been remade...)


If you a suggest, don't hesitate ! Enjoy !



Salut Kreiss, pourrais-tu me donner le lien pour télécharger KHR2 Premium Showcase parce que le lien actuel ne marche plus et si tu pourrais donner des nouvelle du jeu s'il te plais, en espérant qu'il ne soit pas mort ?


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Bonjour, @Avdol . Nous sommes un forum anglophone, alors essayez de publier en anglais (même si vous utilisez simplement Google Traduction).
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