VTP Multi-Drop
Authors: Blizzard, J
Version: 1
Type: Item Drop Editor
Key Term: Battle Add-on
IntroductionThis script allows for the scripter to have a single enemy drop more than just two items at once.
- Simple Setup.
- All setup in one area of script.
- Enemies can drop any number of items! (haven't tested outrageous numbers, though.)
ScreenshotsScreenshot is unnecessary.
DemoAgain, unnecessary.
Multi-Drop by Blizzard
Ported to VX by J
For use with Vampyr's ABS
module J
def self.drop_config(id)
i,w,a = 1,2,3 # sensible variables for items,weapons,armor
always,veryhigh,high,normal,low,verylow,onepercent = 100,85,70,50,30,15,1
case id
# START Drop Database
# [item_type, item_id, %chance]
when 1 then return [ # Slime
# [i, 2, always],
# [a, 15, 100],
# [w, 4, 5]
when 2 then return [ # Kobold
when 3 then return [ #BOSS Ogre
when 4 then return [ # Goop
when 5 then return [ # Bot
when 6 then return [ #BOSS Robox
when 7 then return [ # Batgoyle
when 8 then return [ # Skeleton
when 9 then return [ # Werewolf
when 10 then return [ #BOSS Giant Slime
when 11 then return [ # RARE: Rogue Bot
when 12 then return [ # Blob
when 13 then return [ # Leg Eater
when 14 then return [ # Thief
when 15 then return [ # Wingbat
when 16 then return [ # Ghast
when 17 then return [ # Spirit
when 18 then return [ # Alpha Werewolf
when 19 then return [ # Azure Drake
when 20 then return [ # Cobalt Jelly
when 21 then return [ # Dryad
when 22 then return [ # Leg Chomper
when 23 then return [ # Hardy Drake
when 24 then return [ # Mimic
when 25 then return [ #BOSS Behemoth
# END Drop Database
for i in [$data_enemies[id].drop_item1, $data_enemies[id].drop_item2]
dropped_items = []
next if i.kind == 0
next if rand(di.denominator) != 0
if i.kind == 1
dropped_items << $data_items[i.item_id]
elsif i.kind == 2
dropped_items << $data_weapons[i.weapon_id]
elsif i.kind == 3
dropped_items << $data_armors[i.armor_id]
return [[0, 0, 0]]
def self.items(enemy)
dropped_items = []
return if enemy.id == nil
self.drop_config(enemy.id).each {|x|
if rand(100) < x[2]
case x[0]
when 1 then dropped_items << $data_items[x[1]]
when 2 then dropped_items << $data_weapons[x[1]]
when 3 then dropped_items << $data_armors[x[1]]
# result
return dropped_items
InstructionsThis script goes beneath the VTP ABS System, and above main.
If it works with other battle systems, thats great, but I haven't tested it, and doubt it does.
Credits and Thanks
- Vampyr, as he is the one who ultimately created the ABS.
- Blizzard, for he pretty much wrote this script.
- Me, J! As I took the minimal effort it required to work it into this VX system.
Author's NotesI put this together based around a a VTP+ script I put together, so if this for whatever reason doesn't work, please identify the problem and/or script error+line, and I'll see if I can't remedy it.
This is a release because I found it in my list, and this forum has a wimpy selection of VX scripts (compared to its XP selection).