Fuck this exact thing in particular..
That's pretty cool, regardless of not being a speaker. Enjoy your trip!
~edits her own post to add to the topic~
So, you all remember
this post well enough I trust, and I guess it's about time I gave you an update on some things. I've been pretty quiet lately and all. So, it's been what, like a year and a couple months since then, and alot has happened. Everyone at work knows about me being female, and is not only accepting, but also supportive and encouraging of this change in my life. Another co-worker also came out to everyone that she is trans too, which now makes three of us at the office. I finally got around to talking to my father about it, and being gay, I knew he would at the very least be accepting of my choices, however, he too is very supportive of whatever I decide to do with my life, as long as it doesn't harm me or anyone else. Let's see... So alot of my friends know now too, and have all started referring to me with female pronouns, and the name I picked (Anastasia Ruby, Anna for short, and it would have been the name my mother picked when I was born). Physically features have changed a bit as well; I used to be a short-haired, dirty-blonde colour, and now have longer (shoulder length) red hair (because why the hell not..), have taken a liking to hairlessness (so much smoother (possibly tmi, though I'm referring to like legs, arms, etc =p )) and all that fun stuff. I get alot of people calling me miss, madam and such (the past two days I've been called honey by the cook dude that works at the deli where I've been getting lunch... flattering yet slightly creepy lolz...). So all in all, much happier with the way things are going lately.
Let's see, what else... Oh, so work; I'm still at the same place I've been at for a little over a year now, working in Boston as a professional majickal nekogirl web developer... mostly, I just go by the title web developer... Pretty happy with my job; just got another person "hired" as a contractor here, and possibly have brought in a new client for work, which means a nice little "finders bonus" if they decide to hire us on for their website stuff.
I really don't know what else to talk about, so I'll stop here.