RMX os user profiles

Started by edwardthefma, April 06, 2010, 10:15:50 pm

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April 06, 2010, 10:15:50 pm Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 02:10:24 pm by edwardthefma
RMX-OS profiles
Authors: edwardthefma drummer
Type: php script

search able information about every user in your game


  • user profiles


Spoiler: ShowHide

$mysql_access = mysql_connect("hostname", "username", "password");
mysql_select_db("databasename", $mysql_access);

if(!$mysql_access) {
echo "can't connect to db<br>\r\n";
else {
$username = $_GET['username'];
$query = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username='$username'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if(!$result) {
echo "no username matched<br>\r\n";
elseif($username!=NULL) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$userid = $row['user_id'];
$query = "SELECT data_value FROM save_data WHERE user_id=$userid and data_name='Game_Actors/@data[1]/Game_Actor";
$query1 = $query . "'";
$rezultat = mysql_query($query1);
if(!$rezultat) {
echo "This username ($username) does not exist.<br>\r\n";
echo "Please, try to search for another username.<br>\r\n";
else {
$query1 = $query . "/@skills'";
$rezultskills = mysql_query($query1);
if(!rezultskills) {
echo "no skill matched<br>";
$query1 = $query . "/@states'";
$rezultstates = mysql_query($query1);
if(!$rezultstates) {
echo "no state matched<br>";
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rezultat);
$stat = explode(",", trim($row['data_value']," []"));
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rezultskills);
$skills = explode(",", trim($row['data_value']," []"));
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rezultstates);
$states = explode(",", trim($row['data_value']," []"));

echo "<table align='center' cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 border=1 width='60%'>\r\n";
echo "<colgroup span=3 align='center' width='50%'>\r\n";
echo "<tr><th colspan=2 bgcolor='#01A8FF'>Viewing User $username</th></tr>\r\n";
$arrcol1 = Array("id","username","sprite","hue","class","weapon","armor 1","armor 2","armor 3","armor 4","level","exp","skills","hp","sp","states","maxhp_pls","maxsp_plus","str_plus","dex_plus","agi_plus","int_plus");
$classes = Array("None","Fighter","Lancer","Warrior","Thief","Hunter","Gunner","Cleric","Mage");
$armors = Array("None","Bronze Shield","Iron Shield","Steel Shield","Mythirl Shield","Bronze Helm","Iron Helm","Steel Helm","Mythirl Helm","Cotton Hat","Felt Hat","Magic Hat","Saint Hat","Bronze Armor","Iron Armor","Steel Armor","Mythirl Armor","Bronze Plate","Iron Plate","Steel Plate","Mythirl Plate","Cotton Robe","Felt Robe","Magic Robe","Saint Robe","Ring of Strenght","Ring of Dextality","Ring of Agility","Ring of Intelligence","Rin of Fire","Ring of Ice","Ring of Thunder","Ring of Water");
$weapons = Array("None","Bronze Sword","Iron Sword","Steel Sword","Mythirl Sword","Bronze Spear","Iron Spear","Steel Spear","Mythril Spear","Bronze Axe","Iron Axe","Steel Axe","Mythirl Axe","Bronze Knife","Iron Knife","Steel Knife","Mythirl Knife","Bronze Bow","Iron Bow","Steel Bow","Mythirl Bow","Bronze Gun","Iron Gun","Steel Gun","Mythirl Gun","Bronze Mace","Iron Mace","Steel Mace","Mythirl Mace","Bronze Rod","Iron Rod","Steel Rod","Mythirl Rod" );
$statesi = Array("None","Knockout","Stun","Venom","Dazzle","Mute","Confuse","Sleep","Paralyse","Weaken","Clumsy","Delay","Feeble","Sharp","Barrier","Resist","Blink");
$skillsi = Array("None","Heal","Greater Heal","Mass Heal","Remedy","Greater Remedy","Raise","Fire","Greater Fire","Mass Fire","Ice","Greater Ice","Mass Ice","Thunder","Greater Thunder","Mass Thunder","Water","Greater Water","Mass Water","Earth","Greater Earth","Mass Earth","Wind","Greater Wind","Mass Wind","Light","Greater Light","Mass Light","Darkness","Greater Darkness","Mass Darkness","Burst","Radiate","Venom","Mass Venom","Dazzle","Mass Dazzle","Mute","Mass Mute","Confuse","Mass Confuse","Sleep","Mass Sleep","Paralyze","Mass Paralyze","Weaken","Mass Weaken","Clumsy","Mass Clumsy","Delay","Mass Delay","Feeble","Mass Feeble","Sharp","Barrier","Resist","Blink","Cross Cut","Feint Attack","Hurricane","Spiral Blade","Leg Sweep","Beast Slayer","Thunder Pierce","Screw Thrust","Power Break","Mind Break","Aqua Buster","Rolling Axe","Poison Edge","Eagle Claw","Illusion","Deadly Dance","Bird Killer","Mute Arrow","Paralyze Arrow","Sidewinder","Silver Bullet","Burinig Shot","Frost Shot","Crescent Force" );

