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Topics - Seox

RPG Maker Scripts / Is there a way to....
July 06, 2009, 10:25:31 am
Do something like this?

kill_some_people unless moral_code == good
If so, then do ______.

instead of this:

kill_some_people unless moral_code == good
if moral_code == good....

That may not seem like much, but when the line goes ACROSS THE PAGE, it gets a bit ambiguous, repetitive, and also confusing as hell. I'm just looking for a way to go
DO A unless B, and if B, then do this instead.
without restating B. Ternary operators seem like they MIGHT work, but, for some reason, I don't seem to think they work for anything except assignment. Meh.
Welcome! / Leaving for a week.
June 27, 2009, 03:54:40 pm
Going on a cruise tomorrow. Back next saturday.

I just KNOW you guys're gonna miss me, XD.  :roll:

Will see everyone when I get back!
Script Troubleshooting / Sidearm script problems
June 18, 2009, 10:02:01 pm
Hiya. I'm having trouble with my sidearm script, which I'm creating ATM. Thing is, I've gotten the game to recognize the difference between firing the primary and secondary weapons, but when I fire the secondary, it doesn't use the secondary's stats. I THINK that the problem is somewhere in here:
class Game_Actor

 attr_accessor     :sidearm
 if $scene == Scene_Battle
 alias seox_animation1_id animation1_id
   def animation1_id
   if self.sidearm
   return sidearm_animation1_id
   return seox_animation1_id


 alias seox_animation2_id animation1_id
   def animation2_id
   if self.sidearm
   return sidearm_animation2_id
   return seox_animation2_id


 alias seox_base_atk base_atk
 def base_atk
   if self.sidearm
       print @actor_command_window.commands[0]
     return sidearm_atk


 alias seox_base_dex base_dex
 def base_dex
   if self.sidearm
     return sidearm_dex


 alias seox_base_agi base_agi
 def base_agi
   if self.sidearm
     return sidearm_agi


 alias seox_base_atk base_str
 def base_str
   if self.sidearm
     return sidearm_str


 alias seox_base_pdef base_pdef
 def base_pdef
   if self.sidearm
     return sidearm_pdef


 alias seox_base_mdef base_mdef
 def base_mdef
   if self.sidearm
     return sidearm_mdef


 alias seox_piercing piercing
 def piercing
   if self.sidearm

Not sure about calling the methods just after the definitions. Just added it and tried it, and no difference

Anyone have anything? Please help me out!

Thank you ^_^

EDIT: I just tested the if with a print command. It never printed, even in battle. So, for some reason, the condition is returning false, or never being called.
RPG Maker Scripts / Favorite scripting features?
June 17, 2009, 09:17:29 pm
So, what're some of your favorite features/constructs in ruby?

As simple as it is, I use case statements A LAWT, and the include? method of class Array. I also tend to like the stategy of going:

frog = array.include?('urine')
frog = frog + ETC.....

Where you define over the SAME temporary variable in order to save space, memory, organization, and stuff.

What are some of yours?
RPG Maker Scripts / Mixins
June 17, 2009, 04:47:36 pm

Does mixing in a module cause any serious delay, as far as processing speed?

In other words, is there any good reason why I should NOT include most anything that I can with configuration modules which make it FAR easier to script the stupid thing?

Please and thank you ^_^
Chat / Ridiculously slow progress
June 17, 2009, 02:29:58 pm

I was just wanting to know if you guys shared my SLUGGISH progress when it comes to developing your games. It seems like I'll spend ALL DAY working on the stupid thing, and not have much to show for it. However, I AM working primarily on things like the battle system, which means that it's something that goes for the whole game, so actually accomplishes more than it looks like it does. Another thing is the fact that I have no development team.

So what do you say? Do you feel like you're making adequate progress?
Hiya. I'm wanting to get a script made which checks to see if a given armor and helmet are present on the actor, and, if they are, changes the actor's spriteset to reflect that. NOT for EVERY WEAPON. Just one. I figure that one quick alias, redefinition, or new method should do it, but I wouldn't know where to start.

Could anyone please help me?

EDIT: Also, this may be easy to add to it. Is there any way to change the target animation if the target is wearing said armor, so that bullets ricochet off of them instead of hitting them? Almost like how the miss animation is different, only change the animation to a uniform one depending on the target's armor.
General Discussion / Terrain tags?
June 16, 2009, 10:50:53 pm
So...I've heard alot about them, as far as potential, In that they can be used in events and scripts to trigger things. Heck, a vehicle script that I use uses them to check which medium it is travelling through, and keeps it on its own type (IE Boats on mountains). What other useful things have you seen/used terrain tags for?
Resource Requests / Bullet animation in battle
June 16, 2009, 02:50:50 pm
Hiya. I'm using tankentai sideview CBS, and I need an animation for a bullet. However, it has to travel horizontally across the screen. I'd like to have it so that, when you attack, the animation plays, and you see a streak BLAZE past the screen (IE quickly). When it contacts the enemy, I'd like to have it so that something notably "powerful" happens. Possibly a bit of blood? I don't know. Experiment.

Anyone think they can please help me with this? Thanks for considering ^_^


Bump? I know that you guys are busy, but I don't think that this would take much time at all. It's just a tiny bullet. If you get a moment, and don't mind, please help me. I wouldn't know where to start.

Thank you for your consideration.

