Hi there guys!
Update-2 Resolved thanks!
Update-1 Thanks to KK20 now I have a better way to explain myself on this request, so here is the updated request:
I'm looking for a way to disable the"exp" value, so for it not to work at all, not show on screen, or after battle. Also make the exp value not be asociated with leveling up. Basically take the basic leveling up system from the game. That still being my request number 1.
Now this would be my updated request: Since there will be no Exp value, I would like to have like a "watch" system, so its like using an "invisible" value lets say all monsters drop an approximate of 10 of these points instead of exp after battle and, associate this poitns with a common event that will reset certain switches every like 60 points, in other words every 6 battles something will happen, and the character might say somthing like "some time has passed , gotta check around for supplies". This will indicate you have reached
To explain myself further here so you can have an idea of what Im trying here, the idea is to have a system in which by calling events, most items will give you an increase of a certain status by a certain amount (max HPup, max SPup etc ), thus leveling up as there will be no actual exp system.
So this "new value" given by monsters will be the grind status of the game, as you know you need to beat a certain amount of battles in order to look again for items on chests and such. The idea is to make the game a bit of survival and scavenger.
Do I make sense? Im trying to innovate here lol, so let me know. :^_^\':
By now the goal of the mechanic is to work mostly on calling common events by items, but I still ignore how would it take to "disable" the exp by editting the script, and also how to make monsters give out an invisible value to trigger common events. Also Im venturing myself into taking a look at the original scripting of the game and have succesfully managed to edit a few stuff by myself without crashing the game, so Im more than receptive to any explanation rather than a mere "do it for me request", either way I will be very thankfull!