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Topics - Aqua

Bug Reports and Tech Issues / Map Bugs
March 25, 2013, 04:44:34 pm
Post screenshots and descriptions of map errors here!

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Bed not interacting with character properly.
Electronic and Computer Section / Good Computer Build?
January 19, 2013, 10:02:14 am
Uh... purposes would be...
Gaming and heavy art stuff - Photoshop, Maya, etc.

Think a SSD is necessary or something?
(Don't really know what I'm doing :D)

Want to order soon, since some deals expire... soon D:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU:  Intel Core i7-3820 3.6GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($299.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard:  ASRock X79 Extreme6 ATX  LGA2011 Motherboard  ($228.49 @ Newegg)
Memory:  Corsair Vengeance LP 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($84.99 @ Newegg)
Storage:  Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  ($79.99 @ Newegg)
Video Card:  XFX Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition 2GB Video Card  ($239.99 @ Newegg)
Case:  Rosewill CHALLENGER ATX Mid Tower Case  ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply:  SeaSonic 620W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply  ($84.98 @ Newegg)
Optical Drive:  Lite-On iHAS124-04 DVD/CD Writer  ($22.98 @ Newegg)
Other: TP-LINK TL-WN722N Wireless N150 High Gain USB Adapter, 150Mbps, w/4 dBi High Gain Detachable Antenna, IEEE 802.11b/g/n, WEP, WPA/WPA2 ($17.93)
Total: $1091.33
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-01-19 09:59 EST-0500)
I'm doing some art stuff where it's very repetitive in that I...
Click one button at Point(X0, Y0),
Click a text field at Point(X1, Y1),
Enter Variable A,
Click a text field at Point(X2, Y2),
Enter Variable B,
Variable B++;
Repeat N times.

Using a script to do this for me would be VERY helpful, but I don't know how to do it.
Anyone want to help? :P  I'll love you long timez if you do.
It should hopefully be able to work despite what desktop applications/windows are active and whatnot, in case I need this thing across different applications.

I would attempt to google some stuff to figure it out... But I have to do this art thingie right now xD
Mathematics / Dice Probability Help
February 12, 2012, 04:38:16 pm
My mind is pretty frazzled right now, and I'm having trouble thinking about this...

Could someone tell me and explain the following if I am wrong?

Given 5d6, what is the probability that you roll any kind of triple, quadruple, or quintuple?
The order in which they are rolled does not matter, as long as a triple, quadruple, or quintuple can be formed.
So... 1-1-1-2-3 is the same as 2-3-1-1-1.

What I got was 630 out of 7776 possibilities or 8.102%.  Is this correct?
Welcome! / Aqua Evaporating...
August 24, 2011, 09:24:29 pm
Hi guys...

I probably won't be on anymore forever...

Nah, I just started college yesterday, and I'm not sure how much I can be on CP.
I'll be sure to visit everyday, and I think I will be able to still no-life lurk on here...
But just this week is overpacked with first-year experience jazz...

So I'll precipitate soon.
Welcome! / Au Canada
August 13, 2010, 09:22:30 am
I'm going to Canada from tomorrow to next Thursday.
So uh...
See ya :P
Tutorials / MOVED: Sprite Editing tutorials
August 03, 2010, 09:16:48 am
I was gonna wait for another tutorial, but Blizzard poked me to move it to Tutorial Database.
Welcome! / Aqua's Indefinite Leave...
June 13, 2010, 11:07:12 am
I'll be leaving forever starting on Wednesday...

Goodbye Chaos-Project!!!

I am actually going on vacation and will be back July 20th or so...
Mathematics / Optimization Problems -____-
January 24, 2010, 11:11:12 pm
A fence 8 ft tall runs parallel to a tall building at a distance of 4 ft from the building. 
What is the length of the shortest ladder that will reach from the ground over the fence to the wall of the building?

I know it involves similar triangles... BUT I DON'T GET IT ;____;
Academics / [Physics] Work
December 01, 2009, 07:17:08 pm
"If 2.0 J of work is done in raising a 180 g apple, how far is it lifted?"

How does mass relate to work...? O.o
That's all the given info...

Explain this problem please :D
New Projects / MOVED: [RMXP] Fatal Waters v1.2
August 30, 2009, 02:04:02 pm
RMXP Script Database / [XP] Atlas Script
July 29, 2009, 04:29:40 pm
Atlas of the World
Authors: Aqua
Version: 1.00
Type: Atlas Display System
Key Term: Environment Add-on


This script creates an atlas that displays your repetoire of available maps.
It also displays the player's location and the map name.


  • Display an atlas of maps
  • Very customizable
  • Able to display where on map the player is
  • Able to display map name


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# Atlas Script by TerreAqua
# Version: 1.00
# Type: Fullscreen Map System
# Key Term: Environment Add-on
# Date: 7/29/09

# Information
#   This script creates an atlas that displays your repetoire of available maps.
#   It also displays the player's location and the map name.
#   If you need to contact me about this script, please go to:
#   You should have only gotten this script from
#   Please let me know if you have found it somewhere else.
module AquaAtlas
#:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~::~:~:~: Instructions :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~#
# All maps to be shown in the atlas should be in Pictures/Atlas.
# They should all be the same size (in dimensions) and be named according to
# what map id it belongs to (with 3 digits).
# For example, map id 1 should have a picture file that is named 001
# Use $scene = to call up the Atlas.
# Use $game_system.atlas_unlocked.push(MAP_ID) to flag MAP_ID as viewable.
# Use $game_system.atlas_player_icon = 'FILE' to change player's icon.
# Use $game_system.atlas_bg = 'FILE' to change background of atlas.
# Use $game_system.atlas_display_current = true/false to change display mode.
# Use $game_system.atlas_default_map = ID to change default map in atlas.
# Complete the below fields.

