ICF-Soft Skill Core
Authors: ICF-Soft
Version: 1.00
Type: Skill Add-on
Key Term: Custom Skill System
IntroductionThis plugin allows to give skill costs, conditions and variations to skills.
- Custom skill conditions
- Custom skill costs
- Skill variations
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InstructionsIt needs
ICF-Soft Main Utility to work.
Like other plugins it works with notetags.
There are current skill notetags:
<hp cost value value%>
<mp cost value value%>
<tp cost value value%>
- Add skill costs. You can give a fixed cost, a percentage cost or both.
<cparam cost value value%>
- Add skill cparam cost. You can use the name of cparam.
To give skill conditions you can use these notetags:
<custom conditions>
</custom conditions>
You can use these commands inside tags.
hp [=|!=|>|>=|<|<=] value [percent]
mp [=|!=|>|>=|<|<=] value [percent]
tp [=|!=|>|>=|<|<=] value [percent]
cparam [=|!=|>|>=|<|<=] value [percent]
- Add hp, mp, tp and cparam value requisites. It can be equal, not equal greater than, greater or equal, lower and lower or equal a value. By placing the word 'percent' or a percent symbol it can be a percentage.
- Add switch condition to be on or off.
variable n [=|!=|>|>=|<|<=] value
- Add variable condition that can be equal, not equal greater than, greater or equal, lower and lower or equal a value.
- Add a custom javascript condition.
To give skill variations you can use these notetags:
<skill variation name>
</skill variation>
Name is used to determine what variation is used. You can give same variation names to different skills.
You can use these commands inside tags.
hp cost x y%
mp cost x y%
tp cost x y%
cparam cost x y%
- Changes the cost of a skill.
hp [damage|recover|drain]
mp [damage|recover|drain]
cparam [damage|recover|drain]
- Changes damage type.
- Changes icon.
elements elm elm elm
elements override elm elm elm
- Adds damage elements to skill. By using 'override' the standard damage elements that a skill has will be overriden.
- Changes skill name.
- Changes eval formula.
- Add subeffect sets taken from main utility notation. You can add multiple sets. Refer to main utility readme file.
There are also notetags for actors, classes and enemies:
<skill variation names name name name name>
- Adds variation names to be used. The order when picking a variation name is from left to right, first for actor/enemy, then for it's class. It can work with plugins that give classes to enemies.
All info you'll need can be found inside help section.
CompatibilityNo compatibility issues yet.
Terms of useFree for commercial and non-commercial games.
If commercial, a free copy of your game whould be fine.
Credit to ICF-Soft.
Do not repost without permision.
Credits and Thanks