$i = 0;
foreach($stat as $key => $value) {
if(in_array($key, array(0,1,3,12,15))) continue;
$bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF";
$col1 = $arrcol1["$key"];
if ($i > 17) { break; }
switch($key) {
case 2: $col2 = "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 width=37><tr height=50><td background='sprites/" . trim($value, '"') . ".png'>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>"; break;
case 4: $col2 = $classes[$value]; break;
case 5: $col2 = $weapons[$value]; break;
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9: $col2 = $armors[$value]; break;
default: $col2 = $value;
echo "<tr bgcolor='#$bgcolor'><td>$col1</td><td>$col2</td></tr>\r\n";
if(!$skills[0]) $skills[0] = 0;
foreach($skills as $key => $value) {
$bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF";
$aux = "<tr bgcolor='#$bgcolor'>";
if($key==0) $aux .= "<td rowspan=" . count($skills) . ">Skills</td>";
$aux .= "<td>$skillsi[$value]</td></tr>\r\n";
echo $aux;
if(!$states[0]) $states[0] = 0;
foreach($states as $key => $value) {
$bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF";
$aux = "<tr bgcolor='#$bgcolor'>";
if($key==0) $aux .= "<td rowspan=" . count($states) . ">States</td>";
$aux .= "<td>$statesi[$value]</td></tr>\r\n";
echo $aux;
echo "</table>\r\n";
echo "<p align='center'>Search for another user</p>\r\n";
echo "<div align='center'>\r\n";
echo "<form method='GET' action='search.php'>\r\n";
echo "<input type='text' name='username' size=30>\r\n";
echo "<input type='submit' value='send'>\r\n";
echo "</form>\r\n";
echo "</div>\r\n";

on lines 50 to 54 are the items names weapon names class names and states names
you can change them like this but make shur you have the right name for the right ID
$classes = Array("None","Fighter","Lancer","Warrior","Thief","Hunter","Gunner","Cleric","Mage");
$classes = Array("None","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8");
you might want to use a web sight to host your games mysql

works with any ver of rmx-os

Credits and Thanks

    drummer thanks for the help

Author's Notes
you might want to read up on basic php

That's it! N-Joy! =D
i am the lead dev for the shellium mmorpg project
shellium.org :) free linux shells pm me and i will gladly
help you get 1


April 06, 2010, 10:49:30 pm #1 Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 11:14:06 pm by Wizered67
looks good! I really want to use this but can't figure out how.... Not very good at this stuff....

How would you put this on a www.webs.com website and can you put an example of how this should look.

But again, nice work and looks very good.

edit: even on the newest verison it doesnt work. Can you quickly explain hwta to do to me?


oops i posted the wrong ver XD fixed now
i am the lead dev for the shellium mmorpg project
shellium.org :) free linux shells pm me and i will gladly
help you get 1


you will need to make shur that it is set to read from you games rmx-os mysql database
i am the lead dev for the shellium mmorpg project
shellium.org :) free linux shells pm me and i will gladly
help you get 1


April 06, 2010, 11:39:01 pm #4 Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 07:06:05 pm by Wizered67
I think it is. Mine is currently:

