[MV] ICF-Soft - Main Utility

Started by ICF-Soft, August 26, 2016, 01:18:25 pm

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August 26, 2016, 01:18:25 pm Last Edit: March 30, 2019, 01:06:00 pm by ICF-Soft
ICF-Soft Main Utility
Authors: ICF-Soft
Version: 1.05
Type: SDK Add-on
Key Term: Misc Add-on


This is a plugin with a lot of functionality making scripting easier.

There are some recurrent functions inside my plugins so it is made to englobe all I will need.
It's required for the mayority of my plugins.


  • Special json feature to edit/add data fields.

  • Special trait system allowing to add traits to non-trait data (skills and items), add actor/enemy traits ingame plus a subtraits system.

  • Special effects system allowing to add effecs to non-effect data (actors, classes, enemies...), plus a subeffects system.

  • Selfswitches/selfvariables system.

  • Battleswitches/battlevariables system.

  • Special eval system.

  • Extended features for some js built-in objects.


No screenshot required.


You con downolad from here.
You can find blog entry and check for updates here.


It uses notetags to add/alter data.
For plugin developers it's recommended to show how to use these tags inside your plugins.

Json master tag allow to alter data in a particular way. You can add new fields or edit out of field limits, it works in json notation, better than just meta-tags.

Use every line between open and close tags to edit a field, first field name followed by a two dots symbol, then one space and the code in json format.

gold: 50000000
hands_power: [50,100]
grade: 'F'

Traits master tag allow to add traits througth notebox.
Every line between open and close tags are three numbers separated by spaces. It is recomended to use the three numbers even if specified trait uses only two, next inline place can be used for comments.
You can use a name instead of first number (see readme for all names).

elem_rate 1 1.5
21 1 2
31 2 0 -Attack element

Subtraits master tag allow to add more trait setups for different uses like subclass traits, random enemy/item/equipment traits, alter states tiers and so on. It works like traits master but you dont't need to close tag every time you open a new subtrait setup.

elem_rate 1 1.5
11 2 0.5
31 2 0 -Fire attack element
elem_rate 1 1.5
11 2 2.1
31 3 0 -Cold attack element

Note: More than one plugin can use subtraits in same data for different purposes so you must provide a way to use specific blocks, something like "<MyAmacingPluginSubtraits first last>" can be usefull.

JSEval master tag allow to add javascript code that can be run when a condition is given or diverse pourposes. You can give single key, double key or more, and you don't need to close tag every time you open a new code.

if (this == subject) this.gainMp(-10);
v.setValue(10, v.value(10) + 2);

Some variables are passed and can be used inside code:

  • subject: the subject of the action.

  • item: the object used in the action. Can be an item or a skill.

  • isSkill: check if is an skill.

All info you will need is avaiable inside plugin help section and in readme file.


No compatibility issues yet.

Terms of use

  • Free for commercial and non-commercial games.

  • If commercial, a free copy of your game whould be fine.

  • Credit to ICF-Soft.

  • Any plugin that needs this to work must add a clausule to say that ICF-Soft must be included in credits page.

  • Do not repost without permision.


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Version 1.05 download.

  • Added more js functions.

Version 1.04 download.

  • Added external blocks for traits and effects.

  • Improved tags system.

  • Allow to filter selfswitches and variables.

Version 1.03 download.

  • Added tags system.

Version 1.02 download.

  • Extended battle and self switches and variables to all actors/enemies.

  • Added group effect system.

  • Improved trait system.

Version 1.01 download.

  • Added battle switches and variables

  • Added eval system

  • Added more js functions

Version 1.00 download.

  • Initial release.

Credits and Thanks

  • ICF-Soft

Author's Notes

This is a sdk plugin. I have in mind to add even more utilities.
You can ask me for configurations.
GBY :)
My blog (in spanish): https://icfsoft.blogspot.com/     My list of updated plugins Terms of Use   Itch.io profile

Voice change software Buy Try free
If you like my work you can support me in patreon: https://www.patreon.com/icfsoft


Update: Version 1.01

  • Added battle switches and variables.

  • Added eval system.

  • Added more js functions.

You can download it here.
GBY :)
My blog (in spanish): https://icfsoft.blogspot.com/     My list of updated plugins Terms of Use   Itch.io profile

Voice change software Buy Try free
If you like my work you can support me in patreon: https://www.patreon.com/icfsoft


Update: Version 1.02

  • Extended battle and self switches and variables to all actors/enemies.

  • Added group effect system.

  • Improved trait system.

You can download it here.
GBY :)
My blog (in spanish): https://icfsoft.blogspot.com/     My list of updated plugins Terms of Use   Itch.io profile

Voice change software Buy Try free
If you like my work you can support me in patreon: https://www.patreon.com/icfsoft


Update: Version 1.03

  • Added tags system.

You can download it here.
GBY :)
My blog (in spanish): https://icfsoft.blogspot.com/     My list of updated plugins Terms of Use   Itch.io profile

Voice change software Buy Try free
If you like my work you can support me in patreon: https://www.patreon.com/icfsoft


Update: Version 1.04

  • Added external blocks for traits and effects.

  • Improved tags system.

  • Allow to filter selfswitches and variables.

You can download it here.
GBY :)
My blog (in spanish): https://icfsoft.blogspot.com/     My list of updated plugins Terms of Use   Itch.io profile

Voice change software Buy Try free
If you like my work you can support me in patreon: https://www.patreon.com/icfsoft


Update: Version 1.05

  • Added more js functions.

You can download it here.
GBY :)
My blog (in spanish): https://icfsoft.blogspot.com/     My list of updated plugins Terms of Use   Itch.io profile

Voice change software Buy Try free
If you like my work you can support me in patreon: https://www.patreon.com/icfsoft