Rave Heart

Started by Starmage, February 08, 2018, 07:06:39 am

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February 08, 2018, 07:06:39 am Last Edit: May 30, 2024, 11:36:48 am by Starmage

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It is the year 212 AXW: the Great War that ravaged the galaxy of Xerxes has given way to contentious peace. One of the legendary heroes of the war, Arcturo Rave, now presides over Xerxes as the High King. His influence, though considerable, is barely containing a galaxy divided.

Much of the conflict stems from two age-old adversaries: the humanoid Errans of House Rave in Sector 4, and the lizard-like Draconians in Sector 1. To defuse the tension, Draconian Count Vorakia Estuuban wishes to merge two of the most influential houses from Sector 1 and Sector 4 through the marriage of Princess Ellemine Rave (daughter of the High King) and Prince Chad Zephyr (son of Lord Falric Zephyr). The High King approves of this union between the Errans of House Rave in Sector 4 and the Humans of House Zephyr in Sector 1. However, the Count may have an agenda of his own for this marriage, and may not have the best interest of the galaxy in mind. Could House Zephyr simply be a puppet of the Draconian Count in this union?

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Klein Cryoz, the personal bodyguard of Princess Ellemine Rave, finds himself caught up in a twist of unfavorable events. Journey into the galaxy of Xerxes and enter Klein's life, as he finds himself caught up in a galactic feud. Along the way, the fragments of his long-forgotten dark past surface, piece by piece. Will he be able to do his duty, withstand the pressure of a brewing war, all the while having his past haunt him?

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Humans are an ever-evolving species. For a race that started from primitive humans with apelike features, they have now drastically evolved. It was a great wonder throughout all of Xerxes that the Humans were able to evolve themselves over the years. They now have symmetrical bodily proportions with great features. The Humans' intellectual capacity has improved over the years as well. Now, only time will tell what the Humans are going to be like in the far future.

Errans are the inhabitants of Sector 4. They have humanoid features and are identified for their hair-color with hues that range from sapphire blue to emerald green. Erran's source of food is the natural vegetation of Erra and Orion. Some Errans are born with psychic powers. They are called "Ciphers". Some Errans on the other hand aren't born with psychic powers. Non-cipher Errans are given the opportunity to study at the Granian Research Facility of Sector 2 or to join the Erran Vanguard. This happens when they reach 25. In Erran tradition, it is said that the rightful heir to the throne must always be a child born as a Cipher. If a King's first born is not a Cipher, but his second is, then the second child shall be chosen, regardless of age and gender. Erran Royalty is also very strict at keeping their royal children's identity a secret from the Galaxy. This is only until they are engaged and married.

The Draconians have reptilian features. They have hard scales and strong bodies. Their kin are very competitive when it comes to power and authority. They have access to the most advanced technologies up to date, thanks to the help of the Grays at the Granian Research Facility in Sector 2. It was rumored that the Draconians eat human babies as food, but was long debunked by Count Vorakia Estuuban himself. The count specifically mentioned that they would never betray their own people, Draconians and Humans alike. What is known for now is that the Draconians only eat raw animal meat for food.

Granians (Grays)
Granians are extremely telepathic beings. They communicate with others using their minds. They are also very intellectual. It has been a mystery that they are able to work together in perfect unison for their advancements. Granians work with one mind and are able to achieve much technological advancement. They have skins with hues ranging from pale white to gray. They have huge oval shaped eyes and their bodies are small and frail.

Gulanians (Greens)
The Gulanians, unlike the Granians, are not telepathic beings. They speak with their tongues like most beings in the Galaxy do. They are more focused on excavations, archeology and manual labor. This makes them the perfect partner for the Granians. Gulanians have the same physical features as the Granians with their small, frail bodies and huge oval shaped eyes. The only difference is that their skin is green.

Kunians are humanoid beings with cat-like features. They have very agile bodies and strong senses. The Kunians are rich in culture and are very spiritual beings. The Kunians are the only ones preserving the practice of "Calline" in all of Sector 3. Calline is a tradition among the Kuni where an individual reaching the age of 20 is given the chance to take a soul-searching journey alone around the galaxy and bring honor to their kind.

The Farians are humanoid beings that are identified for their purple skin and hair color that have hues ranging from purple to pink. Most Farians are involved with occultism and witchcraft. They are infamous for the usage of hexes, curses and charms that are driven by criminal intentions. Still, not all Farians are involved with criminal intentions. The occult practices, however, have long been a cultural stigma on their species. Many Farians work underground in Kardel to create devastating hexes and curses with malicious purposes.

