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RMMZ Script Database / Re: [MZ][MV] Ultra Mode 7
Last post by NandoGRB - May 12, 2024, 11:59:36 am
Thank you for taking your time! I'll make some tests on that. Cheers!
RMMZ Script Database / Re: [MZ][MV] Ultra Mode 7
Last post by Blizzard - May 09, 2024, 03:49:19 am
Ugh, I barely check either forum at this point. Usually it's best to ask me in Discord. You were lucky I came across this topic today. xD

Anyway, your use-case isn't actually viable. When using FOV=0, camera distance is meaningless as there is no perspective distortion. There are two ways to handle this:

- I don't remember if I added orthogonal zoom or not. It's been a while since I touched that script. Check if there is an explicit zoom option in the instructions.

- If you set the FOV to something small like 0.1, you will get a near-orthogonal view, but you can still use camera distance to manipulate a quasi-zoom. Keep in mind that you will need a very far initial camera to get the proper size in the first place. If you want, you get even calculate the exact distance you need for a near 1-to-1 orthogonal by using some trigonometry on the 0.1° angle of the FOV and the screen pixel width (can't remember the default width right now). (Off the top of my head I think it's "distance = cos(FOV / 2) * width / 2", just make sure to express FOV in radians instead of degrees when you do the math.)
RMMZ Script Database / Re: [MZ][MV] Ultra Mode 7
Last post by KK20 - May 06, 2024, 03:28:23 pm
Might want to contact Blizz directly. He doesn't frequent any of the RM forums often. Could try looking through this thread if the question has already been asked.

EDIT: oh I see you already posted there
RMMZ Script Database / Re: [MZ][MV] Ultra Mode 7
Last post by NandoGRB - May 06, 2024, 08:09:24 am
Hello! Thank you for this amazing plugin.

It seems I can't set camera distance while using FOV 0 for an orthogonal map. Is there a way to do this?

I'm working in a full orthogonal project using the FOV 0 from your plugin, just wanted to set my camera for like 50% more zoom
RMXP Script Database / Re: [XP] XP Ace Tilemap
Last post by mrstrinity - May 05, 2024, 10:26:55 pm
Sorry for the late reply.

The one on the first page.
[12:22 PM]
Okay, I just replaced the modified script and its DLL and it works fine now! Thank you very much for helping me! :D

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Projects / Games / Re: Rave Heart
Last post by Starmage - May 05, 2024, 08:47:24 am
Hello everyone! Check out this awesome and detailed tv tropes page that Bugfragged made for Rave Heart ^^:
New Projects / Re: Heroes of the Seasons
Last post by Starmage - May 05, 2024, 06:17:18 am
Omggg! Heroes of the Seasons has a tv tropes page! Berry just discovered it today! ^^ It's super cool to see all the accurate information about the game's mechanics and lore! Thank you so much to the wonderful author of this! ^^
RMXP Script Database / Re: [XP] XP Ace Tilemap
Last post by KK20 - May 04, 2024, 09:22:18 pm
Zoom requires a modified version of XPA Tilemap. Did you copy the one in the demo or did you only grab the first post download link?
RMXP Script Database / Re: [XP] XP Ace Tilemap
Last post by mrstrinity - May 04, 2024, 11:05:19 am
Quote from: KK20 on February 20, 2022, 03:03:07 pmHere's the demo I made some years back. If you're able to make use of it, go ahead and use it. But all interest has been lost by me and everyone else, so nothing official will ever come from it.

I know it's been like 2 years, but I must resurface this post.
I've been trying to find a zoom script that works with no luck until I found this one. I want to try and make a workaround with this, but I have a problem; The zoom in works....only for the characters.

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How did you make it to where the map zoomed in too? I put the scripts in the places that were shown in the editor, but to no luck...
Welcome! / Hello Everyone!
Last post by mrstrinity - May 03, 2024, 12:31:43 pm
I'm mrstrinity! (Or Dreamlander, on some other platforms.) I hope you all are having a good day.

I've been thinking about making an RPG for a while, and suddenly on February of this year, RPG Maker XP became free, so I took the opportunity to swoop in, snatch it from Steam, and try it out to make a new game. The game I'm planning to make is "Project Party Queen." [NAME NOT FINAL!]

I've been lurking in the background on this forum, looking for scripts to make my creation look pretty and accessible to the public for a few. I thought it was about time that I signed up. Hopefully I can also update you all on my new RPG development and learn how to code? I'm still fairly new to game development.

Thanks for reading; have a blessed day! :D
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