# File in Pictures folder to use as Player Icon
# Leave as '' to have no icon displayed
PLAYERICON = 'Atlas/PlayerIcon'

# File in Pictures folder to use as a background for the Atlas
# Leave as '' to have the map as back

# The area of the Atlas that is actual terrain
MAP_AREA_X = 480
MAP_AREA_Y = 360

# Where to position the Atlas on the screen
MAP_POS_X = 80
MAP_POS_Y = 60

# This changes the positioning of the Player Icon in case it is off a little
# Can be calculated by taking the top left coordinates of the actual start of
# the map on the map image, then adding MAP_POS_X and MAP_POS_Y respectively
MAP_0X = 80
MAP_0Y = 60

# Where to display the name of the map
NAME_X = 10
NAME_Y = 450

# Which maps to have in the Atlas by default
ENABLED_MAPS = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6]

# Always display current map first?

# Default Map - Always shows this first if DISPLAYCURRENT is false

# Overrides default setup on certain maps
def self.override(id)
 case id
# when MAP_ID then return ['PICTURE', MAP_0X, MAP_0Y, MAP_AREA_X, MAP_AREA_Y]
 when 4 then return ['004', 217, 60, 206, 360]
 when 5 then return ['Mountainside', 80, 60, 192, 144]
 when 6 then return ['Mountainside', 273, 60, 288, 144]
# Don't edit anything below this line unless you know what you're doing
 return [id, MAP_0X, MAP_0Y, MAP_AREA_X, MAP_AREA_Y]


# Credits:
# Aqua (aka TerreAqua) for making this script.
# Evander for requesting it.
# LegacyBlade for finding a potential bug.
# Starrodkirby86 for being you. :D

#  This work is protected by the following license:
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #  
# #  Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
# #  ( )
# #  
# #  You are free:
# #  
# #  to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
# #  to Remix - to adapt the work
# #  
# #  Under the following conditions:
# #  
# #  Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the
# #  author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you
# #  or your use of the work).
# #  
# #  Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
# #  
# #  Share alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may
# #  distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to
# #  this one.
# #  
# #  - For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license
# #    terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web
# #    page.
# #  
# #  - Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the
# #    copyright holder.
# #  
# #  - Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.
# #  
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Game_System
 attr_accessor :atlas_unlocked
 attr_accessor :atlas_default_map
 attr_accessor :atlas_bg
 attr_accessor :atlas_display_current
 attr_accessor :atlas_player_icon
 alias init_atlas_later initialize
 def initialize
   @atlas_unlocked = AquaAtlas::ENABLED_MAPS
   @atlas_default_map = AquaAtlas::DEFAULT_MAP
   @atlas_bg = AquaAtlas::ATLASBG
   @atlas_display_current = AquaAtlas::DISPLAYCURRENT
   @atlas_player_icon = AquaAtlas::PLAYERICON

class Draw_Map < Sprite
 def initialize(viewport = nil)
   self.x, self.y, self.z, self.opacity = 0, 0, 10, 255
   self.bitmap =, 480)
   if $game_system.atlas_display_current == true &&
     maptoshow = $game_map.map_id
     maptoshow = $game_system.atlas_default_map
   if $atlason != true
     $displayedmap = $game_system.atlas_unlocked.index(maptoshow)
     $atlason = true

   $displayedmap = 0 if $displayedmap == nil
   # Cleans up array of atlas_unlocked
   $game_system.atlas_unlocked = $game_system.atlas_unlocked | $game_system.atlas_unlocked
   @mapid = $game_system.atlas_unlocked[$displayedmap]
   $map_names = load_data('Data/MapInfos.rxdata')
   $map_names.each_key {|key| $map_names[key] = $map_names[key].name}
 # Draws Atlas
 def refresh
   self.bitmap.fill_rect(0, 0, 640, 480,, 0, 0, 0))
   @currentmap = sprintf("%03d", @mapid)
   if $game_system.atlas_unlocked.include?(@mapid)
     if @mapid == AquaAtlas.override(@mapid)[0]
       map = RPG::Cache.picture("Atlas/#{@currentmap}")
       map = RPG::Cache.picture("Atlas/#{AquaAtlas.override(@mapid)[0]}")
     self.bitmap.blt(AquaAtlas::MAP_POS_X, AquaAtlas::MAP_POS_Y, map,, 0, map.width, map.height))
     @mapshown = @mapid
     draw_player_location if @mapid == $game_map.map_id
     self.bitmap.draw_text(AquaAtlas::NAME_X, AquaAtlas::NAME_Y, 300, 28, $map_names[@mapshown], 0)
   @displayedmap = $displayedmap
 # Draws player's location if on displayed map
 def draw_player_location
   px, py = $game_player.x, $game_player.y
   map = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", @mapid))
   map_width, map_height = map.width, map.height
   xratio = AquaAtlas.override(@mapid)[3] / map_width.to_f
   yratio = AquaAtlas.override(@mapid)[4] / map_height.to_f
   player = RPG::Cache.picture($game_system.atlas_player_icon)
   ox = player.width / 2 - 16 / xratio
   oy = player.height / 2 - 16 / yratio
   dx = px * xratio + AquaAtlas.override(@mapid)[1]
   dy = py * yratio + AquaAtlas.override(@mapid)[2]
   self.bitmap.blt(dx - ox, dy - oy, player,, 0, player.width, player.height), 200)
 # Checks if map needs to be updated
 def update
   refresh if @mapid != @mapshown
   refresh if @displayedmap != $displayedmap

