
Started by Vell, August 21, 2008, 12:22:22 am

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Paeol is the story of one adventurer prepared for many things. here is the short tale of his excursion into a not-so-adventurer-friendly place.



Hello, my name is Paeol. I make a living by going into dangerous dungeons, gathering treasure, and coming out alive.

Anyway, I was doing my job one merry day. Some stupid lass lost her kitten deep in a dungeon of ever changing labyrinths. You know lasses these days, always losing kittens in dangerous places on innocent little explorings into scary places. It certainly doesn't make you wonder why a parent would allow their child into the Dooming Flora Forest.

But anyway, enough about young lasses and their kittens, it was an excuse into Dooming Flora, and as every able-bodied adventurer strong enough to survive the toxic poisonings of the Dooming Flora on the first floor, there are unexplained staircases that lead upwards, sometimes downwards, into unseen 'floors' of the Forest. Like all Forest and Single Floor Housings that have become infested with monsters of varying kinds.

Anyway, I carried my very difficult to obtain Adventurer Paeol's Mace of Wonder(self made by me for me) fashioned out of a Sub-Medusa's head. Sub-Medusa's... not so tough. They share the same things that make Medusa so horrificly scary, but their stonings tend to last, oh, ten seconds or so. Plenty of time, mind you, for them to prepare to quickly snap your head off, but also gives plenty of time for me to break the stone of a victim, shattering that part from the body, killing the creature the moment they become unstoned.

I also have a sub-Medusa head set to perpetually stone my wife, to keep her age frozen in the midst of her beauty till I have use of her.  So I'd set foot inside old Dooming Flora, and came upon the most wonderful looking Krillkur Flower. Krillkur's have a nasty tendency to release a poison so deadly it could kill a rampaging boar instantly. Lucky for me I have an anti-poison talisman right around my delicate human neck. I plucked the flower for use in a poison I could pawn off to some noble for thousands of riches.

So I spent my time looking around the first floor of the beautiful, wonderously eye candyish, poisonous Dooming Flora Forest, and noticed this 'dungeon' would have me head downwards inexplicably. And that's where my whole life went sour. I tripped on the second to last step, and as I crashed to floor, my anti poison talisman flew off my neck, and before I could reflexively reach out to grab it - the mere touch would be enough to protect me - the Krillkur I held had me dead in an instant.

I managed to get a last pitiful laugh out, damned lass would never get her kitten back. I hadn't the heard before to tell her the fool thing would have died mere moments after she'd left - though she herself should have been dead mere moments after entering, but then, I figured, to hell with heart, and I screamed the young lass's name into the heavens above, informing any random passerby that Sally Mcfizzerwats's cat was dead in Dooming Flora Forest.