*Emo moment, sorta*

I'm 16, and am a mixin (whee, ruby reference!) of class Person and Modules -

Yeah. Ok. I'm not exactly a complete nerd- I'm 6 feet even, 170 lbs, and athletic, but I'm also learning ruby, made a 30 on my ACT, first shot, and have a tested IQ of 129. I make it a point to be polite whenever I can. Point being, I'm not really your stereotype for either. I've never had a 'girlfriend', but I LOATHE to even THINK of high school 'relationships' as relationships. From what I can tell, people are by NO MEANS mature enough to REALLY AND TRULY CARE about each other - they THINK that they do. EVERY 'couple' will tell you this. Their actions say otherwise, and this is the only comfort that I have been able to offer myself: everyone says that people in college are/will be more mature. However, I find that hard to believe, having seen the shallow side of America...errr.... humanity time and again. I'm not really ALL CONSUMED by it, but I WOULD like to know - although partying and stuff exist in college as well, what are people, and, more specifically, girls like as far as maturity and interest in RELATIONSHIPS, and not the hypocrisy, falsehoods, superfluity, inhumanity, and facade-filled goodness that, for the most part, are high-school relationships popularity contests.

Yeah, I'm cheesy. And if I get ONE reply that's like 'You need to be an ***hole, and go blahblah

Then you die. Seriously. 5.7 x 28 mm salvo, coming your way.

And I know that all that "true love" crap is, just that - a load of crap.

So, I suppose that that's where the 'intelligent debate' part comes in - what is the intelligent side to relationships, and how, in your opinions and experience, does maturity and interest in ACTUAL RELATIONSHIPS change through age groups throughout life? Why? Feel free to discuss these and any other questions which you feel like adding to the mix. I'd love to have answers to these, for once...

I think that it can be VERY relevant, as, for the most part, I find that human relationships, and one's search/thoughts for them or interactions with them reflects on core traits common to ALL people. For instance - one of the most significant factors, when it comes to people, is their sense of significance - everyone wants/tries to feel important/wanted/valuable. Point being, you can learn a lot about relationships, but, overall - people.

This has been puzzling me for quite some time....thank you for any help, whatsoever.


Seox out.

My CBS and my ammo requirements scripts don't like each other. Ever since I got the former, the latter stopped working.

Now that I know wth I'm doing with scripts, I've realized that both alias:

# Begin Scene_Battle
class Scene_Battle
  # Alias Methods
  alias syn_scene_battle_range make_basic_action_result
  alias syn_scene_battle_skill make_skill_action_result
  # Alias the Attacking method
  def make_basic_action_result
    # Gather the current Ammo Cost
    gather_ammo_cost = Ammo::Range_weapons_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
    # Gather the Current Ammo
    gather_ammo = Ammo::Range_ammo_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
    # Check if the Active Battler is attacking and if they are using a ranged weapon
    if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0 and Ammo::Range_weapons_id.has_key?(@active_battler.weapon_id)
      # Check the Ammo Count
      if $game_party.item_number(gather_ammo) >= gather_ammo_cost
        # Sufficient Ammo, remove item
        # Insufficient Ammo
        @help_window.set_text("#{}'s weapon clicks - Empty! ", 1)
      # Call Default Code

Long story short, is there a way to edit them so that they don't clash, and I can use both at once? To my knowledge, there is not - but I'm sure that someone around here knows of a way.

Please and thank you ^_^
Hiya. I'm having trouble with my ammo requirements script by synthesize:

#                            Syn's Ammo Requirements  
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 1.00
# August 15, 2007
# Tested with SDK 2.1
# Customization Section
module Ammo
 # Format = {weapon_id => Ammo_cost}
 Range_weapons_id = {1 => 1}
 Range_weapons_id = {2 => 5}
 Range_weapons_id = {4 => 1}
 Range_weapons_id = {5 => 1}
 Range_weapons_id = {6 => 3}
 # Format = {weapon_id => Item_id
 Range_ammo_id = {1 => 33}
 Range_ammo_id = {2 => 34}
 Range_ammo_id = {4 => 36}
 Range_ammo_id = {5 => 36}
 Range_ammo_id = {6 => 37}
 # Format = {skill_id => Ammo_cost}
 Skill_ammo = {81 => 15}
 # Note on Skills: When using Skills the Current Ammo for the equipped
 # weapon will be used. So if Skill 73 is used and Weapon 17 is equipped
 # then Ammo #33 will be used.
# Begin Scene_Battle
class Scene_Battle
 # Alias Methods
 alias syn_scene_battle_range make_basic_action_result
 alias syn_scene_battle_skill make_skill_action_result
 # Alias the Attacking method
 def make_basic_action_result
   # Gather the current Ammo Cost
   gather_ammo_cost = Ammo::Range_weapons_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
   # Gather the Current Ammo
   gather_ammo = Ammo::Range_ammo_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
   # Check if the Active Battler is attacking and if they are using a ranged weapon
   if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0 and Ammo::Range_weapons_id.has_key?(@active_battler.weapon_id)
     # Check the Ammo Count
     if $game_party.item_number(gather_ammo) >= gather_ammo_cost
       # Sufficient Ammo, remove item
       # Insufficient Ammo
       @help_window.set_text("#{}'s weapon clicks - Empty! ", 1)
     # Call Default Code
 # Alias the Skill method
 def make_skill_action_result
   # Gather the current Ammo Cost
   gather_ammo_cost = Ammo::Skill_ammo[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
   # Gather Ammo
   gather_ammo = Ammo::Range_ammo_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
   # Check if the Actor is using a defiend skill
   if Ammo::Skill_ammo.has_key?(@active_battler.current_action.skill_id)
     # Check if Ammo is present
     if $game_party.item_number(gather_ammo) >= gather_ammo_cost
       # Sufficient Ammo, remove item
       # Call Default Code
       # Set Window; Do Nothing
       @help_window.set_text("#{} cannot attack due to insufficient Ammo", 1)
     # Otherwise SKip the check and call default code
# Written by Synthesize
# Special Thanks: ~Emo~ for the request
#                            Ammo Requirements

