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Messages - Spaceman McConaughey

Video Games / Re: Hatred
October 28, 2014, 02:39:39 am
Fair enough, Brois.
Video Games / Re: Hatred
October 28, 2014, 02:04:04 am
Oh, I read that wrong. Sorry.

Anyways, when I play video games, I don't let what I'm playing bother me simply because it's not real, since it's... a video game. I dunno, I think if plenty of people tried on that mindset, they'd get more enjoyment out of their gaming hobby.
Video Games / Re: Hatred
October 28, 2014, 01:50:26 am
Rape and pedophilia jokes piss off a lot of people just as much (if not more, due to making light of such a serious subject) as accepting it.
That is common sense, Zexion. By your logic, I can make a comedic game about 911 or the Columbine massacre (serious and touchy subjects for people, like rape and pedophilia), and that'd be a-okay. I mean, I don't give a fuck if something like that is made one way or another, but you seem to be a part of the group that cares if it is made one way.

Also, no need to start throwing insults. I have a brain, thanks.
Video Games / Re: Hatred
October 28, 2014, 01:29:00 am
What about that game done in a humorous tone?

The rampant pedo jokes on CP would make it seem it'd not get on the nerves of most of you.
Video Games / Re: Hatred
October 28, 2014, 12:35:01 am
Quote from: Zexion on October 28, 2014, 12:20:53 am
Isn't it a bit presumptuous to assume that we all "like" and/or accept the violence in GTA? If that's the argument the other side is making, they'd have to be sure that everyone was fine with violence in other games. Just because no one is making a "big deal" about it, doesn't mean that everyone is fine with it. GTA had it's own share of controversy back in the day. It's died down though as it's pretty much been the same shet in every game, senseless unrealistic rampage.  This trailer takes it to a whole new level and it's really not hard to see why someone would be offended.

Sorry, but the majority of the gaming community accepts GTA for what it is, and has for a little while now.

And yeah, like I said, I see why people get offended.
I just find it incredibly ridiculous, and that's just my opinion.

Quote from: ForeverZer0 on October 28, 2014, 12:24:23 am
Who's ready for a pedophile game? You play an ice cream man trying to lure children into your van, all while not alerting the parents and the police.

Bing It On™

Just to make my point a bit more clear:
When something is already so established and accepted in gaming, you can't shit on one game for doing the same damn thing, albeit just a bit different (by that I mean the sadistic speech in the trailer). Despite that small difference, it is the same thing. And no, I'm not talking about any of you in particular, I'm talking about everyone in general. The outrage from blobs of SJWs.

"Journalists" who praise GTA are attacking this game, and the staggering amount of hypocrisy behind it all is hi-lar-ious.
Video Games / Re: Hatred
October 27, 2014, 06:59:53 pm
A video from RTU I agree with.

Subscribing again.
Video Games / Re: Hatred
October 27, 2014, 05:18:11 am
Oh, I see.

Eh, seeing as I'm the kind of person that plays GTA games and GTA-like games for violent, lengthy massacres, this doesn't bother me.
I guess this is going to disgust anyone who plays those games purely for the missions. :P

Still seems like a large non-issue to me, considering how widely accepted this type of gameplay is.
To me, it feels like the video game tabloids chose the violent game with the edgiest trailer to make their target. :)
Video Games / Re: Hatred
October 27, 2014, 04:34:22 am
Quote from: Blizzard on October 27, 2014, 03:14:54 am
Quote from: Sgt. Tuggernuts on October 27, 2014, 01:45:13 am
so the outrage is not justified at all.

And you should have read the topic. Nobody is saying that there has to be a story. You are completely missing the issue.

I was actually referring to the general outrage over the game, and what I brought up is an argument many people use.
When I mentioned me not reading the topic, I also meant to see if anyone else mentioned that argument everyone seems to be using.

Also, maybe I missed something somewhere down the line, but going off my current knowledge, Hatred doesn't let you shoot up schools. :/

Yeah, I'm trying to find something that says you can, but I just find references to it being a cause for future school shootings (which it has no more potential for doing so than your average violent game). Or maybe I read your post wrong, but this bit...

Quote from: Blizzard on October 27, 2014, 03:14:54 am
They are marketing it as a "school shooter" on purpose.

...makes it seem like you thought that was the case. It's not even marketed as a school shooter, and there aren't even any children/teens in the trailer.
Sorry if I'm misunderstanding you at all.

But yeah, misunderstandings aside...
No, I'm not missing the issue. I understand full well everyone's problem with the game.
The violence is very gruesome, what with how people beg you not to kill them (Watch_Dogs did that too, and realistically like this game does, but whatever), and because of that, some people consider it going too far. I do not. It's all so stupid to me, seeing as it's a game, and not real, and it's certainly not the first game to do this.

And the other issue people are having, is the lack of a story to justify the rampages, which is, to me, an incredibly laughable argument.
This game is getting much more shit than it deserves. If it wasn't advertised with the ultra-edgy trailer, yet we got the same game displayed in said trailer on release, the outrage across the internet would be far less prevalent. At least I think so.

