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Messages - djskagnetti

Like Auto-Life from Blizzard's Tons, which automatically brings a character back to life when they die, this spell goes off when a status effect is inflicted (at the start of the inflicted character's turn) and automatically cures it.

the setup would be something like

auto-remedy ids [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

where the numbers are the status effects that would cause the spell to automatically go off and negate those status effects (and you can put as many ids as you need in between the brackets.)  When the spell goes off, it would negate All status effect ids listed, that way if more than one status effect is cast upon the character during the round it would negate all active effects (I'm assuming that the spell would go off when it's the character with Auto-Remedy cast upon them's turn.)  Once it goes off the spell will dissipate and would have to be cast again.  The spell would go off before the character's action (like how Blizzard's Tons spell Regen Status Effect will heal before the character's action) and there would also be an animation that goes off on the character that has Auto-Remedy cast on them when it dissipates all negative effects, like Remedy 2.

John casts Auto-Remedy on Mary.  A group of Orc Wizards casts poison, feeble, and drain on Mary (they don't like Mary.)  But, when it's Mary's turn, Auto-Remedy automatically cures everything before her action and she's back to normal, and can then attack.  Auto-Remedy then dissipates and would have to be cast upon Mary again.

If something like paralyze or stun (with a Can't Move Restriction on the effect) is cast upon Mary, Auto-Remedy would cure it, but Mary would lose her turn.

is it possible for anybody to see if they can pretty please make this?  thanks so much in advance!
Version: 1.0
Type: Rainstorm Event Parallel Process


A sexy rainstorm!  Random lightning, thunder and rain/storm changes via parallel process, random variables and conditional branches.
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A parallel process that runs in the background.  Every 50 frames it has a 6 in 50 chance to flash the screen (lightning.)  There are 6 types of lightning all at varying lengths, including 2 double flashes.  If it flashes a 12 frame lightning blast, it waits for 12 seconds.  If it flashes a 5 second blast, it waits 5 seconds.  This makes for nice variation.  After the lightning check, it checks thunder, a 1 in 5 chance.  If it is a yes, it chooses between 4 different thunders (all which are the same thunder sample that comes with the game, but at varying pitches.)  After that it checks the weather timer, which works like:  it starts with Rain at a power of 9.  After 200 frames it rolls a random number from 1 to 10.  If it rolls a 1, it changes to Storm for 200 frames with a power of 9, after which it rolls a random number from 1 to 10.  If it rolls a 1 again, it changes back to Rain with a power of 9.  And so forth.  This helps with the variation of the rain.  Everything is easily customizable using variables and conditional branches.


  • Random Lightning!
  • Random Thunder!
  • Random Changes from Rain to Storm!
  • Custom Artwork and Music Included!

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it's hard screen-capturing lightning  :(

A Sexy Rainstorm Download .zip (5955KB)