Whether I put it above or below my CBS (Tankentai side-view), it refuses to function. It works without the CBS, perfectly. It doesn't even throw an error - it just doesn't consume ammo. It aliases

# Begin Scene_Battle
class Scene_Battle
 # Alias Methods
 alias syn_scene_battle_range make_basic_action_result
 alias syn_scene_battle_skill make_skill_action_result

And tankentai does this:

 def make_basic_action_result
   if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0
   if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 1
     @help_window.set_text("#{} dives behind the nearest cover.", 1)
     @help_window.visible = true = false
     @help_window.visible = false
   if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and @active_battler.current_action.basic == 2
     @spriteset.set_action(false, @active_battler.index, @active_battler.run_success)
     pop_help("#{} escaped...")
   if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 3 = false
     $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
     @phase4_step = 1

Redefining the method, but I would think that the ammo script would still work fine. It only adds to the beginning, then calls the event as usual. What could the problem be?

Please and thank you ^_^


Anyone? Ammunition consumption is paramount to the gameplay of my game. If anyone thinks they can help, please don't hold back.
Resource Requests / Modern Soldier Sprites?
June 08, 2009, 08:12:32 pm
Hiya. I've yet to see ANYTHING like what I need, so I'm pretty sure that I need custom sprites made.

I need something like this:

That camouflage pattern is absolutely NECESSARY, I think, for recognization. I'd really appreciate if someone could make one with a helmet, one without, one black (as in skin color), and possibly one with hair sticking out of helmet, or two hair types, just for variation. The 7-8 main characters will all look very similar, so any versatility is GOLDEN.

I'd REALLY appreciate any help possible, here. I posted the same request a few months back, and a few people said that they might be able to help, but it never really got anywhere. Didn't wanna bring that one back from teh dead (would that even be considered necroposting?).

Anyways, thank you, VERY MUCH, for even considering helping me out. I can event pretty well, and modify scripts and stuff, but I totally suck when it comes to spriting.

Please and thank you ^_^
First of all, just to let you know, I've been recycling my old topics with no replies, since I post threads so often. I don't know if that's ok, but I just figure that it's more considerate of the general elegance of the forum. Please let me know if it is in any way bad - the only thing that I can think of is the fact that "views" stays the same, although it's not like it's a contest or anything. I'm just trying to do my part, so I'm sorry if this is a bad idea.

For instance, this WAS my "how to display two way radio text" thread, but I changed it, since I got an answer elsewhere.

Ok, now for the question:

I'm using a materia script as a weapon attachment system, and want to make it so that if materia X, Y, or Z, for instance, are equipped, the current weapon animation changes to the animation for a suppressed ("silenced") weapon. It seems simple enough. I've tried doing a
# normal line, the variable is added, though
result = @actor.equip_materia
if result == 43 then @actor.animation_id = 110 ; end

But it plays the animation INSTANTLY, ON THE ACTOR, when the battle starts. In other words, when the battle begins, the actor is randomly SHOT with a suppressed weapon.


Any idea how to change the USER'S animation, ONLY WHEN THEY ATTACK?

Please and thank you ^_^
Troubleshooting / Help / Variance damage on weapons?
March 30, 2009, 06:33:41 pm
How do I make it so that certain weapons have a chance to do really good or really bad damage, like axes in several RPGs?


Sword damage= 50-60
Axe damage = 10-180

Get what I'm saying?

Please and thank you ^_^
Hiya. I have a vehicle system which I want to implement, but the problem lies within the size of the vehicle sprites. They are made for RMXP, and are made for events, yet when I select which sprite to use, it is so large a selection that it ends up taking 3 different car's hoods, and only 1/3 of the body. I have no idea how I'd make that work, and that's IF I can make it use only ONE sprite. I couldn't line three events up (could I?) because, in theory, if you went around a corner with 1/3 behind, wouldn't it get caught up and look very strange, graphically? I can tell event (middle 1/3 of car) to follow the front 1/3, and the back to follow the middle, but it seems like they'd each move up in turn, over the course of a second, instead of all together.

LOOOONG story short, how do I make a picture that SEEMS too large for an event graphic, yet is meant for one, work?
RPG Maker Scripts / A few questions regarding RGSS
March 24, 2009, 07:16:23 pm
Hiya. I've read several tutorials on RGSS, but have yet to find answers to these questions. Please help me out:

1. Do scripts AUTORUN in the background? On one hand, they couldn't, because windows have to be called (, but on that same note, how would sprint scripts work? They MUST autorun. Which is the case, and how?

2. I know what def initialize is/does, but what about def main? (I get the define part, just main), and what about def module?

3. I'm trying to make a script that checks to see if anyone in your party is wearing a certain armor. If so, it changes their character sprite. Here is what I have so far:

Spoiler: ShowHide
  def initialize
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      if $data_actors.armor3_35
        then self.bitmap = $data.actors.character_herohelmetonkv5

Line 4 syntax error. I'm not sure how to set the command to make it change the sprite, and i'm also not sure whether or not to create a class at the top.