The Somaki is an enigmatic race with unknown origins; they're usually seen wearing suits of armor that cover their faces. Their purpose in this sector is unknown. Their body-shape is humanoid in nature and is really muscular. They are usually found lurking in underground areas of the planets in Sector 3. Though there hasn't been any news of the Somaki causing trouble as of late, still, the people of Sector 3 are very cautious of their presence.

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Name: Klein Cryoz
Age: 20
Race: Erran
Zodiac: Scorpio
- The Main Protagonist of the story. Klein is a Cipher, 20 years of age. He has left behind his dark past when the High King of Xerxes took him in as part of the Cipher's Kinetic Association (CKA) of House Rave and assigned him as the Princess' personal body-guard. He is calm, deep and stoic.

Name: Ellemine Rave
Age: 21
Race: Erran
Zodiac: Virgo
- Princess of House Rave and daughter of the High King. Ellemine is an empath who has suffered greatly because of her powers. She is able to absorb the feelings of everyone around her, be it, joy, pain, sorrow and anger. All of these have made her life difficult and have left her feeling overwhelmed for so many times already. Ellemine, Instead of her non-cipher elder brother, Prince Eryn Rave,  was chosen as heir to House Rave, for, In Erran tradition, the Royal child who possesses psychic powers must always be the chosen heir, despite of their age and gender. She is very close to her mother, Queen Lumina Rave. Ellemine is humble and meek, but wise and strong.

Name: Chad Zephyr
Age: 19
Race: Human
Zodiac: Pisces
- Prince of House Zephyr and son of the well renowned couple of Sector 1, Lord Falric and Lady Marselva Zephyr. As a college freshman and a popular athlete, life has been going well for him, until he was taken off guard by his parents' decision to get him engaged with an Erran Princess. Chad wasn't really into any kinds of relationship during the time, however, when he met Princess Ellemine for the first time, his heart strings were plucked as an invisible cord of emotional and spiritual connection has formed between the two of them. Chad has been professionally trained in sword-fighting since childhood; this makes him an excellent fighter. He's charismatic, athletic and laid-back.

Name: Sola Brightling
Age: 20
Race: Kunian
Zodiac: Sagittarius
- A teen who is currently on her "Calline". Calline is a practice among the Kuni where an individual reaching the age of 20 is sent out on a journey around the Galaxy to find him/herself, creating his/her destiny and bringing honor to their people. This journey usually awakens fear and anxiety on a Kunian, but Sola was very excited for this journey. As the adoptive child of Lady Tajuma Hulei, governor of Sector 3, she was always expected to be as reserved and well-behaved as they wanted her to be. Now, the Calline is the only thing that can free her adventurous spirit. She's childish but very cunning.

Name: Veronica Wale
Age: 27
Race: Farian
Zodiac: Capricorn
- Owner of "Wale's Resto Bar" located in planet Kardel, Sector 3. Veronica lives up to the Farian stereotype of being heavily involved in black magic such as hexes and curses. Veronica is notorious for using spells to enhance her charms and allure on her costumers, making them come back to her resto bar again and again. Veronica's life changed directions when the leader of the "Star Raiders" fell in love with her. The leader of this pirate group wishes to kidnap her and force her into marrying him. She's very charming, witty and humorous.

Name: Zazir S-89
Age: 8
Race: Half Draconian and Gray
Zodiac: Gemini
- Zazir is the 89th Hybrid experiment of the Niredian Scientists in Sector 1. He is a mixture of both Draconian and Gray DNA. Zazir was left to rot in the barren planet of Jargon in Sector 2, for, he was deemed a failed experiment by the Niredian scientists. Zazir, however, is not exactly a failure himself. He possesses the strong physical capabilities of a Draconian and the telepathic powers of a Gray. He was saved from this predicament when he met Klein and Ellemine. Zazir is naïve and curious, but brave and loyal.

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Rave Heart Tvtropes page by Bugfragged:



- Rich background story and varieties of alien planets to explore.
- A Cast of colorful characters who each have their own interesting background stories.
- Side-quests and Optional bosses.
- Discover different extraterrestrial races and their cultures.
- Emotionally involving story-line with interesting twists.
- Immersive Sci-fi setting.
- Animated Side-view Battle System.