class Scene_Atlas
 # * Main Processing
 def main
   # Make Atlas Sprite
   @atlas_sprite =
   # Make Map Back
   @back =
   bg = $game_system.atlas_bg
   if bg != ''
     @bg =
     @bg.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(bg)
   # Execute transition
   # Main loop
   loop do
     # Update game screen
     # Update input information
     # Frame update
     # Abort loop if screen is changed
     if $scene != self
   # Prepare for transition
   # Dispose of windows
   @back.dispose if @back != nil
   @bg.dispose if @bg != nil
 # * Frame Update
 def update
   # If B button was pressed
   if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
     # Play cancel SE
     # Reset Map
     $displayedmap = 0
     $atlason = false
     # Switch to menu screen
     $scene =
   # If R button was pressed
   if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
     # Play cursor SE
     # To next map
     $displayedmap += 1
     $displayedmap %= $game_system.atlas_unlocked.size
     # Switch to different status screen
     $scene =
   # If L button was pressed
   if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
     # Play cursor SE
     # To previous map
     $displayedmap += $game_system.atlas_unlocked.size - 1
     $displayedmap %= $game_system.atlas_unlocked.size
     # Switch to different status screen
     $scene =

Place in new slot below RTPs, above Main.


Look inside script for full instructions


No known compatibility issues

Credits and Thanks

  • Aqua (aka TerreAqua)
  • Evander for requesting it.
  • LegacyBlade for finding a potential bug.
  • Starrodkirby86 for being you. :D

Author's Notes

I hope my instructions are clear enough... XD
RMXP Script Database / [XP] Weapon Specific Skills
July 29, 2009, 02:04:12 pm
Weapon Specific Skills
Authors: Aqua
Version: 1.1
Type: Skill Limitation Add-on
Key Term: Custom Skill System


This script makes it so that some skills can only be used when a certain weapon type is equipped.
For example, it shouldn't be possible to use a skill that shoots a bullet when you're equipped with a sword.


  • Easy Configuration
  • Skills can be set to be used by any weapon type, one weapon type, or only a few weapon types.
  • Should be compatible with all battle systems.


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# Weapon Specific Skills Script by TerreAqua
# Version: 1.1
# Type: Skill Limitation Add-on
# Key Term: Custom Skill System
# Date: 7/29/09

# Information
#   This script makes it so that some skills can only be used when a certain
#   weapon type is equipped.
#   For example, it shouldn't be possible to use a skill that shoots a bullet
#   when you're equipped with a sword.
#   Note: Should be compatible with all battle systems.
#   If you need to contact me about this script, please go to:
#   You should have only gotten this script from
#   Please let me know if you have found it somewhere else.
module Aqua
  module WeaponSpecificSkills
#:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~::~:~:~: Instructions :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~#
# Configure DUMMY_ELEMENT to include all the elements that are used for weapon
# types.
# Each weapon should have at least one of the dummy elements.
# Skills without a dummy element can be used with any weapon.
# Skills with 1 dummy element can only be used by that weapon type.
# Skills with multiple dummy elements can be used by multiple weapon types.

DUMMY_ELEMENT = [17, 18, 19, 20]

#:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~  End Configure Area  :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~#

# Credits:
# Aqua (aka TerreAqua) for making this.
# vacancydenied for requesting it.
# Starrodkirby86 for just being him :)

#  This work is protected by the following license:
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # 
# #  Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
# #  ( )
# # 
# #  You are free:
# # 
# #  to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
# #  to Remix - to adapt the work
# # 
# #  Under the following conditions:
# # 
# #  Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the
# #  author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you
# #  or your use of the work).
# # 
# #  Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
# # 
# #  Share alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may
# #  distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to
# #  this one.
# # 
# #  - For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license
# #    terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web
# #    page.
# # 
# #  - Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the
# #    copyright holder.
# # 
# #  - Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.
# # 
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Game_Actor
  alias aqua_weapon_specific_skill_can_use? skill_can_use?
  def skill_can_use?(skill_id)
    for i in 0...Aqua::WeaponSpecificSkills::DUMMY_ELEMENT.size
      dummyele = Aqua::WeaponSpecificSkills::DUMMY_ELEMENT[i]
      weapon = $data_weapons[self.weapon_id]
      if weapon == nil && $data_skills[skill_id].element_set.include?(dummyele)
        return false
      if $data_skills[skill_id].element_set.include?(dummyele) &&
       return super
    a = Aqua::WeaponSpecificSkills::DUMMY_ELEMENT.any? {|e|
    return false if a == true

  $DUMMY_ELEMENTS |= Aqua::WeaponSpecificSkills::DUMMY_ELEMENT
  $DUMMY_ELEMENTS = Aqua::WeaponSpecificSkills::DUMMY_ELEMENT.clone

class Game_Battler
  # * Fix Elements
  def elements_correct(elements)
    multiplier = size = 0
    elements.each {|i|
        unless $DUMMY_ELEMENTS.include?(i)
          multiplier += self.element_rate(i)
          size += 1
    return (size == 0 ? 100 : multiplier/size)

Put in new slot above name, probably best right under the RTP scripts.