Spoiler: ShowHide

$mysql_access = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
mysql_select_db("rmxosdb", $mysql_access);

if(!$mysql_access) {
   echo "can't connect to db<br>\r\n";
else {
   $username = $_GET['username'];
   $query = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username='$username'";
   $result = mysql_query($query);
   if(!$result) {
      echo "no username matched<br>\r\n";
   elseif($username!=NULL) {
      $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
      $userid = $row['user_id'];
      $query = "SELECT data_value FROM save_data WHERE user_id=$userid and data_name='Game_Actors/@data[1]/Game_Actor";
      $query1 = $query . "'";
      $rezultat = mysql_query($query1);
      if(!$rezultat) {
         echo "This username ($username) does not exist.<br>\r\n";
         echo "Please, try to search for another username.<br>\r\n";
      else {
         $query1 = $query . "/@skills'";
         $rezultskills = mysql_query($query1);
         if(!rezultskills) {
            echo "no skill matched<br>";
         $query1 = $query . "/@states'";
         $rezultstates = mysql_query($query1);
         if(!$rezultstates) {
            echo "no state matched<br>";
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rezultat);
         $stat = explode(",", trim($row['data_value']," []"));
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rezultskills);
         $skills = explode(",", trim($row['data_value']," []"));
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rezultstates);
         $states = explode(",", trim($row['data_value']," []"));

         echo "<table align='center' cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 border=1 width='60%'>\r\n";
         echo "<colgroup span=3 align='center' width='50%'>\r\n";
         echo "<tr><th colspan=2 bgcolor='#01A8FF'>Viewing User $username</th></tr>\r\n";
         $arrcol1 = Array("id","username","sprite","hue","class","weapon","armor 1","armor 2","armor 3","armor 4","level","exp","skills","hp","sp","states","maxhp_pls","maxsp_plus","str_plus","dex_plus","agi_plus","int_plus");
         $classes = Array("None","Fighter","Lancer","Warrior","Thief","Hunter","Gunner","Cleric","Mage");
         $armors = Array("None","Bronze Shield","Iron Shield","Steel Shield","Mythirl Shield","Bronze Helm","Iron Helm","Steel Helm","Mythirl Helm","Cotton Hat","Felt Hat","Magic Hat","Saint Hat","Bronze Armor","Iron Armor","Steel Armor","Mythirl Armor","Bronze Plate","Iron Plate","Steel Plate","Mythirl Plate","Cotton Robe","Felt Robe","Magic Robe","Saint Robe","Ring of Strenght","Ring of Dextality","Ring of Agility","Ring of Intelligence","Rin of Fire","Ring of Ice","Ring of Thunder","Ring of Water");
         $weapons = Array("None","Bronze Sword","Iron Sword","Steel Sword","Mythirl Sword","Bronze Spear","Iron Spear","Steel Spear","Mythril Spear","Bronze Axe","Iron Axe","Steel Axe","Mythirl Axe","Bronze Knife","Iron Knife","Steel Knife","Mythirl Knife","Bronze Bow","Iron Bow","Steel Bow","Mythirl Bow","Bronze Gun","Iron Gun","Steel Gun","Mythirl Gun","Bronze Mace","Iron Mace","Steel Mace","Mythirl Mace","Bronze Rod","Iron Rod","Steel Rod","Mythirl Rod" );
         $statesi = Array("None","Knockout","Stun","Venom","Dazzle","Mute","Confuse","Sleep","Paralyse","Weaken","Clumsy","Delay","Feeble","Sharp","Barrier","Resist","Blink");
         $skillsi = Array("None","Heal","Greater Heal","Mass Heal","Remedy","Greater Remedy","Raise","Fire","Greater Fire","Mass Fire","Ice","Greater Ice","Mass Ice","Thunder","Greater Thunder","Mass Thunder","Water","Greater Water","Mass Water","Earth","Greater Earth","Mass Earth","Wind","Greater Wind","Mass Wind","Light","Greater Light","Mass Light","Darkness","Greater Darkness","Mass Darkness","Burst","Radiate","Venom","Mass Venom","Dazzle","Mass Dazzle","Mute","Mass Mute","Confuse","Mass Confuse","Sleep","Mass Sleep","Paralyze","Mass Paralyze","Weaken","Mass Weaken","Clumsy","Mass Clumsy","Delay","Mass Delay","Feeble","Mass Feeble","Sharp","Barrier","Resist","Blink","Cross Cut","Feint Attack","Hurricane","Spiral Blade","Leg Sweep","Beast Slayer","Thunder Pierce","Screw Thrust","Power Break","Mind Break","Aqua Buster","Rolling Axe","Poison Edge","Eagle Claw","Illusion","Deadly Dance","Bird Killer","Mute Arrow","Paralyze Arrow","Sidewinder","Silver Bullet","Burinig Shot","Frost Shot","Crescent Force" );