Rave Heart Goodies:
BerryB's very cute artwork for Ellemine, made in his wonderful artstyle!! ^_^ :)
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BerryB's adorable 3rd-anniversary artwork for Rave Heart featuring Zazir and Sola:
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Vanessa's awesome cover art that I commissioned to her for Rave Heart's steam store page (You can avail her services here):
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Leonardo A.I. generated art for Rave Heart cast in casual setting Wallpaper, photoshopped + put together by me! (You can get full original huge image here )
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- SmashArtist's cute and pretty sprite for Ellemine:
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- hiddenone's really adorable and fun looking art for Chad:
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- Finnuval's really awesome and detailed art for Klein, Ellemine, and Chad:
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- rechronicle's really awesome and dramatic art for Ellemine:
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- dreamfall887 's very cute and beautiful Disney Princess art for Ellemine, which was done via Azaleadolls feature:
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Let's play and Reviews for the Official Steam Release version 2020:
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- Hard Reset's wonderful and detailed review for Rave Heart

- Drifty and Tea's Fun-filled First Impressions video 2020

- HollowNostalgia's stream Let's play for Rave Heart steam version on Twitch:

- Hard Reset's stream Let's play for Rave Heart steam version on Twitch:


February 16, 2018, 01:25:15 am #1 Last Edit: March 02, 2018, 02:07:13 pm by Starmage

Hello guys! You may now download the new version of the demo which includes the following changes:

- New battle system: Battle Symphony + CATB by Yami and Battle engine by Yanfly (Good bye, Tankentai SBS :( )
Reasons: While the tankentai sbs of the demo combined the Mog-hunter's atb looked really amazing (to me, at least), it has lots of incompatibility issues that is just too much of a risk in making the game buggy and crash-y. So I had to let it go, even if it hurts. :( But, thankfully, there were talented scripters that I found who have created wonderful battle systems that are able to duplicate the side-view active time battle system that I wanted for the game. They may be simple, but they're very clean and there was a bug fix patch released for the system that is done by DoubleX. So I'll stick with this for now, and hopefully, there won't be any more serious incompatibility issues. :)

- New simpler and cleaner menu as well as some smooth improvements from "Maker Systems".

- Enhanced game camera work from "Maker Systems" for a smoother and immersive experience when exploring the galaxy of Xerxes.

- A few dialogue changes that includes rephrasings and typo fixes.

- Battle system now shows enemy's atb gauge.

- The ATB is no longer real-time, which means that you may now take your time selecting your decisions in battle without the risk of the enemy wrecking havoc on you.

- Intro scroll sequences have been made a lot faster to avoid unnecessary delays.

And that's all of the changes for this version of the demo. (As far as I can remember.)


Hi everyone! I just updated the texts of the game's title screen and logo! ^_^ credits to: cooltext.com

Here is the new titlescreen for the next update. xD


February 28, 2018, 07:50:27 am #3 Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 01:16:19 pm by Starmage
Hello guys!! I've started learning spriting and will create some animated battler sprites for the characters of Rave Heart. ^_^

I'll have an updated demo soon where characters will no longer be using their walking sprite during battles. :)

Here's what I have so far:

If you wish to give some feedback or discuss the sprites, just leave a comment. ;)


March 02, 2018, 10:52:09 am #4 Last Edit: March 11, 2018, 09:45:37 am by Starmage
Hi guys! I am pleased to announce quite a huge update for the demo of Rave Heart, which you may now download and enjoy. :)


Version 2.0 Changes:

- Animated battlers for each playable characters are now implemented and ready for use in the demo. (During my journey in learning how to sprite, I have come to a conclusion: It's sooo stressful, but very fun to do.)

- Game is now played in High resolution (640x480), this should now remove the dark borders around the screen when playing on larger maps. (See? It is a huge update. xD)

- New and improved High res title screen.

- New game text logo implemented in the game.

- All battle-backgrounds and pictures have been adjusted to run in High res.

I hope you guys enjoy! Feel free to leave some feedback and suggestions. ;)


Hi guys!! Nikorasu just made a fun-filled let's play + review for Rave Heart! ^_^ I really enjoyed his play through for Rave Heart and I suggest that you guys subscribe to his channel and check out more of his RPG maker game reviews. :) They're very helpful. ^_^



Hi guys!! I just wish to share some of my progress for the development of Rave Heart right now. :)

First off, the town of Dorine from Planet Kardel:

(Don't mind the door-less buildings, it's still a WIP)
Klein and friends sets foot in this planet where crime is the norm, wish them luck in this dangerous escapade. xD

Manu options by Yanfly!

It is an additional feature that I should've used since the very start. xD But here it is! :)

Enemy health bars by Yanfly!

Another feature that I should've used since the very start. xD This will certainly help players calculate and invest the right damage on specific types of enemnies.

That's all guys! Hope you like it. ^_^


Hello guys!! I just wish to share a very detailed and helpful first impressions done by Driftwood Gaming!! ^__^ I really enjoyed it and they were very helpful in pointing out the issues of the game that needs to be addressed. xDD Also, you'll be chuckling a lot in this video, as their beautiful voice-acting will leave you in awe. xDD :D Enjoy! ^_^



March 11, 2018, 09:45:15 am #8 Last Edit: April 02, 2018, 02:48:14 pm by Starmage
Hello everyone!! You may now download the new demo for Rave Heart, version 2.5! ^_^

Changes are as follows:

- Added Options command (System) on the main menu that allows players to adjust the volume of BGM, SE and BGS as well an auto-dash on/off option.