Sorry for all the Q's. Thanks a bunch! ^_^

Please and thank you

I'm using tankentai side view battler, and this is an addon for guns. I like the PHYSICAL animation, in that the actor jumps back, pulls gun, and shoots, but the default sound is a little bland. I turned it down, and I just make the enemy animation play the gunshot sound. However, this is not matched to the recoil when the actor shoots, and so it looks very crappy. I tried to make the target animation the bullet and the attacker animation the sound. However, this script snippet always overwrites the standard animation. Therefore, I want it to KEEP the movements of the actor, but allow the normal animation to play as well. Please help. I can't just edit the default sound, as I want different ones for different weapons.

Spoiler: ShowHide
# Add-On: Guns 1.1
# by Kylock
# This Add-On allows you to use additional animations for guns.
# To use this script, verify if your guns have the attribute with the same
# ID as GUN_ELEMENT in the weapon's tab of your database.

module N01
  # Element for the weapon/skill that has the Gun Animation
   # Attack Animation
   "GUNSHOT" => ["sound", "se",  0, 0, "close1"],}
  # Action Sequence
        "OBJ_ANIM_WEIGHT","12","WPN_SWING_VL","OBJ_ANIM_L","One Wpn Only",
        "16","Can Collapse","JUMP_TO","COORD_RESET"],}

module RPG
  class Weapon
    alias kylock_guns_base_action base_action
    def base_action
      # If the "Gun" attribute is marked on the weapon's element,
      # the new attack sequence is used
      if $data_weapons[@id].element_set.include?(N01::GUN_ELEMENT)
        return "GUN_ATTACK"
  class Skill
    alias kylock_sguns_base_action base_action
    def base_action
      # If the "Gun" attribute is marked on the weapon's element,
      # the new attack sequence is used
      if $data_skills[@id].element_set.include?(N01::GUN_ELEMENT)
        return "GUN_ATTACK"

Please and thank you ^_^
EDIT: Wrong section >< Sorry. Needs to be in script troubleshooting. Any mods mind moving it? Plzkthx


I've just installed Sephirothspawn's materia system, and removed the SDK check. Yes, this is allowed, XD. It works fine now, tested it and everything in its demo. HOWEVER, when I moved the script over to my game, I get "Error line 74. UndefinedMethodError nil;nilclass"

I would LOVE if someone would make it compatible for me, but that's not what I expect. All I want is for anyone who can help to PM me, and I'll send you a link to DL my game up to this point. Then you can play it and see the error yourself, along with all of my current configuration. All I want is a diagnosis- which script is it incompatible with, and why? How can I get it fixed? Where should I go TO get it fixed?

Please and thank you....i REALLY want this to work. Anyone to help me goes in credits and gets powered's all I can offer ><
Hiya, I was just requesting an animation for battles.

I need an animation to set to the one attacking, of one little brass empty shell flying out and cartwheeling down towards the floor, then bouncing once and fading out. I'm going to link it with a sound.

In other words, when my characters open fire, a brass shell casing should fly out.

I also need an animation for the enemy, of a laser-like bullet going through them, and then a little bit of blood comes out. BY THAT I MEAN: A tracer. NOT a laser, but you know how when you shoot a tracer, it looks like a ray of orange(or whatever color)? Like that. I'm going to add a sound to it of someone getting hit. NOTE: It needs to be going through the enemy, and coming out the left side. I use a CBS, side view. In other words, NOT going up, hitting them from the bottom and coming out top. I need it coming from right, going out left.

Please help, and thank you for your time ^_^

Firstly, I've constructed a screenshot HERE:

Spoiler: ShowHide

To show you what I need. yes, i frankensteined a screenshot together and added text to show what I'm looking for. Again, that IS NOT REAL. It's what I NEED. I just photoshopped that into existance.

Ok, I'm wanting to be able to use this as a vendor/shop guy. In other words, I walk up and someone goes:

Text: wanna customize?
Show choices: yes, no
If yes:
If no

Alright. I pretty much just want a GIANT window that says  "Weapon Customization" at the top, 3 columns of choices in the body, and at the bottom, the description for the choice. That's the easy part.

Alright, the easiest way for both of us is this:

Make each choice call a common event. That way I can do all the extra work, and easily go:
Conditional branch (Items needed)-
If yes: Ok, gimme money
if no- you don't have enough money.

However, when it comes to stacking addons, I don't wanna do 50 million conditional branches to let you add on more than one item. You can only have one frontal addon (like a bipod) , one upper (like a scope), one barrel (extended barrel), and one barrel attachment (laser sight, or surpressor). Think about that amount of conditional branches. That's IMPOSSIBLY long for me. Is there any way to simplify this, using scripts? If possible, just make something where the weapon gets a stat bonus, without it being a different weapon, if the conditional branches in the common event succeed, and the weapon's name is changed.(Parenthesis not included in the game) Like "Desert Eagle [LS(laser sight), EB (Extended barrel), S (Scope)]. It would also be useful if you could somehow make it so that certain weapons could not use certain attachments. If you see ANY option for making this work, then i'm game. I don't care for the method, just the results, and I know that this will be complex. You don't HAVE to have all of the options above. Nor is that all. I'd like it if the script used many comments, and allowed me to program in whatever options and results.

Also, the "Refinish" option above, IF POSSIBLE, would just recolor the weapon's ICON. Again, if possible, none of these edits would change the database's weapon. If asked, the game would give you the same ID weapon- it'd just have better stats. A "strip all upgrades" option, would be nice, too.

Please post back with feedback, comments, help, questions, or if you would like to give it a shot. Also, even a "this is/isn't possible" would be nice.

As always, please and thank you VERY MUCH ^_^.
Hiya. my game is post modern military, and I want to make a complex mission system.

