Video Projects

Started by G_G, December 28, 2010, 10:56:14 pm

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Video Projects


Here I am going to post any video project I do in or outside of school. I've already created another video using my crappy phone camera and adobe after effects. Read below to see all of my current videos.


Kung Fu Fighting (Music Video)
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I'm taking a Digital Video class in school. Our most recent project was that we had to make a music video with at least three people per group. Our song as you can guess is Kung Fu Fighting by Karl Douglas. Well we used five however only four appear in the video. Unfortunately I'm not in the video. However I did help come up with the idea, I did direct the video, I filmed, and edited the video.
But I didn't do all the work. My friends (who were my partners) helped me out with this too. The first too people you see on film are Anthony Torres and Alayna Devine. The next two people you see are my friends Cody Guerrero and Alex Aadland. They also helped structure the idea of the video and of course they acted out the parts so I didn't have to be in the film!

This film may be very amature-ish but we had a lot of fun making it. I hope you enjoy somewhat of the video! Please comment, subscribe, and possibly thumbs up?

Credits As Is:
Main Idea
Ronnie Mooney
Cody Guerrero
Alayna Devine

Ronnie Mooney

Good Guys
Anthony Torres
Alayna Devine

Cody Guerrero
Alex Aadland


Lemme know what you guys think! :D

Cold Blooded Killer (After Effects Test) (EPIC FAILURE NOT EVEN KIDDING)
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Sorry for the crap quality. Used phone.

So anyways I wanted to try out Adobe After Effects. Having no previous experience with it, I think I did okay-ish for this mess around project. I want to get real camera equipment and possibly make a series called the Cold Blooded Killer.

I am loving After Effects. It does so much and its just absolutely great. Having no previous experience, it was a little confusing, however I was used to previous adobe products and thus I got used to the program. Lemme know what you guys think.