The War with Gods - By Sean Mahana

Started by Lost_Hope, February 22, 2008, 10:50:59 am

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February 22, 2008, 10:50:59 am Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 10:52:49 am by Lost_Hope
well I've been writing a novel and i wanted everyone here to get a sneak peak of the book by reading (what I have of) the prologue...well here it is...

                                 The War with Gods
                      By Sean Mahana


              0500 Hours, June 25, 2367 (Military Calander) /
                 Omega Nebula VI System, on board the Blue Moon

      The Blue Moon slowed from light speed and came to a complete halt. The vast B-180 Warship came to a complete stop and soon the crew began to open the SUPER CLASSIFIED orders from the United Federation of Star Systems, or UFSS. The orders were to intercept and destroy the cargo being shipped from Omega Nebula VI, a star system in the Milky Way. The cargo was to be aboard a cloaked cruiser headed to Arbaron in the Malicious system. The shipment had classified information on the newest weapon research in the UFSS.
   The captain of the ship, Captain Nathan Brown, was very cautious with being cloaked in enemy territory with very little space to actually maneuver his ship. The crew was anxious for battle, but they also feared it. Their enemy was a super race of beings nicknamed 'The Gods'. The project dealt with a six year-old boy found on the planet Kollektiv. The boy was discovered to have a different genetic code, one that allowed him to be faster and stronger than the average person. The project was classified but soon came to light once the project was noticed by the UFSS. They were a super class of warriors that was given the DNA code of the boy they found. The project was meant to create a super-human warrior race that could drive back any enemy from battle, but in the end their project turned on them. As the new warriors fought through the defense system, they successfully were able to board a warship and flee from the star system. Years later, they had begun to multiply and soon called themselves the Starke, German for 'Strong Ones'.
   The war with these warriors was very unsuccessful due to the fact that they had much of the UFSS' Special Forces information. They had tactical command systems, A.I.s, and most important of all...Battlesuits. The battle suites were made especially for them by the UFSS before they grew arrogant in their power and fled to the far reaches of the galaxy. There was one advantage the UFSS had; however, they had the 'first'. This 'special' forces marine was the very boy that had started the project. This marine in particular was the only one that hadn't freaked out.
   "How much longer is this going to take lieutenant?" The captain barked.
   "I can't say for sure, their cloaking devices are more advanced than ours and can sometimes easily sneak past our motion trackers." The captain knew this but tried to convince himself otherwise. He knew that if he made one small mistake, his crew and ship would be lost to the hands of the Starke.
   The captain began to fiddle with his controls for a bit and brought the main view screen online. He studied it very carefully for any distortion in the stars. Although the ships were cloaked, any sudden movements could give away the position of their ship.
   "Lieutenant, check these coordinates for any movement in the area." The captain had a hunch, and if his crew knew him any better, they would know to listen when the captain had a hunch.
   "Aye, sir." The lieutenant began punching in the coordinates for the sector the captain was suspicious about.
   "Movement seems stabilized captain, no movement detected."
   "That can't be-" The lieutenant interrupted
   "WAIT! Movement destabilizing, they are coming in fast, sir. Too fast!"
   "Sound the alarm and take evasive actions." The alarm sounded the whole ship and the lights began flashing red for a warning signal.
   "They are coming out of warp drive, sir! I can't shake them!" The captain sounded on the COM channel and opened the channel to all decks.
   "Brace for impact!"
   The ship appeared out of nowhere and slammed into the Blue Moon. The impact caused the ship to come out of cloaking and spin counter clockwise. The impact wasn't the only thing wrong; it had caused a hull breach on decks 34-41, causing many casualties and the loss of oxygen.
   "Lieutenant, get those decks sealed off immediately. We need all the air we can get!"
   "Yes sir!" The lieutenant began moving her fingers across the holo pad swiftly and soon the decks were sealed off. "There is another problem sir. they have boarded us." The captain snapped the COM channel back on. This time the Captain had frustration in his voice.
   "All hands to battle stations! This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill! The enemy has boarded our vessel and they are now breaking through the sealed exits!" The Captain turned to the lieutenant, "Make sure those marines get to those doors and stop any from coming through!"
   "Yes sir!" The Lieutenant jumped from her seat as if she was going to pounce like a lion on its prey. She ran to the wall and typed in some keys on the holopad. Soon a chunk of the wall opened up and a rack of guns and grenades appeared. She grabbed a F34-16B assault Rifle and a belt of plasma-based T34 grenades. She swiftly left the bridge and headed down the hall to the elevator shaft.
   The captain was worried. Not only had they rammed a hole in his ship but they were also boarding it!
   "This can't be happening." The captain said in a whisper. Soon an A.I. appeared beside him on the Artificial Intelligence pad next to his command chair. The AI was in the form of a man with old 16th century war armor on. He stood about one meter and glowed a dim neon aqua.
   "Sir," The AI began to speak "You know we won't win."
   "Don't say that. We have won in the past."
   "Yes but I must express the thought that this will be your last possible mission with me. The only way to truly win this fight is to release him."
   "No, I'm tired of relying on someone else!"
   "You will never know if he is properly sufficient for duty if you never give him a chance." This time the AI sounded calm.
   "I won't let him fight! The scientist that made him is the one that made these monsters!" The captain was growing angrier by the second.
   "My database tells me that he was a properly working specimen and was also enhanced by 40% than the normal ones. He should be functioning properly and I have a 95.9567 Percent chance of non dysfunctional behavior. He can help us win, but you are too cocky to let him and try and take a risk of awakening him."
   "This war has too many risks." The captain thought for a moment. "Dash, your right. We can't win without him." The captain looked at The AI. "Get him ready for battle."
   "Aye sir." The AI disappeared from the pad and left the captain with his crew on the deck.
   "Am I really THAT cocky?" The captain whispered.