Configure DUMMY_ELEMENT to include all the elements that are used for weapon types.
Each weapon should have at least one of the dummy elements.

Skills without a dummy element can be used with any weapon.
Skills with 1 dummy element can only be used by that weapon type.
Skills with multiple dummy elements can be used by multiple weapon types.


Should be compatible with all battle systems

Credits and Thanks

  • Aqua (aka TerreAqua) for making this.
  • vacancydenied for requesting it.
  • Starrodkirby86 for just being him :)

Author's Notes

This was much easier than I thought :P

Anyone be willing to make a script that allows for states to reflect a certain % of physical attacks (including physical skills) back at the attacker?

So if Giant Blob attacks Arshes who has state with reflection of 1%...
Giant Blob deals 10,000 damage to Arshes.
Arshes's state reflects 100 damage back to the Giant Blob.

(Then Arshes dies because I said so.)

Compatible with DBS pu-lease =X

Thaaaaaaaaaaank youuuuuuuuuuuu! :D

(Lolz I hate making request topics... I sound so weird D:)
Chat / MOVED: Leaving for a week.
June 27, 2009, 04:02:03 pm
This topic left Chat and has been moved to Welcome!.
Resource Requests / Aqua Requests 4 Secret Sprites!
June 18, 2009, 02:35:13 pm
Hi hi!

I'm requesting 4 sprites that I'll use for Reno's boss battle competition.

However... I will not post the reference pictures or the description of the sprites on here; I wish to keep them a secret.

If anyone wishes to do these 4 sprites, or even 3 or 2 or 1... then... post here or PM me, and I'll send the info via PM.

All help is appreciated and will be rewarded with credit in the game and a choice of the following:

  • 1 Hug

  • +1 Aqua Point

  • 1 Quick Sketch of a (Human) Character

  • Something... special ;)

Lol... um... hope someone helps despite the lame topic... ^_^"
Percentage Health States
Authors: Aqua
Version: 1.5
Type: Battle States Add-on
Key Term: Battle Add-on


This script makes it so that battlers will gain states when they are below a certain percentage of health.  The states would be automatically lost when the battler's health is above the configured percentage.
Note:  this affects all actors and enemies.

For example, you could have a state for when HP is critical and battlers gain more attack as a last effort to win.


  • Seperate percentages for each state
  • Automatically gain/lose the configured states
  • Very easy configuration
  • Actor/Enemy specific states possible


Not really needed.
Imagine that Arshes gains Sharp when his HP falls below 20%


Don't think it'd be really necessary, but post if you do want one.


Spoiler: ShowHide

# Percentage Health States Script by TerreAqua
# Version: 1.5
# Type: Battle States Add-on
# Key Term: Battle Add-on
# Date: 6/17/09

# Information
#   This script makes it so that battlers will gain states when they are below a
#   certain percentage of health.  The states would be automatically lost when
#   the battler's health is above the configured percentage.
#   Note:  this affects all actors and enemies.
#   If you need to contact me about this script, please go to:
#   You should have only gotten this script from
#   Please let me know if you have found it somewhere else.
module Aqua
 module HealthStates
#:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~::~:~:~: Instructions :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~#
# Configure the below modules in the following format:
# MODULE = [[X, Y]]
# MODULE is the below modules.  You don't change these, and they all follow the
#    same format.
# X is the percent of health for the state to activate (can be a decimal).
# Y is the state id.

# HP States that affect all battlers
HP_STATES_ALL = [[25.0, 18]]

# HP States that only affect actors

# Actor specific HP States
# Format is:  when ACTOR_ID then return [[X, Y]]
 case id
 when 1 then return [[95, 5], [70, 4]]
 when 2 then return [[98, 4]]
 return []

# HP States that only affect enemies

# Enemy specific HP States
# Format is:  when ENEMY_ID then return [[X, Y]]
def self.enemy(id)
 case id
 when 1 then return [[99, 5]]
 return []

#:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~  End Configure Area  :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~#


# Credits:
# Aqua (aka TerreAqua) for making this.
# Subsonic_Noise for requesting that I release it.
# Starrodkirby86 for letting me rant to him.

