Alright, I'm not gonna even bother posting a new topic to point out I'm yet again back from not being here for a significant amount of time. I really need to get better at things like actually logging in and whatnot..
Anyways, it's been an interesting few months. My other half and I live in our own place now (she and I both were previously living with parents, and this is a much more enjoyable arrangement), my car almost (literally) blew up, so I have a new car, and I started more seriously working on "web-stuff"; I started making a cloud storage-esque site for people to register, upload, and download files from (for anyone who wants to be a guinea pig, the site is and is hosted on my own server at home, so I can assure you it's about as secure as it's going to get). Other than that, I've been trying to get motivated to do more scripting, but it just hasn't happened; I think I will be lurking for a bit and eventually dust off the XPAce development project and work on that for a bit, and make a game with it. Seems as though there's been some progress by KK20 and others on the graphics side of things for that engine/project
Anyways, I'll try to actually stay here this time lolz