Hello everyone!! I recently just discovered this site mainly because a kind person referred me here saying alot of talented scripters and programmers reside here!! (Though I'm sure they are eveywhere!)
firstly, I am actually very new to RPG maker, and in God's mercy, I was able to finish a complete game with RM2k3! I'm still learning alot when it comes to RPG maker, I'm currently working on an RMXP game this time, also eager to learn RMMV soon too!
I have no particular talent in graphics art, music, scripting and etc. but I can sprite a little xDD I guess!
RPG has always been a very wonderful gaming genre for me ever since I was a kid.. I've started out with the Final Fantasy series and the original Grandia.. I've enjoyed them all and which is why through RPG making, I can create a new fantasy world of my own!