[VXA] Copyable buildings script

Started by Mason Wheeler, April 03, 2016, 03:24:06 pm

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Mason Wheeler

April 03, 2016, 03:24:06 pm Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 07:19:16 pm by KK20
Authors: Mason Wheeler
Version: 1.0
Type: Copyable buildings script
Key Term: Environment Add-on


This is a script I wrote up to make it possible to create dynamic maps by defining custom regions in one map and copying them to another.  The custom regions are known as "buildings", because the basic idea is to make a customizable town, base, or similar, although the script can of course be used for things other than buildings.

It lets you define maps that contain buildings, and define which regions make up each building, and then copy them to your game maps using scripting.  The copying process will include any events located within the defined region.


  • Create buildings on one map, then copy them dynamically to another

  • Copies events placed on the buildings

  • Built-in hook for registering copied events

  • New Game_Map#events_for_building_id method to conveniently find all events belonging to a certain building

  • RMX-OS compatible


None for the moment.


None for the moment


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# RPG Maker VX Ace Buildings System
# Author: Mason Wheeler
# Allows a map to contain custom map elements that can be copied from another map
# and placed dynamically.  These elements are known in this script as "buildings",
# though they may look like any sort of map element.
# The contents of this script are used with permission, subject to
# the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
# obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# Any map that contains buildings should be named "Buildings".  You can place as
# many buildings into the map as you want.  You define the coordinates for your
# buildings in the Notes section of the map.  Each line should begin with a
# name, a colon, then 4 numbers separated by commas, denoting the x, y, width,
# and height values of a Rect that encloses the building, like so:
# Custom House 1:0,0,16,20
# Every building should have a name that is unique throughout the entire project.
# (Duplicate names will throw an error during setup.)
# Copying a building will copy any Events within the rect, with a few
# restrictions.  Bear in mind that each copied Event is a *copy*, that will end
# up somewhere other than the original map.  Therefore, nothing in the Rvent's
# script should reference elements of the original map, including other events
# or map coordinates.  If your building contains a Transfer Player command to an
# indoor location which has a door leading back out, this will need to save the
# player's coordinates to variables for the return teleport to use.
# This script defines a global obect named $custom_buildings whose data property
# holds information about building locations.  To place buildings, call the
# add_building method on it.
# The method takes 5 arguments: (map, name, x, y, id).  The map value is the ID
# number of the map on which the building should be placed.  The name is a
# string, the name of the building.  It should match a building name as defined
# above.  Next are the X and Y coordinates on the destination map where the
# too-left corner of the building should begin.  The final value is a building
# ID, a custom tag that will be added to any Event copied with the building as
# its "building_id" property, which can be used in scripts to distinguish
# between two copies of the same original Event.  It should be unique within
# each map, and will raise an error if it is not.

# The building id value is also used in the remove_building method, to locate
# the buiding to be removed.
# $custom_buildings is scanned for buildings each time a map is setup.
# Therefore, changing the entry for a map while on that map will have no effect
# until the player leaves and returns to it or Buildings.map_refresh is called,
# which causes the map to reload itself.
# The Buildings.event_created(event) routine is provided as a convenient hook
# for other scripts to override.  Each time an event is copied as part of
# placing a building, this routine will be called, passing the new Game_Event
# object to it.
# This script can be used with RMX-OS.  It should be placed in the Materials
# section below the RMX-OS script, if applicable.