         $i = 0;
         foreach($stat as $key => $value) {
            if(in_array($key, array(0,1,3,12,15))) continue;
            $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF";
            $col1 = $arrcol1["$key"];
            if ($i > 17) { break; }
            switch($key) {
               case 2: $col2 = "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 width=37><tr height=50><td background='sprites/" . trim($value, '"') . ".png'>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>"; break;
               case 4: $col2 = $classes[$value]; break;
               case 5: $col2 = $weapons[$value]; break;
               case 6:
               case 7:
               case 8:
               case 9: $col2 = $armors[$value]; break;
               default: $col2 = $value;
            echo "<tr bgcolor='#$bgcolor'><td>$col1</td><td>$col2</td></tr>\r\n";
         if(!$skills[0]) $skills[0] = 0;
         foreach($skills as $key => $value) {
            $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF";            
            $aux = "<tr bgcolor='#$bgcolor'>";
            if($key==0) $aux .= "<td rowspan=" . count($skills) . ">Skills</td>";
            $aux .= "<td>$skillsi[$value]</td></tr>\r\n";
            echo $aux;
         if(!$states[0]) $states[0] = 0;
         foreach($states as $key => $value) {
            $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF";
            $aux = "<tr bgcolor='#$bgcolor'>";
            if($key==0) $aux .= "<td rowspan=" . count($states) . ">States</td>";
            $aux .= "<td>$statesi[$value]</td></tr>\r\n";
            echo $aux;
         echo "</table>\r\n";
         echo "<p align='center'>Search for another user</p>\r\n";
echo "<div align='center'>\r\n";
echo "<form method='GET' action='search.php'>\r\n";
echo "<input type='text' name='username' size=30>\r\n";
echo "<input type='submit' value='send'>\r\n";
echo "</form>\r\n";
echo "</div>\r\n";

But it doesnt work. What did I do wrong


April 06, 2010, 11:44:14 pm #5 Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 11:45:46 pm by edwardthefma
are you using you game thru a hamachi network try looking at that php file with your web brouser
you might want to see if you cant get you sql to be hosted buy a web sight if you are use in hamachii
i am the lead dev for the shellium mmorpg project
shellium.org :) free linux shells pm me and i will gladly
help you get 1


I don't think I'm using hamachi. all that is on the webpage it should be on is:

Spoiler: ShowHide

$value) { if(in_array($key, array(0,1,3,12,15))) continue; $i++; $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF"; $col1 = $arrcol1["$key"]; if ($i > 17) { break; } switch($key) { case 2: $col2 = "$value) { $i++; $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF"; $aux = "
"; if($key==0) $aux .= " Skills "; $aux .= " $skillsi[$value]
\r\n"; echo $aux; } if(!$states[0]) $states[0] = 0; foreach($states as $key => $value) { $i++; $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF"; $aux = " "; if($key==0) $aux .= " States "; $aux .= " $statesi[$value]
\r\n"; echo $aux; } echo "

Thanks for tring to help btw. If this works I'll be sure to credit you and level you up.


well good luck changing the names to sute your game
you shold check out my top ten too
i am the lead dev for the shellium mmorpg project
shellium.org :) free linux shells pm me and i will gladly
help you get 1


wait what? that wasnt my problem. The problem was that it was displaying just that code instead of anything else.


are you hosting you mysql on your home pc
i am the lead dev for the shellium mmorpg project
shellium.org :) free linux shells pm me and i will gladly
help you get 1



Wait, can you use this on a freewebs website???? If not, that may be my problem....


