Is my monitor on its last leg?

Started by KK20, September 01, 2015, 04:36:26 pm

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I've looked up some number of posts regarding anything about a ViewSonic VX2250wm-LED (or any monitors in general) that constantly lose the input signal but regain it 4-5 seconds later. I took a look at the online manual (the monitor came with my computer) and there's nothing that mentions a couple of the issues I have now and had in the past. Also note that this problem happens randomly with various frequencies; sometimes it happens once and is good the rest of the day, other times it happens in rapid succession and makes the monitor useless.

A lot of people point to the fact that it might be the graphics card. I'm using two monitors for my setup, both of which are connected to the graphics card. One port has only a DVI output while the second has a DVI and VGA. Both monitors are using DVI (the other monitor uses a DVI-to-HDMI cable). These are things I've done that repeated the same problem:

  • Swapped the DVI output ports each monitor used

  • Got a different DVI cable from my family's computer

  • Tried using VGA instead

So my obvious conclusion is that it's not the graphics card (which I figured since this problem only affects one of the monitors). Don't think I have a warranty since I didn't buy it (remember that my computer was sold to me from a family friend who was giving away his old parts). Any other advice you might have for me would be appreciated before I consider buying a new monitor and/or breaking inside it to see what could be wrong.

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One of my laptop's display started acting funny and a few days later the thing died. The GPU was fine since it would still be able to start up. IDK what could be wrong with yours, but yeah, it seems that the monitor is dying, not the GPU.

If you decide to buy a new one, I can suggest Dell monitors. Everybody uses them. We have a few at the office and they're really good.
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Your monitor is definitely on it's last leg, sounds like a clock issue. your going to want to buy a new one very soon.
personally I'm not a fan of Dell but I can attest that their monitors do last a good while. You might also consider Asus monitors (my personal favorite), or Acer monitors (my second montor is Acer), just keep away form the ultra HD fad. the industry hasn't decided what do with itself yet and they are way over priced. if you spending that much money you might get a 1080P monitor with a good contrast ratio and display angle.
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