Legend of Harpine: Chapters of Time (script snippets)

Started by RoseSkye, December 22, 2010, 08:36:02 pm

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Chapter 2.3: Adaptation to Circumstance: The Legend and the Thief

Nova awakens in robes that seems as a sages attire. He looks around the cave for Precious but to no avail. He decides to step out of the cave and notices Precious is sitting holding her knees looking at the sky. 

Precious: It's only a matter of time until Ain' Muc is in ruins.
Nova: ...
Precious: Rumors in Malro tells of a campaign of two hooded travellers that can destroy man made communities in mere hours.
Nova: .. Hooded travelers... Jean..
Precious: I know your answer to this information.. which is why I am sad. I wish you would stay with me.
Nova: My wounds are healed, I've no reason to stay here and rot.
Precious: I know.. I bought you this rapier, I've heard rumors of Neigi Nobles being more agile with this sword.
Nova: You have my gratitude, woman.
Precious: .. Just.. if you ever come back my way.. would you visit?
Nova: I make no promises..

Nova gears up and leaves with no more words exchanged.
Precious clinches her knees tighter as Nova leaves.

The story switches over to Murial from here on in.
Murial: The next page is missing.. 
Starlight is heard in the background screeching for Murial to escape.
Murial: Starlight? Oh man, not now!

-Murials Introduction cutscene-
Two guards run in the doorway.

Guard 1: There she is!
Guard 2: Dont let her get away!

A guard runs towards Murial and tries to strike her with a sword .. Time slows down for Murial as she tries to look without turning around.

Murial: Boys.. cant we just forget about this?

The guard ignores Murial's plea and swings the blade with the intent of cutting her through. Murial turns around swiftly and crouches evading the blow, she then retialiates with a uppercut. The guard flies one way and the sword the other, Murial turns around catching the sword throwing it at the other guard.. The camera changes to the other guard blocking the sword with his focusing on the sword. When the guard tries to find Murial she already left the room.

Murial: Crap, crap, crap, crap!

Murial runs out of the room and slides past the corner in slow motion dodging another sword slash. The camera then goes to normal speed as she sweep kicks the guard and goes back to slow motion when she impacts it then goes back to normal motion.Murial jumps over his body when he hits the grown.

She then runs into a dead end.

Murial: Oh no.

Two guards are closing in behind her she jumps at the wall and boosts off of it. The camera speed slows down once again as she smirks at one guard and it speeds up again as she pasts him. There is another guard waiting for her as she reaches the corner one more time. The Guard tries to impale her by lunging forward, time slows down as Murial kicks the sword away. Murial then uses the momentum from her first kick to strike the guard in the face with a roundhouse kick.
Murial then makes a quick dash down the hallway and slides past an iron bar baracade before it closes.

Murial: .. never a dull day.

Murial then walks down the corridor looking for an exit. Running into a female guard the guard gets into a fighting position.

Female Guard: Hold it right there, forbidden.
Murial: Hmm? Ya' got somethin' to tell me, doll?
Female Guard: DIE!

Murial then adjusts her glove and runs her thumb across her nose as prepares to fight.

-- Cutscene ends --

Murial Cries:
How's this!
Too easy.
Too slow.

Guard Cries:
Stop right now!
Prepare to die!
You cant win!

Guard 40 hp

-cutscene 2-

Murial: Hmm? Now that was a bit too easy.
Guard 1: There she is!
Guard 2: Dont let er' get away, this time.
Murial: *Sigh*

Murial throws her hands up and the scene blacks out. Outside the Museum guards enter and exit. A conversation is held between two guards.

Guard 1: Damn armor is too hot to wear in these conditions.
Guard 2: Yeah, tell me about it. Lucky bastards inside are enjoying the crisp breeze of the lower levels while we're cookin.
Guard 1: They ain' so lucky, I heard a forbidden thief made her way inside. She easily handled five guards on her own. She's a match for our bombshell among privates.
Guard 2: I heard she beat Sandra, she pretty much surpassed the bombshell.
Guard 1: I hope she doesnt make her way outside, among privates Sandra was the best.
Guard 2: Nah, they cornered her.. its said around the castle that she was killed.
Guard 1: Killed? Jeez the higher ups sure are unforgiving.

(In the background)
A female guard bumps into another guard and apologies.

Female Guard: S- Sorry.
Guard: Watch where you goin next time, eh?
Female Guard: R-right.

The female guard walks past the Guard talking when they talk about her being killed.

Guard 1: Even in armor, the women's bodies are quite amazing. Right?
Guard 2: Oh yeah! How about we find some females and go out to the pub for a drink later?
Guard 1: You dont have to ask me twice!

The guards pick up their weapons and walk towards the museum, the scene then fades. Outside in the woods the female guard takes off her helmet whipping her hair revealing herself to be Murial.

Murial: Close one.  Lucky me, the guards I fought were so weak.
*Starlight calls circling above the forest.*
Murial: Starlight, come!
-cutscene ends-