BASICALLY, I see how all of you think it's an issue, but in the end, it just isn't an issue like everyone seems to think.
Video Games / Re: Hatred
October 27, 2014, 01:45:13 am
Quote from: fjshrr5 on October 25, 2014, 06:34:13 pm
School shooters, People with mental issues, and the like.

I want to say something very horrible to you, since you just called me a psychopathic school shooter (indirectly, but still, you bundled me with the likes of murderers).
Think before you post something so dumb. That is such a damn ridiculous generalization of anyone looking forward to this game for how insanely fun it's going to be.

The target demographic is people who love senseless violence in video games, which is a large chunk of gamers.
Not school shooters, not people with mental issues. Jesus, I am finding it so hard to not rip you one right now. Your post really pissed me off.
But I'll just leave it alone now.

Anyways, I'm not going to look over this thread to see if it was already said, but:
Violence doesn't need a story to be justifiable in a video game. It's not real, none of it is, and the whole
"GTA's violence is okay because of the story dawg" excuse is incredibly dumb, in my humble opinion, and is not a good justification of the killing you do in the game at all.

It's a video game, so anything you do in it does not need a reason (Hatred is an arcade game, after all, and arcade games for years had no reason for what's happening in them at all).
If the game just wants you to do it, that's that. You do it. Not really an issue. None of it is real. And let's not forget, the biggest draw of GTA is the ability to go on senseless massacres outside of the story missions (at least it is for me and countless other people).  So, when you think about it, Hatred is a game that has existed for years in GTA and GTA clones, so the outrage is not justified at all.

I just don't understand why a story is needed to kill people.
I mean, am I supposed to feel good about murdering Blume employees in Watch_Dogs because the story has them working for the big bad data-mining company?
These are people with lives and families, but I can still kill them. Nobody should feel any better about it because the story has you do it.

But hey, I'm a psychopathic school shooter, so maybe my perception of reality is just warped beyond repair. :V:
(now I'll leave it alone)

Best parody of the trailer, I think.

Also, the existence of this petition makes my damn blood boil.
Video Games / Fuck off, Kotaku and Polygon.
October 18, 2014, 05:48:55 pm

Fuck you guys.

Hatred looks insanely fun and is literally no different than going on a rampage in a GTA game.
I'm tired of the fucking hypocrisy. It's bad for gaming as a whole.

Ugh! Fire these RETARDS already! Someone!? PLEASE!?
New Projects / Re: Kingdom Hearts: Age of Guardians
October 08, 2014, 06:00:58 am
Attention whore.

Stay the fuck out.


u kno i luv u
Video Games / Re: Smash 3DS DLC Wish List
October 07, 2014, 09:57:00 pm
Quote from: gameus on October 07, 2014, 09:51:29 pm
Some more actual alternate skins.

How can I forget?

Fuck yes to that.
Video Games / Smash 3DS DLC Wish List
October 07, 2014, 09:28:01 pm
What kind of DLC do you want? I mean, assuming the game does get it?


  • Wolf

  • Mewtwo

  • Krystal *

  • Ridley *

* Those two are wishful thinking, to be honest.


  • Great Bay

  • Lylat Cruise

  • Smashville

  • Sector Z


  • Special Brawl *

  • Complete set of alternate models (not skins) for all characters, where applicable

* Or, you know, whatever it'd be called in this game. I am literally pissed that they took away Stamina Mode. >8(

No idea what else I'd like to see right now, but what about all of you?
Chat / Re: Democracy in Hong Kong
October 06, 2014, 12:30:39 am
This petition literally has zero potential to help anybody.
Welcome! / Re: Not gonna be active for a while
October 05, 2014, 01:13:58 pm
Lol scrub i stole ur fone

git rekt


That sucks. See you soon.
Video Games / Re: 3ds Friend Codes
October 04, 2014, 11:51:47 pm
Here's mine:
4527 - 8560 - 0321

Whoever adds, tell me you've done so.

Like, holy fuck, why?
Completely unacceptable, in my opinion.
Welcome! / Re: Greetings!
October 02, 2014, 07:44:51 am
Quote from: WhiteRose on October 01, 2014, 09:55:20 pm
No one here is truly boring

Speak for yourself.

I'm boring as fuck.
Chat / Re: The "Post your Desktop" Thread
September 28, 2014, 02:12:07 am
I just couldn't stay away for too long. :3
Spoiler: ShowHide

Don't worry, knee-jerkers; I'm running Windows on my second HDD.
Video Games / Re: Vita Game
September 27, 2014, 06:10:45 am
I dunno if you enjoy shooters, but if you DO decide to get one for the Vita, get Killzone: Mercenary.
It is by far the best FPS on the Vita, with an insane amount of polish to both graphics and gameplay. Packed with content, as well.

Every other FPS on the Vita is garbage in comparison.

Other suggestions:
1. Uncharted: Golden Abyss
2. Gravity Rush
3. Wipeout 2048
4. PS1 and PSP games