   Dash traveled through the ship's computer network until he found the Cryo Room. He entered the mainframe and appeared on a holopad next to one of the engineers working in the room. Dash appeared in front of the man and began to speak with him.
   "Hello Lovell, how are you feeling today?"
   "This is no time Dash; I'm busy trying to make sure that no one is hacking into our systems."
   "Oh but this is the time. You see, the captain gave me specific orders to give to you."
   "Yaw? What are they? Does he want me to 'clean the screens' again?"
   "No. He wants you to wake him up."
   "You mean?"
   "Yes. HIM."
   "But the captain-"
   "The captain knows of this. Without him we will all die. Do you want to die?"
   Lovell answered in a meek voice, "No."
   "Then do as you are told. I will stand here and watch."
   "Okay but I'd better get some guards in here just in case." Lovell turned on the COM link and asked for the three guards standing outside to enter. They entered the room and stood waiting for their instructions.
   "I," began Lovell, "need you three to stand by the CRYO tube and make sure that he doesn't go haywire once he defrosts." The soldiers stood with their eyes wide opened. They knew that even if he went haywire, they would not be able to take him down.
   "Do as you are told soldiers!" Dash said. "Captain's orders."
   "Yes sir." the marines replied.
   They circled around the cryo tube waiting for him to defrost.
   "Defrosting in five." Lovell said with a small sound of fear in the mix.
   The elongated Tube held a man probably in his late twenties. He was peaceful in the cryo tube but the marines knew him otherwise. He stood about six foot and seven inches and had brown hair with blonde tips. He had a muscular body and wore a black shirt with pants. The tube slowly began to open as the sleeping gas spewed out of the chamber where the body lay. The lid had fully lifted up and the eyes of the man began to open. His eyes were a crimson red with an outline of a cobalt blue. He looked around side to side and saw that the marines were aiming to kill. If he were to make any sudden movements, the marines would open fire on and he may not make it out alive.
   The feeling in his body was still numb. The defrosting hasn't kicked in yet...what are they waiting for? He began to think to himself. It must be because of them. My brothers...the Starke. He looked at Lovell and began to speak.
   "What is taking you so long?" Lovell didn't answer. "Do you not speak to your higher officers?" Dash appeared on the holopad in front of the cryo tube and began to talk to the frozen man.
   "Hello Aaron. Are you feeling normal?"
   "Hello Dash. Yes I am feeling normal, must I go through this every time I am put on a new ship?"
   "Sorry Aaron, but I don't make the rules. I only follow them."
   "Well hows about getting me up and moving again?" Dash turned to Lovell.
   "Begin the defrosting sequence." Dash turned back to face Aaron. "Well, how was your last mission?"
   "Exhausting. Do I ever get a break?" The AI chuckled for a moment.
   "Your day will come, Aaron. They still need to get used to using you. They are still afraid of you."
   Aaron sounded frustrated "When are they going to learn that I am not my brothers? I am NORMAL!"
   "Yes but you did malfunction on the warship Spirit of Shadows."
   "I broke a few toys! Who hasn't?"
   "They weren't just toys Aaron. They were highly classified files that were stored into the computer mainframe. It took us nearly six months to recover the files from the damage to the main computer YOU caused."
   "Ok so I have an anger issue, who doesn't. Just let me out of here so I can do my job."
   Dash shook his head. "As you wish."
