MCES - Error when Saving

Started by Barabian, December 01, 2021, 06:13:01 am

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December 01, 2021, 06:13:01 am Last Edit: December 03, 2021, 02:28:06 am by KK20
Split topic from XPA - KK20

I have a compatibility problem with the Nathmatt MCES script. The error occurs while saving the game: no marshall_dump is defined for class MCES::Msg_Sprite. I don't know what to do with it.

MCES link


Did you confirm this isn't a problem in XP? Are you using other scripts that affect save data? I'll take a look later today.

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Yes i am sure. I checked on a clean project, only XPA + Mouse Controller by Blizzard v2.3 + MCES v1.74


I am unable to reproduce the issue in both XP and XPA. Send me your Scripts.rxdata file.

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Issue is caused by Game_Event having an instance variable containing a Sprite object. This Sprite is only created when the \msg[Name] command is used in MCES.

Overall, the script is poorly designed and should be rewritten. I managed to at least remove the instance variable from Game_Event and have Sprite_Character be solely responsible for it, as it should.

For whatever reason, CP screams at me for a hacking attempt when posting the script, so pastebin link it is...

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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: 8310-1917-5318
Discord: KK20 Tyler#8901

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