- New animations has been implemeted to all skills, attacks and items.

- Black-screen time during cutscenes has been reduced.

- New icons for items such as the First Aid kit.

- Enemies now show their health bar during battle.

- Fixed a few found grammatical errors and typos. Some sentences have been reconstructed as well.

- New music has been implemented on the test chambers of City-lab.

- Encounter Rate at the dungeons has been reduced.

- Fixed some tile issues.

Enjoy!! Feedback and suggestions are always welcome. :)


Hi guys! Here's a test video for the custom battle animations I've implemented for many of the characters' spells and skills. :) I hope you like 'em. ^_^



Hello all!! I just wish to share the latest LP+Reviews done by these awesome LPers and video reviewers! They're for Rave Heart's demo version 2.5! ^_^ With some very helpful feedback and fun playthrough to show! XD

Nikorasu's Let's Play+Video Review for the demo 2.5:

NeoSoulGamer's Let's Play+Video Review for the demo 2.5:

chibievil's Let's Play+Video Review for the demo 2.5:

I hope you guys enjoy! ^_^


Hi guys!!! I have now started creating my very own website for my RPG Maker games with wix.com! ^__^


You may visit it now! ^_^ (I had reports that there were problems viewing the site using mobile x( )

Hope you enjoy! :)


April 02, 2018, 02:47:22 pm #12 Last Edit: April 26, 2018, 11:45:10 pm by Starmage
Hello guys!! Demo version 3.0 is now up!! ^_^

Here are the changes so far:

- New Intro Scene - A whole tutorial sequence that involves Bryan and Klein, fighting their way to capturing a Farian fugitive. Reasons: This is to add some action and hype at the very start of the game. Since the game is story-driven, I believe that starting out with some gameplay would be a nice touch.

- New skill and item icons

- New skill animations added

- Implemented an arrow pointer as guide for story progression

- Slight adjustments to the battle HUD (ATB bar is now at the lowest section)

- Typo fixes

- Dialogues now uses a different font

That would be all guys!! Thank you so much and I hope that you'll enjoy! ^_^


Hello Everyone! ^_^ Here's a newb photoshop art I did for both Ellemine and Chad for my game Rave Heart. :) This is like, my first time trying out my hand at photoshop drawings as my way to cope with my recent streak of depressing happenings. :( X( Anyway, this scene is supposed to capture Ellemine and Chad's getting to know moment during the engagement party in the game. xD :D Hope you guys like it. ^_^


Looks nice :b If you want to take your line art up a level, try the polygonal lasso tool for lines. If you prefer using a brush for now, try a harder brush. Something like this:


Hi Zexion! Oh wow! I have never thought about that! ^_^ Thank you so much and I'll keep your advise in mind! ^_^ :)


April 26, 2018, 11:44:49 pm #16 Last Edit: May 15, 2018, 09:14:46 am by Starmage
Hello everyone!! Version 4.0 is here!! :) It has tons of new content (story-wise) and a few updates and improvements from the previous versions! I have all the reviewers and LPers to thank for the improvements of the game! ^_^


- Intro Maps have been updated.

- Shuttle sprites have been updated (Huge thanks to SmashArt for providing a cool shuttle sprite for the game).

- Menu sound effects have been updated.

- More story content (1 hour extension from the previous demos).

- Astral boosts' sprites have been changed.

- A few tile-set bug fixes.

- Added some cool lighting effects on many of the maps.


Hello everyone!! I just wish to share BerryB 's very wonderfully cute artwork for Ellemine!! ^_^ :)

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May 15, 2018, 09:14:11 am #18 Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 01:55:28 pm by Starmage
Hi guys!! Here's another update on the demo for Rave Heart!


- Most arena enemies have been dramatically nerfed.

- Fixed some more tile-set bugs that I missed at some comfort rooms.

- Fixed a bug where the shuttle will sometimes appear as a car in one of the maps in the demo.

- Fixed an unpassable tile found at Dorado.

- A few more story continuation from previous version.

Also, some screeny for you guys:

Poor Veronica, forced to marry the crazy Star-Raiders' leader. Veronica has no say in this cause she was intentionally muted. xD (And yes, that's a wedding in a dance club.)


Currently working on the Kunian Planet: Vismel's wildlife!! XD :) Hopefully Chad can keep up with their culture in this planet xDD

Stay tuned, as demo version 5.0 is coming soon! ;) It will have a huge overhaul for the prologue's writing, as well as many significant changes, and more story content! ^_^