Anyone who's ever played armored core understands me (only I want to build on this idea). I want to talk to a commander, or etc, and it pull up a map of a region, then it lets you select with a cursor a region, which then brings up available missions. When you beat certain missions, more in that mission line will be offered, until you reach the end of that line.

However, this would be EXTREMELY complicated through events. but here's what I'm thinking will work:

make the commander event call a picture, and flip a switch, CURSOR ON. that makes a Parallel event in the room activate page two, which is a cursor, which is always on top. Then when the player moves, it really moves the cursor. When you pick an area, it opens up a conditional branch, checking for certain missions. *commence 15 million conditional branches*. Afterwards, it displays all missions available.

When you pick a mission, I figure it would set a VARIABLE, NOT a switch, since there are gonna be like, a billion missions, not just two. That way, I can go

Commander (Text):so you'll destroy the drug shipment. Ok
Set variable 1 (MISSION)- 13
*Walks to briefing room*
Conditional- if VAR1=1, then...
Conditional- if VAR=13, then
Intelguy (text): Ok, lemme brief you on destroying the drug shipment.

THat way I can store EVERYONE'S reaction to your taking that mission. Then when you beat it, switch ###, drug shipment mission = ON

This system SEEMS functional, but it'd be VERY complex, and VERY cluttered/unorganized. I figure that common events could clean it up, though.

Anyone have comments/improvements/suggestions/etc?

please and thank you ^_^
In which scripts are the "E" for experience and the bar that are in the menu system, ass well as the action window (Attack, skill, defend, item) located, and how do I edit the X/y Coords of it?

Anyone know where they would be (IF) in tankentai CBS?

Please and thank you ^_^
Troubleshooting / Help / Icon transparency issue.
March 14, 2009, 11:44:05 am
No idea where to put this, XD

Ok, so I'm using tankentai's side view battler. It uses weapon icons in attack animations. Even without this,m it'd still be important, but it is even more so since the icons are so visible all the time.

I'll usually get a picture of whatever weapon offline, then scale it down to the necessary size. Then, when I import it, I set the transparency to white. However, this is the result:

If I color in the nearly white tiles, it doesn't look right. There is seemingly no solution, as no icons that small for firearms seem to exist at all. What can/should I do?
Please and thank you ^_^
Corrected coding. ~Love, Starrodkirby86
Script Troubleshooting / Tankentai overdrive issue
March 13, 2009, 10:48:05 pm
Hello. I am using the tankentai CBS side view battler, and it includes an overdrive system. However, when I attempt to use the system, the overdrive skill can be used without penalty, and yet the bar still fills as usual. It is almost as if the game's OD function works perfectly, but the game doesn't recognize that I have defined a given skill as an overdrive.

Here's the OD script. Please tell me if you have any information regarding this issue.

Spoiler: ShowHide
# Add-On: Overdrive
# by Atoa
# Based on KCG's Overdrive
# This Add-On adds an Overdrive/Limit Break system to the game.
# It works like this:
# A new bar is created, and gets filled up by many different actions, easily
# defined by you. When full, you can use special skills that you couldn't before.

module N01

  # Name of the Overdrive bar graphic file. Must be on the Graphic/Windowskins folder.
  # Maximum value of the Overdrive Bar.
  # Overdrive gain ratio, change these values as you wish
  OD_GAIN_RATE = [ 1000, 300, 100, 100, 200, 150, 100,  30,  50, 150, 100]
  #              [   A,   B,   C,   D,   E,   F,   G,   H,   I,   J,   K]
  # A = Gain on attacking, varies depending on the amount of damage dealt
  # B = Gain when attacked, varies depending on the amount of damage received
  # C = Gain when attack is dodged
  # D = Gain when an attack misses
  # E = Gain when a battle is won
  # F = Gain after fleeing a battle
  # G = Gain on the beginning of a dead ally's turn
  # H = Gain at the beginning of an alive ally's turn
  # I = Fixed Gain at the beginning of the turn
  # J = Gain at the beginning of the turn if the character is almost dead
  # K = Gain if the character kills the target while attacking
  # Here you must set up the character's IDs according to the form that they
  # fill their OD meter. Only the character's that have their ID defined on a
  # certain way will fill their OD Meter like that. Remember, to assign at least
  # one kind of OD gain to each character, or it will never fill the OD meter.
  # Ex.:  DAMAGE_OD_PLUS = [4,5,8] Means that the characters 4, 5 e 8 will fill
  # their OD meter when receiving damage from an enemy
  #                        IDs of chars that gains OD:
  ATTACK_OD_PLUS   = [1,2] #when attacking
  DAMAGE_OD_PLUS   = [3,4] #when being attacked
  EVADE_OD_PLUS    = [3]   #when dodgin an attack 
  MISS_OD_PLUS     = [1]   #when missing an attack
  WIN_OD_PLUS      = [1]   #when a battle is won 
  ESCAPE_OD_PLUS   = [4]   #after a successful escape
  DEAD_OD_PLUS     = [3]   #when a dead ally reaches his/her turn
  ALIVE_OD_PLUS    = [3,4] #when an alive ally begins his/her turn
  TURN_OD_PLUS     = [2,3] #fixed at the beginning of a turn
  CRITICAL_OD_PLUS = [2,4] #when the character is on a critical state, near dead
  KILL_OD_PLUS     = [1,2] #when the character kills the target while attacking
  # OD Meter position on the Battle Status Window
  # 0 = Horizontal Pattern, not centralized
  # 1 = Horizontal Pattern, centralized
  # 2 = Vertical bars
  # 3 = Custom Position
  # Readjustment of the OD Meter's position on the Battle Status Window. 
  # On the right side, the default values are shown for when the meter is
  # displayed Verticaly(Vert) and Horizontaly(Horz)
  # feel ree to change these values at will
  OD_X_POS = 0   #Default Value - Vert: 128| Horz: 0
  OD_Y_POS = 112 #Default Value - Vert: 16 | Horz: 0
  # Custom OD Bar position, only valid when BATTLE_STYLE = 3
  OD_CUSTOM_POSITION = [[460,180],[480,210],[500,240],[520,270]]