   The feeling in Aaron's body slowly came to life and he was soon able to move his arms and hands. The feeling in his legs too longer for them to defrost but he was soon able to function properly. He slowly lifted himself from the cryo tube and jumped on the ship floor in front of him. He looked around at the marines still holding their weapons and sighed.
   "When is this ever going to stop?" He whispered to himself. He lifted his head back up and walked toward Lovell.
   "So what is our situation?"
   "The captain has ordered you be awakened. We were sent on a mission while flying back to Earth and were ordered to intercept and destroy the Die Starke ship The Dark Portal. We were told that they had classified infromation on the latest experiments and weapons supply being created by the UFSS and were ordered to retrieve it or destroy it with the ship."
   "While we were waiting, however, the ship that was to be intercepted came out of warp drive and rammed us with full force. We didn't have anough time to move out of the way and were hit by their ship. They penetrated our shields and began boarding our vessel.
   "So you need me to kill them all and destroy their ship?"
   "Correct, but we need you to try and get the information from their main computer before you blow it."
   "How will I get inside?"
   "We have that covered. When they hit us they tore a hole in their ship as well. We need you to go through that hole while we fend them off here."
   "How much fire will I be under?"
   Dash turned and faced him. " A lot. We can do our best to cover you but we can't guarantee your safety. You will most likely be hurt in the process."
   Aaron looked at Dash." What about my Battlesuit? It was damaged in the last mission."
   "We have a new one for you. An up-to-date model if you will." Dash turned to face the wall next to the cryo tube. There was an armor plated, skin-like suit hanging on the wall. It came complete with shoulder armor, a chest plate, gloves, legging, and boots. It also had a helmet that looked like a cross between some sort of bug and a 21st century motorcycle helmet.
   Aaron walked up to the suite and felt the material.
   "It looks like some sort of skin."
   "It feels like it too." Dash replied. "It is the latest model of the Battlesuit project. It enhances your normal 130 Percent average speed with 160 Percent average speed. Your reflexes are also enhanced and it has the energy shield of a warship. It is the best we have made and we are giving it to you so please don't destroy it."
   "How good is the armor?"
   "It is quite efficient. Why, we even had marines shoot plasma-based weapons at it and it didn't even scratch it."
   "Sounds good." Aaron turned to face the suit again. "When do I put it on?"
   "Now would be the best time."
   "Got it." Aaron striped down naked and began to put the Battlesuit on. When he was fully encompassed in the suit, it began to grow warm and then suddenly cooled to his body temperature. His face shield began to show his energy bar and a small motion tracker along with a mini map of the area on his display cover in the corners. "This is nice. It feels just like my normal body and I can move around in it without any hassle."
   "Like I said, It is the best Battlesuit available and there is only one of them." Dash waited for a moment and then asked, "Are you ready?"
   "Yes, but I need a gun." Aaron gestured to the rack of guns mounted on the wall next to the exit door.
   Lovell turned to the marines. "You heard the man, get him a gun." To be honest the marines were worried but they followed orders. One of the marines grabbed a F34 -16B Assault Rifle and another one grabbed him a belt of both plasma-base and gun powdered-base grenades. The two marines walked up to Aaron and handed him the supplies while the third marine watched with caution while he strapped the grenades on and loaded the weapon.
   Aaron turned to face Dash. "I'm ready."

