ICF-Soft Enemy Troops Extension
Authors: ICF-Soft
Version: 1.01b
Type: Enemy Add-on
Key Term: Enemy Add-on
IntroductionThis plugin allows more conditions to battle events, add encounter conditions and to concatenate troops.
This is similar to
ICF-Soft Event Extension, made to work with troops. I've decided to separate this because of the diferences between these so I can give different features each one.
It uses switches and variables that can be needed inside a battle, like game ones, actor and party ones, battle ones, and enemy and troop ones.
- A lot of switch types and all you will need.
- A lot of variable types and all you will need.
- Custom javascript conditions.
- A lot of encounter conditions.
- Add enemies from other troops.
ScreenshotsNo screenshot required.
DownloadYou con downolad from
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InstructionsIt needs
ICF-Soft Main Utility version 1.01 to work.
To enable a page you must give it a condition, then add every extra condition to a page with a comment or note, same format as plugin commands:
switch x x x x x x
battleswitch x x x x x
troopswitch x x
partyswitch x x x
partybattleswitch x x x
- Add specified game, battle, troop or party switch to conditions. You can place all same-type switchs you need in same line.
[prefix]variable x value
[prefix]variablehigh x value
[prefix]variableless x value
[prefix]variablemax x value
[prefix]variableequal x value
[prefix]variabledif x value
- Add a variable condition. There are six types: min value, higher than, lower than, max value, equal and not equal. Optionaly you can add a prefix to use battle, troop, party and partybattle variables this way:
battlevariable x value
troopvariable x value [min/max/avg]
partybattlevariable x value [min/max/avg]
- Party and troop variables can have an extra parameter. If omited it will check sum of members specified variables.
-min: check minimun of members specified variables.
-max: check maximun of members specified variables.
-avg: check average value of members specified variables.
To add encounter conditions you can use these other comments:
encounterswitch x x x
encounteroffswitch x x
encountermapswitch x x x x
encounterpartyswitch x x x
- Add specified game, map or party switch to conditions. You can also add game switchs that must be off. You can place all same-type switchs you need in same line.
encounter[opt]variable x value
encounter[opt]variablehigh x value
encounter[opt]variableless x value
encounter[opt]variablemax x value
encounter[opt]variableequal x value
encounter[opt]variabledif x value
- Add a variable condition. There are six types: min value, higher than, lower than, max value, equal and not equal. Optionaly you can add an opt value to use map and party variables this way:
encountermapvariable x value
encounterpartybattlevariable x value [min/max/avg]
- Party variables can have an extra parameter. If omited it will check sum of members specified variables.
-min: check minimun of members specified variables.
-max: check maximun of members specified variables.
-avg: check average value of members specified variables.
Also you can add enemies from another troop id by adding a comment no mather wich page.
concatenate x x x x
concatenate x to y
All info you will need is in help section.
CompatibilityIt's incompatible with plugins that fully override troop setup.
For non-full override troop setup plugins it must be placed before them or otherwise their setup will be ignored.
Terms of useFree for commercial and non-commercial games.
If commercial, a free copy of your game whould be fine.
Credit to ICF-Soft.
Do not repost without permision.
Credits and Thanks