#  This work is protected by the following license:
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #  
# #  Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
# #  ( )
# #  
# #  You are free:
# #  
# #  to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
# #  to Remix - to adapt the work
# #  
# #  Under the following conditions:
# #  
# #  Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the
# #  author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you
# #  or your use of the work).
# #  
# #  Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
# #  
# #  Share alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may
# #  distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to
# #  this one.
# #  
# #  - For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license
# #    terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web
# #    page.
# #  
# #  - Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the
# #    copyright holder.
# #  
# #  - Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.
# #  
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Game_Battler
 def hp_percent_states(hp_percent, state_id)
     aqhp = self.hp.to_f
     aqmaxhp = self.maxhp.to_f
     aqhpper = (aqhp / aqmaxhp) * 100
     if aqhpper <= hp_percent
 def hp_percent_states_checker
   if self.is_a?(Game_Actor)
     for i in $game_party.actors
       id =
       if == id
         e =
         for q in e
           hp_percent_states(q[0], q[1])
       for i in Aqua::HealthStates::HP_STATES_ACTORS
         hp_percent_states(i[0], i[1])
   elsif self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
     for i in $game_troop.enemies
       id =
       if == id
         e = Aqua::HealthStates.enemy(id)
         for q in e
           hp_percent_states(q[0], q[1])
       for i in Aqua::HealthStates::HP_STATES_ENEMIES
         hp_percent_states(i[0], i[1])
   for i in Aqua::HealthStates::HP_STATES_ALL
     hp_percent_states(i[0], i[1])

 alias hp_percent_states_attack_effect attack_effect
 def attack_effect(attacker)
   if hp_percent_states_attack_effect(attacker)
 alias hp_percent_states_skill_effect skill_effect
 def skill_effect(user, skill)
   if hp_percent_states_skill_effect(user, skill)
 alias hp_percent_states_item_effect item_effect
 def item_effect(item)
   if hp_percent_states_item_effect(item)
 alias hp_percent_states_slip_damage_effect slip_damage_effect
 def slip_damage_effect
   if hp_percent_states_slip_damage_effect

New script slot > Below RTP scripts > Above Main

# Configure the below modules in the following format:
# MODULE = [[X, Y]]
# MODULE is the below modules.  You don't change these, and they all follow the
#    same format.
# X is the percent of health for the state to activate (can be a decimal).
# Y is the state id.


Might not be compatible with exotic scripts.
Compatible with Blizz-ABS.  Paste above if using with Blizz-ABS

Credits and Thanks

  • Aqua for making it.
  • Subsonic_Noise for requesting that I release it.
  • Starrodkirby86 for letting me rant to him.

Author's Notes

Hope you enjoy this!

I might add Scene_Map checker later.
Would anyone be willing to script a HUD for me? :D
The trickiest part /should/ be the drawing the bars in proportion since it's curvy... lol

Here is what I want the HUD to look like:
Spoiler: ShowHide

Wonder where I got the inspiration for the HUD...  :roll:

I want the Red bar to be HP and the Blue one to be SP.
It's a One Hero game, so only $game_actors[1] info is needed.

Now the individual images.

Face: ShowHide

HP Parts: ShowHide

SP Parts: ShowHide

Thanks! :D
Resource Requests / [Resolved] An Aquarian Request
April 25, 2009, 01:12:57 pm
Anyone mind making an RTP sprite for me? :P

Spoiler: ShowHide

I wonder where I've seen her before... o.o

If made in PS, could you also supply the PSD?

Thanks in advance! ^_^

Here's the picture of the back
Spoiler: ShowHide
Script Troubleshooting / Troubles with a MiniHud
March 22, 2009, 05:14:40 pm
I'm having trouble with my MiniHud... Hopefully, someone can help.  :^_^':

The Script So Far: ShowHide
class HudGunMini < Sprite 
  def initialize(viewport = nil)
    self.x, self.y, self.z, self.opacity = 50, 120, 5000, 255
    self.bitmap =, 43) 
  def refresh
    self.bitmap.fill_rect(1, 20, 120, 28,, 0, 0, 0))
    @gunministring = $gunletterarray
    string = []
    if @gunministring != nil
    for i in 0..@gunministring.size   
      case @gunministring[i]
      when 1
      when 2
      when 3
      return string

    self.bitmap.draw_text(1, 20, 120, 28, string.to_s, 1)
  def update
    refresh if @gunministring != $gunletterarray

class Scene_Map
  alias upd_gunmini update
  def update
    $gunminihud.update if $gunminihud != nil

What I want this HUD to do is to show a certain key combination on the map.

The Key combination is stored within $gunletterarray as numbers like [1, 2, 3] would be A, B, C.
I am able to show the key combination in the form of numbers using
self.bitmap.draw_text(1, 20, 120, 28, $gunletterarray.to_s, 1) 

The problem I'm having is converting the array such that 1 => A, 2 => B, etc.

    if @gunministring != nil
    for i in 0..@gunministring.size   
      case @gunministring[i]
      when 1
      when 2
      when 3
      return string

From what I can tell... this should take the value of $gunletterarray at index i and throw it into the case.
So, if i is 1, then it should push 'A' into the string then repeat with the next index.

But when I display it using
self.bitmap.draw_text(1, 20, 120, 28, string.to_s, 1) 

Nothing shows up at all... =/
No error message... just... emptiness...

Any suggestions?
Field of Aether System
Authors: Aqua
Version: 1.10
Type: Blizz-ABS Skills Add-on
Key Term: Blizz-ABS Plugin


This script is a plug-in for the popular Blizz-ABS.  It allows for skills to create an elemental field which allows for new skills to be used within the field, much like the PS2 game, Tales of the Abyss.


