Hi there forum!
Newbie to RPG maker here, decided to start from RMXP for my own personal reason to understand basics, RGSS1 and scripting. This as I would like to start RPG design as a full time hobby, I have a lot of spare time as this moment of life and need to fill the void of college, so this new RPGMaker obsession has been great.
So well, a great guy named Heretic86 told me to come here to seek more RMXP users, as my intention is to get to make my own scripts, start from basic and see where it takes me. As I would like to take this seriously and maybe publish my very own branded games in the future, so for possible commercial aspirations all scripts must be original work.
Right now this would be like my third week of actual usage of the tool. Been progressing really slow, but so far I have been able to figure my way around things, as I have planned to keep my first game real for a newbie, so I can actually finish it, and not just drop it.
So thanks for passing by! and Im very curious to learn, share oppinions all that, Im spending a lot of time on the computer these days so if you need anything let me know, maybe I can be of help in some way!