open note pad past the script then save as search.php
after that open the php file with you web brouser it should work

i am the lead dev for the shellium mmorpg project
shellium.org :) free linux shells pm me and i will gladly
help you get 1


when I do that, this is all that appears:

Spoiler: ShowHide

$mysql_access = mysql_connect("", "root", "adbran");
mysql_select_db("rmxosdb", $mysql_access);

if(!$mysql_access) {
   echo "can't connect to db<br>\r\n";
else {
   $username = $_GET['username'];
   $query = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username='$username'";
   $result = mysql_query($query);
   if(!$result) {
      echo "no username matched<br>\r\n";
   elseif($username!=NULL) {
      $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
      $userid = $row['user_id'];
      $query = "SELECT data_value FROM save_data WHERE user_id=$userid and data_name='Game_Actors/@data[1]/Game_Actor";
      $query1 = $query . "'";
      $rezultat = mysql_query($query1);
      if(!$rezultat) {
         echo "This username ($username) does not exist.<br>\r\n";
         echo "Please, try to search for another username.<br>\r\n";
      else {
         $query1 = $query . "/@skills'";
         $rezultskills = mysql_query($query1);
         if(!rezultskills) {
            echo "no skill matched<br>";
         $query1 = $query . "/@states'";
         $rezultstates = mysql_query($query1);
         if(!$rezultstates) {
            echo "no state matched<br>";
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rezultat);
         $stat = explode(",", trim($row['data_value']," []"));
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rezultskills);
         $skills = explode(",", trim($row['data_value']," []"));
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rezultstates);
         $states = explode(",", trim($row['data_value']," []"));

         echo "<table align='center' cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 border=1 width='60%'>\r\n";
         echo "<colgroup span=3 align='center' width='50%'>\r\n";
         echo "<tr><th colspan=2 bgcolor='#01A8FF'>Viewing User $username</th></tr>\r\n";
         $arrcol1 = Array("id","username","sprite","hue","class","weapon","armor 1","armor 2","armor 3","armor 4","level","exp","skills","hp","sp","states","maxhp_pls","maxsp_plus","str_plus","dex_plus","agi_plus","int_plus");
         $classes = Array("None","Fighter","Lancer","Warrior","Thief","Hunter","Gunner","Cleric","Mage");
         $armors = Array("None","Bronze Shield","Iron Shield","Steel Shield","Mythirl Shield","Bronze Helm","Iron Helm","Steel Helm","Mythirl Helm","Cotton Hat","Felt Hat","Magic Hat","Saint Hat","Bronze Armor","Iron Armor","Steel Armor","Mythirl Armor","Bronze Plate","Iron Plate","Steel Plate","Mythirl Plate","Cotton Robe","Felt Robe","Magic Robe","Saint Robe","Ring of Strenght","Ring of Dextality","Ring of Agility","Ring of Intelligence","Rin of Fire","Ring of Ice","Ring of Thunder","Ring of Water");
         $weapons = Array("None","Bronze Sword","Iron Sword","Steel Sword","Mythirl Sword","Bronze Spear","Iron Spear","Steel Spear","Mythril Spear","Bronze Axe","Iron Axe","Steel Axe","Mythirl Axe","Bronze Knife","Iron Knife","Steel Knife","Mythirl Knife","Bronze Bow","Iron Bow","Steel Bow","Mythirl Bow","Bronze Gun","Iron Gun","Steel Gun","Mythirl Gun","Bronze Mace","Iron Mace","Steel Mace","Mythirl Mace","Bronze Rod","Iron Rod","Steel Rod","Mythirl Rod" );
         $statesi = Array("None","Knockout","Stun","Venom","Dazzle","Mute","Confuse","Sleep","Paralyse","Weaken","Clumsy","Delay","Feeble","Sharp","Barrier","Resist","Blink");
         $skillsi = Array("None","Heal","Greater Heal","Mass Heal","Remedy","Greater Remedy","Raise","Fire","Greater Fire","Mass Fire","Ice","Greater Ice","Mass Ice","Thunder","Greater Thunder","Mass Thunder","Water","Greater Water","Mass Water","Earth","Greater Earth","Mass Earth","Wind","Greater Wind","Mass Wind","Light","Greater Light","Mass Light","Darkness","Greater Darkness","Mass Darkness","Burst","Radiate","Venom","Mass Venom","Dazzle","Mass Dazzle","Mute","Mass Mute","Confuse","Mass Confuse","Sleep","Mass Sleep","Paralyze","Mass Paralyze","Weaken","Mass Weaken","Clumsy","Mass Clumsy","Delay","Mass Delay","Feeble","Mass Feeble","Sharp","Barrier","Resist","Blink","Cross Cut","Feint Attack","Hurricane","Spiral Blade","Leg Sweep","Beast Slayer","Thunder Pierce","Screw Thrust","Power Break","Mind Break","Aqua Buster","Rolling Axe","Poison Edge","Eagle Claw","Illusion","Deadly Dance","Bird Killer","Mute Arrow","Paralyze Arrow","Sidewinder","Silver Bullet","Burinig Shot","Frost Shot","Crescent Force" );

