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Messages - Blizzard

I know it's been a month, but do other projects work? If yes, your project might be corrupted to such a degree that it crashes RMXP.
RMXP Script Database / Re: [XP] Weapon Charge
August 24, 2024, 03:31:44 am
Quote from: Sin86 on August 22, 2024, 03:23:28 pmIt's a great script and I love it, but I saw some bugs.

You can hold down the attack button during any autorun events, when there is text being displayed, when your character is forced to do a move route. Much of this can be game breaking. Is there any way to disable the script on certain events and then re-enable it when you are ready?

Yes, there is. Check the manual for script calls. There is one that disables all ABS controls.
IDK if the color byte order flip is ok. Just pointing it out as potential bug.
RMMZ Script Database / Re: [MZ][MV] Ultra Mode 7
May 13, 2024, 04:39:52 am
BTW, somebody reported a bug that I fixed today. While doing that, I actually noticed that I have that exact calculation in the code. It's inside the Game_Map.refreshUltraMode7View() function. I use it to calculate how many extra tiles I need to render in looping maps in order that all tiles are visible.
RMMZ Script Database / Re: [MZ][MV] Ultra Mode 7
May 09, 2024, 03:49:19 am
Ugh, I barely check either forum at this point. Usually it's best to ask me in Discord. You were lucky I came across this topic today. xD

Anyway, your use-case isn't actually viable. When using FOV=0, camera distance is meaningless as there is no perspective distortion. There are two ways to handle this:

- I don't remember if I added orthogonal zoom or not. It's been a while since I touched that script. Check if there is an explicit zoom option in the instructions.

- If you set the FOV to something small like 0.1, you will get a near-orthogonal view, but you can still use camera distance to manipulate a quasi-zoom. Keep in mind that you will need a very far initial camera to get the proper size in the first place. If you want, you get even calculate the exact distance you need for a near 1-to-1 orthogonal by using some trigonometry on the 0.1° angle of the FOV and the screen pixel width (can't remember the default width right now). (Off the top of my head I think it's "distance = cos(FOV / 2) * width / 2", just make sure to express FOV in radians instead of degrees when you do the math.)
Hm, maybe you could just use Blizz-ABS. It has pixel-movement and caterpillar with default map passability. You just need to turn off the battle stuff.
I'd say it doesn't actually store the condition and automatically thinks it's off if the variable has the default value.
Have you tried DDU yet?

A few months back I had some mega weird issues with my GPU. It started when I swapped out my 2080Ti for a 3080Ti. Even though I did a "clean installation" through NVidia's driver installer, it didn't fix the problem. However, using that Display Driver Uninstaller thingy (and following all instructions precisely) did manage to clean my system properly. Then after that installing NVidia's driver, everything finally worked fine.

What GPU are you using anyway? You might wanna try to google your specific GPU with Elden Ring and see whether other people have had the same issues as you.
RMXP Script Database / Re: [XP] Tons of Add-ons
July 11, 2022, 05:55:07 am
Quote from: KK20 on June 26, 2022, 08:39:02 pm
Quote from: Blizzard on June 26, 2022, 05:16:47 pmDo I need to fix anything on my end in the original script?
I think only the targets.any? fix. If the user is unable to use the skill in make_skill_action_result, the alias still returns an empty list of targets, I think.

I guess I can take a look at it. Or feel free to just post a fixed version here and I'll update the main script with it.

Also, what about this:

Quote from: KK20 on June 02, 2021, 03:29:39 am
Quote from: SolarisSpell on June 01, 2021, 04:52:07 pmIf I change these vales, nothing happen. I even tried using script calls as it says in the instructions with no result.
-CTRL + F's the script-

...Blizzard what the fuck. How did no one ever report this?

Good question. O_o I never tried changing those colors. Maybe I just defined the constants and never really implemented their usage.

EDIT: Ok, I will add the targets.any? fix and add the unlearnable skills array for Blue Magic Status. I will also fix the Minimap colors. The new version will be up later today.
RMXP Script Database / Re: [XP] Tons of Add-ons
June 26, 2022, 05:16:47 pm
Do I need to fix anything on my end in the original script?
The formula I came up with for my script isn't 100% accurate, but I could never figure out why. It might be possible that it just comes down to some mathematical accuracy/rounding issues or something like that. But I think you can still rely on the formula being 99%+ accurate.
RMMZ Script Database / Re: [MZ][MV] Ultra Mode 7
February 22, 2022, 03:03:56 pm
Legal bump for some breaking news: I added RMMZ support.
It's kinda weird that nobody has posted this information anywhere on the Internet because there actually IS a way to disable Windows Update completely. Why would you do that? While keeping your PC up to date is recommended, some people experience huge issues with updates. Windows Update has broken various PCs I have worked on (home PCs/laptops, PCs at work, work servers, etc.) numerous times. This is why I prefer to update Windows only when I do have the time to also reinstall Windows in case it breaks something I really need (which is almost always). I dislike forced updates that I have no controls over because they break shit way too often.

So, how is it done? Windows Update depends on 2 services on your PC to function. If you simply delete these two services, Windows Update will stop. Why both? Because these services attempt to restore each other, hence both must be removed.

1. Press Windows+R.
2. Type in "regedit" and press ENTER.
3. Find and delete the entire the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv
4. Find and delete the entire the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WaaSMedicSvc
5. Restart your PC.
6. Make SURE you actually DO restart your PC! The services will be running even though you deleted them from registry until you restart your PC. That means that they have a chance to restore each other. For extra safety you can first stop those 2 services before deleting them. While technically you may not need to restart your PC if you go this route, safe is safe and you should restart it anyway.

Optional: Export the two keys from the registry so you can restore Windows Update if necessary.

Notes: There are other ways to delete services via command line, but even in admin mode, Windows will actually refuse to delete WaaSMedicSvc because of permission limitations. Microsoft is trying really hard to keep pushing those (essentially beta) updates on you.
Hm, are you sure dividing by 0 is smart?
RMXP Script Database / Re: [XP] Lagless Path Finder
July 22, 2021, 05:20:20 am
I think I did this because of performance reasons. But it's been a such long time ago, I really don't remember.
RMXP Script Database / Re: [XP] Tons of Add-ons
July 22, 2021, 05:17:20 am
Uploaded a new version with KK20's fix.
Try printing just:


to see if you actually have the proper data/object inside.
The thing with playback rate is that physically it always changes the pitch (that's just how sound waves work). If you want to change the playback rate without changing the pitch, what internally happens is that the sound wave is actually resampled to maintain the same pitch while speeding up or slowing down the playback rate. It probably depends on the browser whether it supports this or not. Unless you resample the waves yourself, you really won't be able to use that feature if the browser doesn't support it.
Yeah. They technically haven't become more savvy. The thing with the hidden URL has been around for a while.
General Discussion / Re: RGSS Reverse and Refine
February 11, 2021, 05:36:39 am
Haha, I actually worked on libtheoraplayer. You can still see me being a contributer on github . The version used in in VXA integrated the older version which Kresimir started by himself initially. I only joined in on development a bit later. I actually did the majority of API refactoring for v2.x.
Kresimir used to be one of the 3 owners of Cateia Games and I worked for 10 years for Cateia until later 2018. Cateia was sold to Russian mobile giant Playrix last year and rebranded as Playrix Croatia.

But yeah, IIRC RMXP was C-only. I think they might have used C++ on VX and evidently VXA does have C++ code.