class Building_Data
  attr_reader :data
  attr_reader :events
  attr_reader :coords
  def initialize(data, events, coords)
      @data = data
      @events = events
      @coords = coords

class Scene_Title
  alias title_start start
  def start

class Game_Event
  attr_accessor :building_id
  attr_reader :event
  alias ge_initialize initialize
  def initialize(map_id, event)
    ge_initialize(map_id, event)
    building_id = -1

module DataManager
  class << self
    alias DM_save make_save_contents
    alias DM_load extract_save_contents
  # * Create Save Contents
  def self.make_save_contents
    contents = DM_save
    contents[:custom_buildings] = $custom_buildings
  # * Extract Save Contents
  def self.extract_save_contents(contents)
    $custom_buildings = contents[:custom_buildings]

module Buildings

  class Custom_Buildings
    attr_accessor :data
    def initialize
      @data = {}
    def add_building(map, name, x, y, id)
      mapdata = @data[map]
      if mapdata.nil?
        mapdata = {}
        @data[map] = mapdata
      raise "Duplicate ID #{id} on map # #{map}" if mapdata.has_key?(id)
      mapdata[id] = [name, x, y]
    def remove_building(map, id)
      mapdata = @data[map]
      unless mapdata.nil?
        @data.delete(map) if mapdata.empty?
  def self.setup_houses
    $houses = {}
    houses = $data_mapinfos.find_all{|id, map| map.name == "Buildings"}.map{|a| a[0]}
    houses.each do |id|
      mapinfo = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rvdata2", id))
      mapinfo.note.split('\n').each do |line|
        name, values = line.split(':')
        coords = values.split(',').map{|v| v.to_i}.to_a
        rect = Rect.new(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3])
        raise "Duplite building name #{name}" if $houses[name]
        $houses[name] = Building_Data.new(mapinfo.data, mapinfo.events, rect)
  def self._blit_house(map, house_id, left, top, building_id)
    house = $houses[house_id]
    data = house.data
    coords = house.coords
    coords.height.times do |y|
      y2 = y + top + coords.y
      coords.width.times do |x|
        x2 = x + left + coords.x
        4.times{|z| map.data[x2, y2, z] = data[x, y, z]}
    house.events.each do |i, event|
      if (event.x >= coords.x) && (event.x < coords.x + coords.width) && (event.y >= coords.y) && (event.y < coords.y + coords.height)
        _blit_house_event(map, i, event, left, top, building_id, coords)

  def self._blit_house_event(map, i, event, left, top, building_id, coords)
    event_id = map.events.size + 1
    newEvent = Game_Event.new(map.map_id, event)
    newEvent.moveto(event.x + left - coords.x, event.y + top - coords.y)
    newEvent.id = event_id
    newEvent.building_id = building_id
    map.events[event_id] = newEvent

  def self.map_refresh
    $game_player.center($game_player.x, $game_player.y)

  def self.event_created(event) #override this as needed

class Game_Map
  $custom_buildings = Buildings::Custom_Buildings.new
  alias gm_setup setup
  def setup(map_id)
    cust = $custom_buildings.data[map_id]
    if cust
      cust.each do |id, value|
        map, left, top = value
        Buildings._blit_house(self, map, left, top, id)

def this_event

if defined? RMXOS
  class Scene_Servers
    alias servers_setup setup_scene
    def setup_scene
  module RMXOS
    module Options
      SAVE_DATA[Buildings::Custom_Buildings] = ['@data']


Pretty straightforward, just see the documentation at the top of the script.


This script will work with RMX-OS (VXAce version).  Place it after the RMX-OS script, if applicable.

Credits and Thanks

(This is original work)

Author's Notes

Enjoy and report any bugs or suggestions here. :)


This is released under the MPL license, which essentially says that you may freely use this script with any project, including commercial projects.  However, if you modify this script, for example to fix bugs or add new features, you are required to publish your modified version under the same license.  (The rest of your project is not affected by this license, only the script itself.)


You need to follow all the guidelines to have this script be moved into the database.

At first I was confused what this script even did. You used the word "regions" which are actually those colored squares with numbers in them (press F7). I then see that all you're doing is copying tile IDs (and events) from one map to another with the use of a script call. Screenshots (or more preferably a demo) would be appreciated.

In its current state, this is helpful for games where there's an empty plot of land that the player can build a specific house on top of, something like rebuilding a destroyed town. As for things like making bases, I'd still prefer a system like in the Pokemon games which would require another script en-tandem with this. Other than that, I don't see what else you can do with this. You should state more ideas.