  • Allows for new skills to be used for actors and enemies in a fun way
  • Easily customized
  • Lag-free

Planned Features

  • FoA skill description in skill menu
  • Different field sizes
  • Fields being used as multiple elements


A Dark Field is Made: ShowHide

Basil Using a Fire FoA Charged Skill: ShowHide


Link Here


Put it below Blizz-ABS, above Main.
Spoiler: ShowHide
# Field of Aether Script by TerreAqua
# Version: 1.10
# Type: Blizz-ABS Skills Add-on
# Key Term: Skill Add-on
# Date: 9/3/08

# Information
#   This script is a plug-in for the popular Blizz-ABS.  It allows for skills
#   to create an elemental field which allows for new skills to be used within
#   the field, much like the PS2 game, Tales of the Abyss.
#   If you need to contact me about this script, please go to:
#   You should have only gotten this script from
#   Please let me know if you have found it somewhere else.

#:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~::~:~:~: Instructions :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~#
# Fill out all the info in the below module with the settings that you want.
# Please make sure that
# are in same corresponding order to avoid possible bugs.
# In order for a skill to make a field, it needs to have the elements of
# one of the FIELD_ELEMENTS and has to have the element set up in FIELD.
#   If a skill that creates a field has multiple FIELD_ELEMENTS for elements,
#   then it will create only the elemental field of the last element set up in
#   FIELD_ELEMENTS that the skill has.
# On the map ID that you set up for FIELD_MAP_ID, make one event for each
# elemental field that you have, making sure that the event IDs match
# For best results it is recommended that you have this event coding for each
# event.
#   Conditions:     Switch ID (corresponding one in FIELD_SWITCHES) to be on
#   Event Graphic:  An elemental field
#   Trigger:        Parallel Process
#   Options:        Through   (others depending on how you want it)
#   Event Commands: (Remember to change the Variables to appropriate numbers)
#       Control Variables: [0000: Hero Map X] = Player's Map X
#       Control Variables: [0000: Hero Map Y] = Player's Map Y
#       Script: @foatime = $game_variables[
#               AquaFoA::FIELD_TIME_ID] /
#               Graphics.frame_rate
#       Conditional Branch: @foatime == AquaFoA::FIELD_TIME
#          Control Switches: [Corresponding one in FIELD_SWITCHES: ] = Off
#       Else
#          Control Variables [0000: FIELD_TIME_ID] += 1
#          (Add optional, misc. coding here ie. heal party)
#       Branch End
module AquaFoA
#:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:  Main Configuration Area  :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~#
  FIELD_ELEMENTS = [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8]  #Elements that create fields
  FIELD_X = 30  #Variable ID to store Field Map X
  FIELD_Y = 31  #Variable ID to store Field Map Y
  FIELD_MAP_ID = 'Data/Map002.rxdata' #Map ID that contains Field Events
  FIELD_TIME = 5 #Seconds a field is active
  FIELD_TIME_ID = 39 #Variable to store the time a field is active
  FIELD_EVENT_ID = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] #Event ID of Field Events
  FIELD_ON = false #true/false to allow/disallow all elemental skills to make a field
  FIELD = 16 #Element ID of skills that will create fields.  Does not need to be
             #configured if FIELD_ON is set to true
  FIELD_SWITCHES = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] #Switches to turn off/on field
  FIELD_ELE_CHARGE = [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38] #Variables to contain the charge of a field
  DISPLAYFOA = true #true/false to turn on/off the text that display when a FoA skill is used
  FOATEXT = 'FoA Charge!' #Text to display when a charge is used
#:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:  Configure Skill Area  ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~#
def self.skill(id)
  case id
# Configure the skills that get replaced and what elemental field it needs by
# this format:
# when A then return [W, X, Y, Z]
# Where A is the skill that gets replaced,
#       W is the charged skill that replaces A,
#       X is the the id from FIELD_EVENT_ID of the elemental field it needs,
#       Y is the amount of charge the skill gives to its elemental field,
#       Z is the amount of charge from its elemental field needed for a skill
#         to change.
# when A
#   if $game_switches[Elemental switch corresponding to X]
#     return [W, X, Y, Z]
#   elsif $game_switches[Elemental switch corresponding to X]
#     return [W, X, Y, Z]
#   end

  when 57 then return [81, 1, 30, 30]
  when 7 then return [id, 1, 10, 10]
  when 84 then return [83, 6, 30, 30]
  when 85 then return [86, 5, 30, 30]
  when 87 then return [88, 4, 30, 30]
  when 89 then return [90, 3, 30, 30]
  when 91 then return [92, 2, 30, 30]
  when 16 then return [id, 2, 10, 10]
  when 19 then return [id, 3, 10, 10]
  when 22 then return [id, 4, 10, 10]
  when 25 then return [id, 5, 10, 10]
  when 28 then return [id, 6, 10, 10]
  return [id, 0, 10, 50] #Set the default
  #Leave id as is for no default charged replacement skill.


#:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~  End Configure Area  :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~#

#######################  Continue Scrolling Down  ##############################
#######################      For Credit Info,     ##############################
#######################   Upcoming Features/Bugs, ##############################
#######################     and Terms of Use      ##############################
#######################        Otherwise...       ##############################
#######################        STOP HERE!!!       ##############################

# Credits:
# Aqua (aka TerreAqua) for making this Blizz-ABS Plug-in.
# Namco Bandai Games for making Tales of the Abyss for which this plug-in is
#     based from.
# Blizzard for making Blizz-ABS, the event steal code, and helping me through
#     start of this script.
# Juan, legacyblade, and NAMKCOR for helping me with a few scripting troubles
#     through IRC.
# shdwlink1993 for letting me pester him with questions about cases and arrays
#     and the tip about multiple replacement skills.
# Starrodkirby86 for letting me rant when I didn't have a clue what was wrong,
#     proofreading the comments, making the demo, and for the support.