First you need 3 variables:  WeatherTime, WeatherSelect, and RandomNumber.  Set them to whatever variable you wish, but for this example they are 0001, 0002, and 0003.  If you have different variable numbers, you will have to change every instance in these examples to your variable numbers.
There are 2 maps in the game, the first, SexyLand, says when you start the game, "The skies darken and a rainstorm begins in SexyLand", then gets dark, the rain starts and the fx "fade in" (rather crappily)  In SexyLand2, the map's BGS "Rain3" is already going and it's already dark and storming when you start the game.  Going by everything listed in the parallel process located in SexyLand2, as that will be the one you will most likely use, here is a step by step explanation:
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@>Change Screen Color Tone: (-85, -85, -102,0), @0  #this darkens the screen.  You can change it to whatever color or degree of darkness you like.
@>Set Weather Effects: Rain, 9, @200 #this starts the rain, with a power of 9, for 200 frames.  Less power is less rain.
@>Control Variables:  [0001: WeatherTime] = 1  #this sets the weather time variable to 1.  Every 50 frames it adds 1, until it hits 4, then it resets it to 1.  This keeps the effect looping.
@>Control Variables:  [0002: WeatherSelect] = 1  #this sets it to the Rain variable.  This variable tells the event that which weather effect it currently is on.  [0002: WeatherSelect] = 2 is Storm.
@>Wait:  50 frame(s)  #this makes it wait 50 frames
@>Jump to Label: two  #this makes it jump to label two (below), like a GOTO in BASIC, if you're old like me =)
@>Label: three #this is the label it comes back to after checking lightning and thunder, and adding 1 to WeatherTime.
@>Wait:  50 frame(s)  #this makes it wait 50 frames
@>Jump to Label: two  #this makes it jump to label two (below)
@>Label: four #this is the label it comes back to after checking lightning and thunder, and adding 1 to WeatherTime.
@>Wait:  50 frame(s)  #this makes it wait 50 frames
@>Jump to Label: two  #this makes it jump to label two (below)
@>Label: five #this is the label it comes back to after checking lightning and thunder, and adding 1 to WeatherTime.
@>Wait:  50 frame(s)  #this makes it wait 50 frames
@>Jump to Label: two  #this makes it jump to label two (below)
@>Label: one #this is the "check whether it changes from Rain to Storm", or vice versa.
@>Control Variables: [0003: RandomNumber] = Random No. (1...10) #this sets the RandomNumber variable to a random number between 1 and 10.  If you set it higher, like (1...20), it will change from Rain to Storm less often.  If you set it lower, like (1...5), it will change more often.
@>Conditional Branch: Variable [0003: RandomNumber] == 1  #if the random number it picked above is 1, it makes this true.
@>Conditional Branch: Variable [0002: WeatherSelect] = 1 #if the current weather is 1 (Rain) then it changes it to Storm
 @>Set Weather Effects: Storm, 9, @200 #changes it to storm with a power of 9 for 200 frames
 @>Control Variables:  [0002: WeatherSelect] = 2  #to tell the event system that it is now on Storm.
 @>Wait 50 frames #waits 50 frames
 @>Jump to Label two #goes to label two, below.
: Else #else means [0002: WeatherSelect] did not = 1, therefore it = 2, meaning it was currently on Storm, so it's going to change it to rain.
 @>Set Weather Effects: Rain, 9, @200 #changes it to rain with a power of 9 for 200 frames
 @>Control Variables:  [0002: WeatherSelect] = 1  #to tell the event system that it is now on Rain.
 @>Wait 50 frames #waits 50 frames
 @>Jump to Label two #goes to label two, below.
: Else #this else was for the first conditional branch, which means the random number did not equal 1 and therefore the weather did not change.  So it moves on to check to see if lightning occurs.
@>Label two #this the label that the previous statements jumped to.  I'm going to truncate this because this is starting to suck typing all of this out.
>random number (1...50) #chooses a random number.  Make it higher or lower for lightning to flash less or more, resp.
>if it's 1 then lightning effect 1 # you can change the length of flash of the lightning here, then jumps to label seven, which is thunder
>2 = lightning effect 2
>3 = lightning effect 3
>4 = lightning effect 4
>5 = lightning effect 5
>6 = lightning effect 6 # if you want to add more lightning fx, make 6's Else be a conditional branch for if the random number was 7, etc, for as many as you want.
: Else # the random number did not equal 1-6 so it moves on
>Label seven #thunder chances
>chooses a random number between 1 and 5 #make this higher or lower if you want it to thunder less or more, resp.
>if random number = 1 then there will be thunder!  :haha:
>rolls a random number between 1 and 4 for the 4 types of thunder.  if you want more types of thunder, make sure this number = how many types you want.
>1 = thunder fx 1 #then jumps to label six
>2 = thunder fx 2
>3 = thunder fx 3
>4 = thunder fx 4  #if you want to add more thunder fx, make 4's Else be a conditional branch for if the random number was 5, etc, for as many as you specified in the "rolls a random number between 1 and x for the for x types of thunder" line above.
: Else = jump to label six # this means no thunder occurred and it moved on to WeatherTime
>label six #weathertime
>if it equals 1, then add 1 and then jump to label three (at the start)
>if it equals 2, then add 1 and then jump to label four (at the start)
>if it equals 3, then add 1 and then jump to label five (at the start)
>if it equals 4, then Reset to 1 so the loop starts over and then jump to label one above (which is whether or not it changes rain to storm or vice versa)
: Else #this Else does not need to be filled in because it never happens because it never goes above 4.

Credits and Thanks

  • DJSkagnetti

Author's Notes

I made 2 small maps called SexyLand and SexyLand2 to wander about in the rainstorm!  I made a title screen which is Hawt!  I made a song for it called, you guessed it, "A Sexy Rainstorm!"  Title screen and music included in .zip =)
or listen to the song on my soundcloud

Don't miss out on my other stuff:
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Pack 1 - Jewlery
Pack 2 - Orbs
Pack 3 - Potions
Pack 4 - They Came From Below!
Pack 5 - Armors
Here's an Orb Character Set.
Added to original zip (in op)

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Resources / Re: Carp
May 07, 2012, 09:57:21 am
wow thanks!  that was a bit more complicated than expected, but i think i got it =)!  thanks again!
Resources / Re: Carp
May 06, 2012, 11:29:26 pm
hrm... could either of you demonstrate with a screen of the event ?
Resources / Re: Carp
May 05, 2012, 11:53:51 pm
Quote from: Landith on May 05, 2012, 10:42:43 pm
Quote from: djskagnetti on May 04, 2012, 05:53:08 pm
can you make it without the water?  just the carp and the shadow?

edit:  unfortunately, the fish can't move in water.  if you set the terrain tag as passable (with a circle O), the player can walk on it.  if you set it as impassable (with an X), the fish can't move in it =(  if you give the fish event a through tag, they can move onto land, into trees, onto rocks, anywhere they feel like lol