  # OD Meter position in main menu
  MENU_STYLE   = 1
  # 0 = Don't show
  # 1 = Above HP
  # 2 = Bellow name
  # 3 = Bellow level

# RPG::Skill
class RPG::Skill
  # Add here the ID for the Overdrive Skill
  alias extension_od_n01 extension
  def extension
    case @id
    when 84 #Overdrive's Skill ID
      return ["Magazine Discharge"]
    #Add here the Overdrive Skills' IDs, remembering that the skill can have
    #other extensions.
    #when X (X = Skill's ID)
    #  return ["OVERDRIVE"]

# Game_Actor
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  include N01
  def max_overdrive
    return MAX_OVERDRIVE
  def overdrive
    return @overdrive == nil ? @overdrive = 0 : @overdrive
  def overdrive=(n)
    @overdrive = [[n.to_i, 0].max, self.max_overdrive].min
  def overdrive_full?
    return @overdrive == self.max_overdrive
  def overdrive_update
    @overdrive = 0 if self.dead?

# Window_Base
class Window_Base < Window
  include N01
  def draw_actor_overdrive(actor, x, y)
    @skin = RPG::Cache.windowskin(OVERDRIVE_METER)
    @width  = @skin.width
    @height = @skin.height / 3
    src_rect =, 0, @width, @height)
    self.contents.blt(x , y, @skin, src_rect)   
    @line   = (actor.overdrive == actor.max_overdrive ? 2 : 1)
    @amount = 100 * actor.overdrive / actor.max_overdrive
    src_rect2 =, @line * @height, @width * @amount / 100, @height)
    self.contents.blt(x , y, @skin, src_rect2)

# Game_Battler
class Game_Battler
  alias skill_can_use_od_n01 skill_can_use?
  def skill_can_use?(skill_id)
    skill = $data_skills[skill_id]
    if self.is_a?(Game_Actor) && skill != nil && skill.extension.include?("OVERDRIVE")
      return false unless self.overdrive_full?
  alias attack_effect_od_n01 attack_effect
  def attack_effect(attacker)
    result = attack_effect_od_n01(attacker)
    if result && self.damage.is_a?(Numeric)
      if attacker.is_a?(Game_Actor) && self.is_a?(Game_Enemy) &&
        ATTACK_OD_PLUS.include?( && self.damage > 0
        od_up = [self.damage * OD_GAIN_RATE[0] / (attacker.level + 10) / 50, 10].max
        attacker.overdrive += od_up
        attacker.overdrive += OD_GAIN_RATE[10] if self.hp <= 0 and KILL_OD_PLUS.include?(
      elsif attacker.is_a?(Game_Enemy) && self.is_a?(Game_Actor) &&
        DAMAGE_OD_PLUS.include?( && self.damage > 0
        od_up = [self.damage * OD_GAIN_RATE[1] / self.maxhp, 1].max
        self.overdrive += od_up
    if @missed or @evaded
      if attacker.is_a?(Game_Actor) && self.is_a?(Game_Enemy) &&
        attacker.overdrive += OD_GAIN_RATE[3]
      elsif attacker.is_a?(Game_Enemy) && self.is_a?(Game_Actor) &&
        self.overdrive += OD_GAIN_RATE[2]
    return result
  alias skill_effect_od_n01 skill_effect
  def skill_effect(user, skill)
    @base_damage = nil
    result = skill_effect_od_n01(user, skill)
    if result && self.damage.is_a?(Numeric)
      if user.is_a?(Game_Actor) && self.is_a?(Game_Enemy) &&
        ATTACK_OD_PLUS.include?( && self.damage > 0
        od_up = [self.damage * OD_GAIN_RATE[0] / (user.level + 10) / 50, 10].max
        user.overdrive += od_up
        user.overdrive += OD_GAIN_RATE[10] if self.hp <= 0 and KILL_OD_PLUS.include?(
      elsif user.is_a?(Game_Enemy) && self.is_a?(Game_Actor) &&
        DAMAGE_OD_PLUS.include?( && self.damage > 0
        od_up = [self.damage * OD_GAIN_RATE[1] / self.maxhp, 1].max
        self.overdrive += od_up
    if @missed or @evaded
      if user.is_a?(Game_Actor) && self.is_a?(Game_Enemy) &&
        user.overdrive += OD_GAIN_RATE[3]
      elsif user.is_a?(Game_Enemy) && self.is_a?(Game_Actor) &&
        self.overdrive += OD_GAIN_RATE[2]
    return result
  alias perfetc_attack_effect_od_n01 attack_effect
  def perfetc_attack_effect(attacker)
    @overdrive_plus = nil
    result = perfetc_attack_effect_od_n01(attacker)
    if result && self.damage.is_a?(Numeric)
      if attacker.is_a?(Game_Actor) && self.is_a?(Game_Enemy) &&
        ATTACK_OD_PLUS.include?( && self.damage > 0
        od_up = [self.damage * OD_GAIN_RATE[0] / (attacker.level + 10) / 50, 10].max
        attacker.overdrive += od_up
        attacker.overdrive += OD_GAIN_RATE[10] if self.hp <= 0 and KILL_OD_PLUS.include?(
      elsif attacker.is_a?(Game_Enemy) && self.is_a?(Game_Actor) &&
        DAMAGE_OD_PLUS.include?( && self.damage > 0
        od_up = [self.damage * OD_GAIN_RATE[1] / self.maxhp, 1].max
        self.overdrive += od_up
    return result
  alias perfetc_skill_effect_od_n01 skill_effect
  def perfetc_skill_effect(user, skill)
    @base_damage = nil
    result = perfetc_skill_effect_od_n01(user, skill)
    if result && self.damage.is_a?(Numeric)
      if user.is_a?(Game_Actor) && self.is_a?(Game_Enemy) &&
        ATTACK_OD_PLUS.include?( && self.damage > 0
        od_up = [self.damage * OD_GAIN_RATE[0] / (user.level + 10) / 50, 10].max
        user.overdrive += od_up
        user.overdrive += OD_GAIN_RATE[10] if self.hp <= 0 and KILL_OD_PLUS.include?(
      elsif user.is_a?(Game_Enemy) && self.is_a?(Game_Actor) &&
        DAMAGE_OD_PLUS.include?( && self.damage > 0
        od_up = [self.damage * OD_GAIN_RATE[1] / self.maxhp, 1].max
        self.overdrive += od_up
    return result