# Features Planned for Future Release
# FoA skill description in skill menu
#    (Working on it...)
# Different field sizes
#    (Expect this next realease.)
# Fields being used as multiple elements
#    (I got it working with my own input for variables, but I need to make it
#     work with a module.  Expect this next release.)
# Known Bugs
# Does not work with pixel movement due to problems with the Distance
#    (I will try to get this fixed ASAP)

#  This work is protected by the following license:
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # 
# #  Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
# #  ( )
# # 
# #  You are free:
# # 
# #  to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
# #  to Remix - to adapt the work
# # 
# #  Under the following conditions:
# # 
# #  Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the
# #  author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you
# #  or your use of the work).
# # 
# #  Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
# # 
# #  Share alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may
# #  distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to
# #  this one.
# # 
# #  - For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license
# #    terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web
# #    page.
# # 
# #  - Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the
# #    copyright holder.
# # 
# #  - Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.
# # 
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:  DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS!!  ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~#

# Version Number Global Variable
$AquaFoAVer = 1.10

# Blizz-ABS Version Checker
if $BlizzABS != true || BlizzABS::VERSION < 1.99
  raise 'ERROR: The Field of Aether plugin requires Blizz-ABS 1.99 or higher.'

class Map_Battler
  alias skill_effect_aqua_x skill_effect
  def skill_effect(character, _battler, skill)
    result = skill_effect_aqua_x(character, _battler, skill)
    if result && AquaFoA::FIELD_ELEMENTS.any? {|i| skill.element_set.include?(i)} &&
      # Gets coords of the target of a skill
      @fieldx = (@real_x + 64) / 128
      @fieldy = (@real_y + 64) / 128
      # Stores current skill into a variable
      @currentskill =
      # Event Steal Code P1
      map = load_data(AquaFoA::FIELD_MAP_ID)
      max = ($ + $
      max = 0 if max == nil
      max += 1
      # Turn on correct field by element
      AquaFoA::FIELD_ELEMENTS.each {|i|
          @skillelement = i if skill.element_set.include?(i)
      AquaFoA::FIELD_ELEMENTS.each_index {|i|
          @fieldelement = i if AquaFoA::FIELD_ELEMENTS[i] == @skillelement
      (AquaFoA::FIELD_SWITCHES.first..AquaFoA::FIELD_SWITCHES.last).each {|i|
          $game_switches[i] = false
      # Add amount of charge
      $game_variables[AquaFoA::FIELD_ELE_CHARGE[@fieldelement]] += AquaFoA.skill(@currentskill)[2]
      # Turns on field switch
      $game_switches[AquaFoA::FIELD_SWITCHES[@fieldelement]] = true
      # Resets Timer
      $game_variables[AquaFoA::FIELD_TIME_ID] = 0
      # Steals event
      if skill.element_set.include?(AquaFoA::FIELD) && !AquaFoA::FIELD_ON ||
          AquaFoA::FIELD_ON == true
        # Event steal code p2
        event =[AquaFoA::FIELD_EVENT_ID[@fieldelement]] = max
        # Map X and Y coords for Event
        event.x = @fieldx
        event.y = @fieldy
        $game_variables[AquaFoA::FIELD_X] = @fieldx
        $game_variables[AquaFoA::FIELD_Y] = @fieldy
        # Gets Graphic for the stolen event
        $[max] = event
        $[max] =$game_map.map_id, event)
        sprite =$scene.spriteset.viewport1, $[max])
        # Turns off old field if already exists
        $ {|e| e.terminate = true if e.stolen}
        if $[max].stolen == true
          $game_switches[AquaFoA::FIELD_SWITCHES[@fieldelement]] = false
          $game_variables[AquaFoA::FIELD_TIME_ID] = 0
        # Signals that a field has been made
        $[max].stolen = true
    return result
  # Skill replacement
  alias use_skill_aqua_x use_skill
  def use_skill(skill)
    # Assign some variables used for conditions and skill replacement
    @currentskill2 =
    @skillreplace = AquaFoA.skill(@currentskill2)[0]
    @replaceele = AquaFoA.skill(@currentskill2)[1]
    @currentfield = @replaceele - 1
    @battlerx = @real_x/128
    @battlery = @real_y/128
    # Replacement result
    replace = has_learned = false
    # Conditions to test if able to use Field
    if $game_switches[AquaFoA::FIELD_SWITCHES[@currentfield]] == true &&
        $game_variables[AquaFoA::FIELD_ELE_CHARGE[@currentfield]] >= AquaFoA.skill(@currentskill2)[3] &&
        @battlerx == $game_variables[AquaFoA::FIELD_X] &&
        @battlery == $game_variables[AquaFoA::FIELD_Y]
      # Checks Field Distance
        # Replaces current skill with new and charged one if there is one
        if @skillreplace != @currentskill2 &&
            # Checks if battler has enough SP to use skill
            self.battler.sp >= $data_skills[@skillreplace].sp_cost
          # If can use
          if self.battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) ||
            # Uses replacement skill if already learned
            skill = $data_skills[@skillreplace] if == @currentskill2
            # Set learning flag
            has_learned = true
            # Learns replacement skill if not learned
            # Uses replacement skill
            skill = $data_skills[@skillreplace] if == @currentskill2
          # Set replacement flag
          replace = true
        # Checks the element of replacement skill
        for i in AquaFoA::FIELD_ELEMENTS
          @skillelement2 = i if skill.element_set.include?(i)
        # Turns off and resets the field when a replacement skill is usedl
          $game_switches[AquaFoA::FIELD_SWITCHES[@currentfield]] = false
          $game_variables[AquaFoA::FIELD_ELE_CHARGE[@currentfield]] = 0
          $ {|e| e.terminate = true if e.stolen}
          @skillelement = nil
          @skillelement2 = nil
    # Execute skill
    result = use_skill_aqua_x(skill)
    # If replaced
    if replace
      # Displays text if configured
      self.battler.damage = "#{AquaFoA::FOATEXT}"
      # Forgets replacement skill if learned before
      self.battler.forget_skill(@skillreplace) if has_learned
    # Skill use result for further processing
    return result