   Aaron was slowly working his way down the decks of the ship. With each step he would slowly look from side to side making sure no enemy hostiles were nearby. Aaron walked down a narrow hallway that seemed to be living quarters of the crew. He studied the hallway making sure none of the Starke was there. The Starke may have had lower grade Battlesuites, but they were no push over. Most of them were smart and learned how to cloak their armor with some of the top model cloaking devices. The devices were located on their backs and if he could take those out they would e exposed.
   While walking down the hallway, he noticed that the door of one of the rooms was open. He slowly turned his head around the corner, careful not to jump out if there were hostiles in the area. As he entered the room he noticed that the walls were a different color than before. Blood had painted the walls of the living quarters and the bodies of marines were scattered everywhere. He walked up to each of them and carefully checked their pulse to see if anyone was left alive. Every time he would come upon a dead one, he would take their clips and stash them in his ammo pouch on his hip. He searched the entire room and everyone he came upon was dead. He stood up straight and shook his head. He felt pity for the dead soldiers and how they had used their lives to protect the very thing they believed in.
   He went to turn around but then noticed that his motion tracker had a faint movement signal. He turned to where the movement was originating from and slowly crept closer to the point of origin. When he came upon the area of the movement, he looked and nothing was there. Then it hit him. He turned, with gun in hand, and pointed directly behind him and fired. The round shot through the air and, in for a split second, a figure appeared but moved out of the way of the round. He turned and fired again. This time the figure didn't dodge. The round struck the man in the head dropping it to the ground. Aaron walked up to the body and shot it in the head three more times to make sure it was dead.
   He soon left the room and started down the hall again, this time even more cautious. If anyone knew the Die Starke they knew that if there was one, there was bound to be another. He swept the area of any hostiles but the motion tracker showed no sign of movement. He was able to ease himself, but only for the moment.
   He reached the end of the hall and walked through the destroyed door that the Die Starke had blown open when forcing their way in. He began to immediately patrol the area for any hostile threats and for reinforcements. He walked slowly toward one of the dead marines lying on the black, scorched floor. He turned the marine around and noticed that it was SRG. Jason Nichols. He checked his vital signs and noticed a small pulse. He would make it but only if he was treated right away. Aaron turned on his COM channel.
   "Captain, I need a medical team down here right away. I have a marine that needs medical support."
   "Got it. Be careful down there Aaron. We need you alive in order to win this thing."
   "Aye sir, going dark." Aaron turned off his COM channel and reached into his small magazine pouch. He removed a small, black tube with a red button on it. He pressed the button and the tube slid revealing a flashing red light. He set it down by the marine as a beacon for the medics to find where he was. He peered behind the metal and noticed five Die Starke on the other side.
   He advanced toward a large piece of metal roughly twenty meters in length and hid behind it. He could hear chatter from behind the large piece of shrapnel.
   "I will try and make my way to the Bridge. You take that squad and make your way to the engines." The leader said.
   "Yes sir!" The others replied.
   Aaron retracted his head from the view of the enemy and waited. Once he heard that the others had gone, he slowly stepped out from behind the metal and calmly shot the leader Die Starke in the head. The leader began to fall to the floor but Aaron rushed under the body to catch him so that they body didn't alert any of the others. He turned to see the origin of the large piece of metal. The Die Starke had blown a hold open and rammed a drop pod into the side of the ship. He looked around to check for anymore hostiles and then climbed aboard the vessel. He rushed to the pilot's seat and turned on his COM channel.
   "Captain, this is Aaron. Do you copy?"
   "Yes Aaron, what is it?"
   "I have boarded a Die Starke Drop Ship and I am about to return it to them."
   "If I heard you correctly you said that you had a drop ship?"
   "Correct Captain. I need you to make sure I get on that ship safely with less fire as possible."
   "Gazer Beam online. We are ready when you are."
   "Aye sir, going dark." Aaron switched off the COM channel and began to flip the switches. The ship soon unlatched itself to the ship and sped off into space. 

That is what I have of the prologue so is almost done (I only need a few more paragraphs) but tell me what you think!


"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar De La Hoya


yrs i know a bit of a late reply but i think this is  very good what you have so far in this kept me into it the whole time

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