[XP] how do I manipulate battle sprites?

Started by shintashi, June 18, 2011, 01:21:53 am

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specifically, any of these, particularly the zoom and mirror commands?

@sprite.visible = true
@sprite.zoom_x = 50
@sprite.zoom_y = 40
@sprite.mirror = false
@sprite.tone = Tone.new(0, 0, 0, 20)

I would like to address them from Game_Actor and Game_Enemy, which I am currently differentiating through @member_index for enemies and self.index for actors. Attempts to change zoom_x by simply stating it have failed, because Game_Actor and Game_Enemy don't directly interact with the Sprite. I have tried

@battler.sprite.zoom_x = 50
self.enemy.sprite.zoom_x = 50
self.actor.sprite.zoom_x = 50

and none have worked so far.