Assignment Schedule
From here on out I plan to post a new assignment
every one to two weeks depending on the size of the assignments. we should be able to get through the current system in about three months if that pace is kept.
What this means is that just about every Monday I'll be posting a new assignment whether every one has posted their response to the assignment or not. you can post here to say I'm going to fast of course, but unless I get several (2-3) complaints I'll just keep going. If I start niticing that people are not posting their finished asgnments and I
haven't received any complaints I'll be very tempted to stop the school. I'm not going to bother running it if people aren't going to bother to learn.
First Assignment (Discussion):
EndedSecond Assignment (Post a System Modal):
Due April 24Third Assignment (control flow of RTP scripts)
Due June 7