         $i = 0;
         foreach($stat as $key => $value) {
            if(in_array($key, array(0,1,3,12,15))) continue;
            $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF";
            $col1 = $arrcol1["$key"];
            if ($i > 17) { break; }
            switch($key) {
               case 2: $col2 = "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 width=37><tr height=50><td background='sprites/" . trim($value, '"') . ".png'>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>"; break;
               case 4: $col2 = $classes[$value]; break;
               case 5: $col2 = $weapons[$value]; break;
               case 6:
               case 7:
               case 8:
               case 9: $col2 = $armors[$value]; break;
               default: $col2 = $value;
            echo "<tr bgcolor='#$bgcolor'><td>$col1</td><td>$col2</td></tr>\r\n";
         if(!$skills[0]) $skills[0] = 0;
         foreach($skills as $key => $value) {
            $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF";            
            $aux = "<tr bgcolor='#$bgcolor'>";
            if($key==0) $aux .= "<td rowspan=" . count($skills) . ">Skills</td>";
            $aux .= "<td>$skillsi[$value]</td></tr>\r\n";
            echo $aux;
         if(!$states[0]) $states[0] = 0;
         foreach($states as $key => $value) {
            $bgcolor = ($i % 2) ? "01C0FF" : "01A8FF";
            $aux = "<tr bgcolor='#$bgcolor'>";
            if($key==0) $aux .= "<td rowspan=" . count($states) . ">States</td>";
            $aux .= "<td>$statesi[$value]</td></tr>\r\n";
            echo $aux;
         echo "</table>\r\n";
         echo "<p align='center'>Search for another user</p>\r\n";
echo "<div align='center'>\r\n";
echo "<form method='GET' action='search.php'>\r\n";
echo "<input type='text' name='username' size=30>\r\n";
echo "<input type='submit' value='send'>\r\n";
echo "</form>\r\n";
echo "</div>\r\n";


did you save it as a .php well i have to go to bed read up on php ill help you get it set up later
you might want to host you games mysql from a web sight
i am the lead dev for the shellium mmorpg project
shellium.org :) free linux shells pm me and i will gladly
help you get 1


when I save it as .php I cant open it. it just has the option open or save. Open results in the same thing while save does nothing helpful.


Quote from: Wizered67 on April 07, 2010, 12:30:25 am
when I save it as .php I cant open it. it just has the option open or save. Open results in the same thing while save does nothing helpful.

Where do you have web hosting? Make sure your web host has php enabled. Also free webs to my knowledge doesn't use php just html.


April 07, 2010, 01:37:41 am #16 Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 01:43:10 am by Wizered67
oh, thats too bad, but thnks for helping

edit: I think I found one that does allow php. its called black apple host. anyone ever heard of it? is it safe?


Quote from: Wizered67 on April 07, 2010, 01:37:41 am
oh, thats too bad, but thnks for helping

edit: I think I found one that does allow php. its called black apple host. anyone ever heard of it? is it safe?

if you want a free host try bryansoft .com Its a post to host site. meaning you post in their forums to be able to have hosting. Its not hard to get about 10 decent posts there for the smallest hosting bundle. Try there.