You can just put events around the water blocking the fish in and the player out as well as having a seperate autotile for the water that's passable

yah I thought of that after I posted.  What I really wanted to do is have it so you could go 'fishing', ie, the fish get close enough to the shore (adjacent) and you can grab them out of the water.
Resources / [ICONS] Suit Up! - 75 Armors!
May 05, 2012, 10:28:57 pm

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Download All .zip

use if you want
a credit would be nice
thanks much to everyone
any requests?  i gots time =)

Don't miss out on my other stuff:
Pack 1 - Jewlery
Pack 2 - Orbs
Pack 3 - Potions
Pack 4 - They Came From Below!
Resources / Re: Carp
May 04, 2012, 05:53:08 pm
can you make it without the water?  just the carp and the shadow?

edit:  unfortunately, the fish can't move in water.  if you set the terrain tag as passable (with a circle O), the player can walk on it.  if you set it as impassable (with an X), the fish can't move in it =(  if you give the fish event a through tag, they can move onto land, into trees, onto rocks, anywhere they feel like lol
RMXP Script Database / Re: [XP] Spike Damage
May 01, 2012, 09:10:58 am
Hi, great script as always.
I'm making a spell called Masochist that uses your Spike Damage, when cast on an enemy it does damage equal to percentage specified to the enemy when it attacks with a basic physical attack.
As a test I put the percentage of damage at 5000%.  It works, and testing it out on some enemies that do a few hundred physical damage with about 500 hps, as expected it kills them when they hit the character.
But - the enemy dies first, and then the animation and attack damage are shown on the character.  So it's like - enemy turns into red vapor and disappears (death), then sword strike animation and damage dealt to character it was attacking.
Is there a way to make it so it does the attack animation and damage dealt to the character the monster is attacking first, and then the damage % from the Spike Damage spell is done to the monster?

Also, is there a way to show the damage on the monster the spell inflicts?
12 disturbingly horrifying creatures to give your players nightmares!
(if anyone makes a Cthulu rpg, I got you covered  :haha:)

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Download All .zip

use if you want
a credit would be nice
thanks much to everyone
any requests?  i gots time =)

Don't miss out on my other stuff:
Pack 1 - Jewlery
Pack 2 - Orbs
Pack 3 - Potions
Pack 5 - Armors
Has anybody used these?  Just wondering =P
Drink up mofos!
Mmmm.... metallic purple and red potions.....

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Download All .zip

use if you want
a credit would be nice
thanks much to everyone
any requests?  i gots time =)

Don't miss out on my other stuff:
Pack 1 - Jewlery
Pack 2 - Orbs
Pack 4 - They Came From Below!
Pack 5 - Armors
What does it look like in-game when you call, can you post a screen of that?
Have you seen those Soviets from Hammerfell?  They have curved swords.  Curved.  Swords.
Resource Database / Re: [Sprites] Some of that and other
November 07, 2011, 11:59:05 pm
fine work =)
Resource Database / [ICONS] Let me show you my Orbs!
November 06, 2011, 02:03:36 pm
I got a huge set of orbs for you to inspect  :haha:

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Download All .zip

use if you want
a credit would be nice
thanks much to everyone
any requests?  i gots time =)

Don't miss out on my other stuff:
Pack 1 - Jewlery
Pack 3 - Potions
Pack 4 - They Came From Below!
Pack 5 - Armors
Quote from: djskagnetti on October 06, 2011, 06:42:00 am
Ok, i'll google how to do that when i get home.  Thanks!

Ok so i found out you go into Game_Actor and change
 # * Get Maximum HP
 def maxhp
   n = [[base_maxhp + @maxhp_plus, 1].max, 99999].min
   for i in @states
     n *= $data_states.maxhp_rate / 100.0
   n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 99999].min
   return n

where i changed it to 99999 - do you change both these numbers?

also i wanted to max out the SP, but it wasn't there, so i just copied and pasted it right below it and changed all the 'hp' to 'sp', like so:

 # * Get Maximum sP
 def maxsp
   n = [[base_maxsp + @maxsp_plus, 1].max, 99999].min
   for i in @states
     n *= $data_states.maxsp_rate / 100.0
   n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 99999].min
   return n

right below Get Maximum HP

so it looks like:
 # * Get Maximum HP
 def maxhp
   n = [[base_maxhp + @maxhp_plus, 1].max, 99999].min
   for i in @states
     n *= $data_states.maxhp_rate / 100.0
   n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 99999].min
   return n
 # * Get Maximum sP
 def maxsp
   n = [[base_maxsp + @maxsp_plus, 1].max, 99999].min
   for i in @states
     n *= $data_states.maxsp_rate / 100.0
   n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 99999].min
   return n

using lines 173-194 in Game_Actor

is this the correct way to do it/will it mess up my game/did i done broked it?

i tried with your max level script and it seemed to work fine.  just checking to make sure =P

I was thinking an alternative would be to make it level 99, to go to 9999 HPs, but have the limit at 29,999, so, through various items and passive skills, you can go over the basic max, up to 29,9999 if you find them/use them all. 
Yay!  I R Quality! :haha:
I tried to post in the database to begin with, but there was no option to post there =P