# ■ Window_Skill
class Window_Skill < Window_Selectable
  def draw_item(index)
    skill = @data[index]
    if @actor.skill_can_use?(
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.font.color = crisis_color if skill.extension.include?("OVERDRIVE")
      self.contents.font.color = disabled_color
    x = 4 + index % 2 * (288 + 32)
    y = index / 2 * 32
    rect =, y, self.width / @column_max - 32, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(skill.icon_name)
    opacity = self.contents.font.color == disabled_color ? 128 : 255
    self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 204, 32,, 0)
    cost = @actor.calc_sp_cost(@actor, skill)
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 232, y, 48, 32, cost.to_s, 2)

# Window_BattleStatus
class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base
  alias refresh_od_n01 refresh
  def refresh
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      case BATTLE_STYLE
      when 0
        meter_x = i * (624 / MAX_MEMBER) + OD_X_POS
        meter_y = OD_Y_POS
      when 1
        meter_x = OD_X_POS + ((624 / MAX_MEMBER) * ((MAX_MEMBER - $game_party.actors.size)/2.0 + i)).floor
        meter_y = OD_Y_POS
      when 2
        meter_x = OD_X_POS
        meter_y = i * 32 + OD_Y_POS
      when 3
        meter_x = OD_CUSTOM_POSITION[i][0]
        meter_y = OD_CUSTOM_POSITION[i][1]
      draw_actor_overdrive(actor, meter_x, meter_y)

# Window_MenuStatus
class Window_MenuStatus < Window_Selectable
  alias refresh_od_n01 refresh
  def refresh
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      x = 64
      y = i * 116
      draw_actor_overdrive(actor, x + 236, y + 12) if MENU_STYLE == 1
      draw_actor_overdrive(actor, x + 4, y + 24) if MENU_STYLE == 2
      draw_actor_overdrive(actor, x + 4, y + 56) if MENU_STYLE == 3

# Window_Status
class Window_Status < Window_Base
  alias refresh_od_n01 refresh
  def refresh
    draw_actor_overdrive(@actor, 96, 96) if MENU_STYLE != 0

# Scene_Battle
class Scene_Battle
  include N01
  alias battle_end_od_n01 battle_end
  def battle_end(result)
    case result
    when 0
      for actor in $game_party.actors
        next unless actor.exist?
        if WIN_OD_PLUS.include?(
          actor.overdrive += OD_GAIN_RATE[4]
    when 1
      for actor in $game_party.actors
        next unless actor.exist?
        if ESCAPE_OD_PLUS.include?(
          actor.overdrive += OD_GAIN_RATE[5]
  alias update_phase4_step2_KGC_OverDrive update_phase4_step2
  def update_phase4_step2
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
      od_up = 0
      for actor in $game_party.actors
        od_up += OD_GAIN_RATE[6] if DEAD_OD_PLUS.include?( and actor.dead?
        od_up += OD_GAIN_RATE[7] if DEAD_OD_PLUS.include?( and !actor.dead?
      if TURN_OD_PLUS.include?(
        od_up += OD_GAIN_RATE[8]
      if CRITICAL_OD_PLUS.include?(
        od_up += @active_battler.hp <= @active_battler.maxhp / 4 ? OD_GAIN_RATE[9] : 0
      @active_battler.overdrive += od_up
  alias make_skill_action_result_KGC_OverDrive make_skill_action_result
  def make_skill_action_result
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) && @skill.extension.include?("OVERDRIVE")
      @active_battler.overdrive = 0
  alias update_phase4_step6_od_n01 update_phase4_step6
  def update_phase4_step6
    for actor in $game_party.actors