Also you mentioned it works with RMX-OS for VXA, but no such thing exists yet. You should probably remove that for now until you release that compatibility version (I'm not sure where your current progress is in that. If it's done and you're gonna post it in a couple days, no worries then).

Other Projects
RPG Maker XP Ace  Upgrade RMXP to RMVXA performance!
XPA Tilemap  Tilemap rewrite with many features, including custom resolution!

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: 8310-1917-5318
Discord: KK20 Tyler#8901

Join the CP Discord Server!

Mason Wheeler

Quote from: KK20 on April 03, 2016, 04:08:23 pm
You need to follow all the guidelines to have this script be moved into the database.

OK, where would I find them?  Searching on the scripts forum for "guidelines" turns up nothing.

At first I was confused what this script even did. You used the word "regions" which are actually those colored squares with numbers in them (press F7). I then see that all you're doing is copying tile IDs (and events) from one map to another with the use of a script call. Screenshots (or more preferably a demo) would be appreciated.

Yeah, not capital-R Regions.  It copies the contents of the map.

This is a WIP and I'm still working on a demo.  I'll have something to post soon enough.

In its current state, this is helpful for games where there's an empty plot of land that the player can build a specific house on top of, something like rebuilding a destroyed town. As for things like making bases, I'd still prefer a system like in the Pokemon games which would require another script en-tandem with this. Other than that, I don't see what else you can do with this. You should state more ideas.

I've never actually played the Pokemon games in question, but the idea here is that you can place premade elements in arbitrary places on a map.  (Actually working out what to place and where is a game-specific piece of logic left to the developer, of course.)

QuoteAlso you mentioned it works with RMX-OS for VXA, but no such thing exists yet. You should probably remove that for now until you release that compatibility version (I'm not sure where your current progress is in that. If it's done and you're gonna post it in a couple days, no worries then).

http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php/topic,15373.0.html  It's been posted here for a while now.


Should have said the template, but they are pretty much guidelines to get databased.

Pokemon reference: https://youtu.be/cQxITW6VO-A?t=33s

The VXA compatibility for RMX-OS is too obscure. For now, you should provide a link to that topic unless you plan on getting that databased as well.

Other Projects
RPG Maker XP Ace  Upgrade RMXP to RMVXA performance!
XPA Tilemap  Tilemap rewrite with many features, including custom resolution!

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: 8310-1917-5318
Discord: KK20 Tyler#8901

Join the CP Discord Server!

Mason Wheeler

Quote from: KK20 on April 03, 2016, 05:26:54 pm
Should have said the template, but they are pretty much guidelines to get databased.

Oh.  I didn't know that there was a formal template.  I just copied the basic format off another post.

Pokemon reference: https://youtu.be/cQxITW6VO-A?t=33s

Yeah, you should be able to build something like that with this.  Or build buildings for a sim, in the style of FarmVille or DragonVale.  Or set up a base like in a strategy game, or possibly even a tower defense game.  This script is intended as basic plumbing, and then you build the game logic on top of it.

The VXA compatibility for RMX-OS is too obscure. For now, you should provide a link to that topic unless you plan on getting that databased as well.



Other Projects
RPG Maker XP Ace  Upgrade RMXP to RMVXA performance!
XPA Tilemap  Tilemap rewrite with many features, including custom resolution!

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: 8310-1917-5318
Discord: KK20 Tyler#8901

Join the CP Discord Server!

Mason Wheeler

Thanks.  Edited to fit the template.


Fixed a couple things and moved.
Environment Add-on is more suitable than Misc System.

Other Projects
RPG Maker XP Ace  Upgrade RMXP to RMVXA performance!
XPA Tilemap  Tilemap rewrite with many features, including custom resolution!

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: 8310-1917-5318
Discord: KK20 Tyler#8901

Join the CP Discord Server!