# Scene_Skill
class Scene_Skill
  alias update_skill_od_n01 update_skill
  def update_skill
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      unless @skill == nil or not @actor.skill_can_use?( or @skill.scope >= 3
        @actor.overdrive = 0 if @skill.extension.include?("OVERDRIVE")
  def update_target
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) = true
      @target_window.visible = false = false
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      unless @actor.skill_can_use?(
      if @target_window.index == -1
        used = false
        for i in $game_party.actors
          used |= i.skill_effect(@actor, @skill)
      if @target_window.index <= -2
        target = $game_party.actors[@target_window.index + 10]
        used = target.skill_effect(@actor, @skill)
      if @target_window.index >= 0
        target = $game_party.actors[@target_window.index]
        used = target.skill_effect(@actor, @skill)
      if used
        @actor.overdrive = 0 if @skill.extension.include?("OVERDRIVE")
        @actor.sp -= @skill.sp_cost
        if $game_party.all_dead?
          $scene =
        if @skill.common_event_id > 0
          $game_temp.common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id
          $scene =
      unless used
Hello. I am having compatibility issues with these two script. Tankentai's is a CBS, side view, and the ammo consumption script worked just fine by itself. I am not getting an error, but now the game party doesn't lose one (insert bullet type here) when they fire. Here is the ammo script:
Spoiler: ShowHide
#                            Syn's Ammo Requirements 
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 1.00
# August 15, 2007
# Tested with SDK 2.1
# Customization Section
module Ammo
  # Format = {weapon_id => Ammo_cost}
  Range_weapons_id = {1 => 1}
  Range_weapons_id = {2 => 5}
  Range_weapons_id = {4 => 1}
  Range_weapons_id = {5 => 1}
  Range_weapons_id = {6 => 3}
  # Format = {weapon_id => Item_id
  Range_ammo_id = {1 => 33}
  Range_ammo_id = {2 => 34}
  Range_ammo_id = {4 => 36}
  Range_ammo_id = {5 => 36}
  Range_ammo_id = {6 => 37}
  # Format = {skill_id => Ammo_cost}
  Skill_ammo = {84 => 15}
  # Note on Skills: When using Skills the Current Ammo for the equipped
  # weapon will be used. So if Skill 73 is used and Weapon 17 is equipped
  # then Ammo #33 will be used.
# Begin Scene_Battle
class Scene_Battle
  # Alias Methods
  alias syn_scene_battle_range make_basic_action_result
  alias syn_scene_battle_skill make_skill_action_result
  # Alias the Attacking method
  def make_basic_action_result
    # Gather the current Ammo Cost
    gather_ammo_cost = Ammo::Range_weapons_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
    # Gather the Current Ammo
    gather_ammo = Ammo::Range_ammo_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
    # Check if the Active Battler is attacking and if they are using a ranged weapon
    if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0 and Ammo::Range_weapons_id.has_key?(@active_battler.weapon_id)
      # Check the Ammo Count
      if $game_party.item_number(gather_ammo) >= gather_ammo_cost
        # Sufficient Ammo, remove item
        # Insufficient Ammo
        @help_window.set_text("#{}'s weapon clicks - Empty! ", 1)
      # Call Default Code
  # Alias the Skill method
  def make_skill_action_result
    # Gather the current Ammo Cost
    gather_ammo_cost = Ammo::Skill_ammo[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
    # Gather Ammo
    gather_ammo = Ammo::Range_ammo_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
    # Check if the Actor is using a defiend skill
    if Ammo::Skill_ammo.has_key?(@active_battler.current_action.skill_id)
      # Check if Ammo is present
      if $game_party.item_number(gather_ammo) >= gather_ammo_cost
        # Sufficient Ammo, remove item
        # Call Default Code
        # Set Window; Do Nothing
        @help_window.set_text("#{} cannot attack due to insufficient Ammo", 1)
      # Otherwise SKip the check and call default code
# Written by Synthesize
# Special Thanks: ~Emo~ for the request
#                            Ammo Requirements

And here is the tankentai demo:

The ammo script is failry short, and so i'd bet that it'd be the easier of the two to use. I'm not sure why there's an error, but this really sucks because my game is post modern military, and realism is absolutely NECESSARY. I'm sorry, but none of us use magical ak-47's with infinite ammo.


Please and thank you- ANY information, even just what the problem is in specific, so that it will help my future helper, is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED.
Script Requests / Item limit remover script
March 12, 2009, 08:12:49 pm
I've been looking all over for a script that allows you to carry more than 99 of an item, but I can't find it.

Anyone have one?
Hiya. I'm making a modern warfare RPG, and I'd like to make intelligence and Accuracy (dex) increase damage slightly as well. DEX also makes crit rate go up. Think about it... better accuracy means you shoot at vitals more often, and intelligence allows you to think about target zones. STR should increase DEX slightly- better recoil control. Can anyone help me to
A) Create a new formula
B) Script said formula

I renamed the MP "focus". However, I need it to do specific things, and I believe that I need scripts for this
I want your accuracy to temporarily drop along with your focus. I want your focus to fall when you take damage, but only slightly. Food will restore it (doesn't need script, I think) I also want accuracy to temporariy rise when it's at > 90% or so, meaning ACC is normal when at 90%.. Please help me?

Sorry if this is confusing. Please help me out, here

THanks for the help ^_^
Resource Requests / Modern Soldiers....please help!
March 11, 2009, 06:27:37 pm
Hiya. New here.

I'm making a game, post modern. Problem is, I can't find ANY soldier sprites or battlers. Well, lemme elaborate.

I CAN find them.

But they're just NOT RIGHT.

Metal slug is too "farsicle"...too "sarcastic" and over the top.

Anyways, does anyone have any modern soldier sprites or battlers, or could anyone possibly PLEASE try to edit some for me? Preferably in modern army uniforms? (ACU)

I wouldn't mind using edited advance wars infantry for my battle sprites ( I wanna get a CBS, side view), but they're WAY too small, from what I've seen.

Otherwise, I could use a forward to some potential help.

Thank you