class Game_Character
  attr_accessor :stolen

class Game_System
  alias event_removal_aqua_x event_removal
  def event_removal
    # Delete all stolen events that should be terminated
     ($ {|event|
         event.stolen && event.terminate}).each {|event|


Instructions found in the beginning of the script


Requires Blizz-ABS v1.99!

Not compatible with other battle systems.

Credits and Thanks

  • Aqua (aka TerreAqua) for making this Blizz-ABS Plug-in.
  • Namco Bandai Games for making Tales of the Abyss for which this plug-in is  based from.
  • Blizzard for making Blizz-ABS, the event steal code, and helping me through start of this script.
  • Juan, legacyblade, and NAMKCOR for helping me with a few scripting troubles through IRC.
  • shdwlink1993 for letting me pester him with questions about cases and arrays.
  • Starrodkirby86 for letting me rant when I didn't have a clue what was wrong, proofreading the comments, making the demo, and for the support.

Author's Notes

This is a exclusive script.
You are not allowed to repost this script anywhere else.

Please tell me of possible bugs and glitches and I will try to fix them ASAP.
Also tell me of other features that you might like added.
General Discussion / RMXP to Work with Vista
August 21, 2008, 07:35:21 pm
If you have RMXP on a Vista machine and you run it, you'd normally get an error and it'll crash.
Spoiler: ShowHide

Screenshot provided by Starrodkirby86 :)

1.  To get RMXP to work on your Vista, first browse to the folder where you have installed it.  The default folder is C:\Program  Files\Enterbrain\RPGXP

2.  Right click the RPGXP icon and click properties.  Go over to the compatibility tab, check the box for "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and make sure it says Windows XP (Service Pack 2).  Hit OK.
Spoiler: ShowHide

3.  Now, right click on the RPGXP icon again and click, "Run as administrator".
Spoiler: ShowHide

4.  A pop-up should appear in which it says that RPGXP.exe needs your permission to run.  Allow it to run and then you should be able to activate the program.  After activating it, you no longer need to run it as administrator.

Congratz!  Now you can run RMXP on your Vista! 
Now get workings on those amazin' games!!! ;)
Chat / Today, August 4th, is a Very Special Day
August 03, 2008, 11:01:22 pm
Happy Birthday Blizzard!!!

Woohoo on becoming 22!!!

I hope you enjoy your birthday after all the hard work you do for us!
News / Suggestions / Feedback / Chaos Project Chat
August 01, 2008, 07:18:45 pm

Blizzard set up an IRC chat for us so everyone will be able to have contact with each other instantaneously.  


*waits for Blizz to kill me for stealing this posted news*


For those amongst you that connect using an IRC client, the server is

  • When you connect, type /join #chaosproject (not necessary if connecting over the website).
  • You can register your name with /ns register PASSWORD EMAIL. The EMAIL is used in case you forget your pass.
  • When you log in, use /ns identify PASSWORD so that the system knows it really is you who is using that name. This is only necessary if you have registered that name. You will be prompted to do so by NickServ.
  • Finally you can kick someone from chat in order to regain your nick by using /ns ghost NICK PASSWORD.
  • You should change and validate your name before you join #chaosproject, but it is not necessary.


Make sure you have a complete understanding of the rules before going in there.

If you need help in connecting to the IRC chat, follow this link here.,1467.msg130456.html#msg130456
RMXP Script Database / [XP] Aqua's Status Menu
June 29, 2008, 04:43:22 pm
Aqua's Status Menu
Authors: Aqua
Version: 1.0
Type: Status Menu
Key Term: Menu Add-on


This is my first script and it's... a Status Menu!!!  I tried to make it unique and informative, so hopefully, I achieved this.


  • Shows all the basic info.
  • Shows bars for stat points, ie STR.
  • Shows stat modifiers from weapons and armors.
  • Shows Class Emblem.
  • Shows Battler.


Spoiler: ShowHide



Put below defaults and menu scripts, above Main.
Spoiler: ShowHide
#     Aqua's Status Menu v1.0
# Inside the battler folder, you'll need a 100x100 picture of an emblem of the
# class named (class)_class.

# Class Getter
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
   def class_file
      return $data_classes[@class_id].name.downcase + '_class'

# Status Menu

class Window_Status < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  #     actor : actor
  def initialize(actor)
    super(0, 0, 640, 480)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    @actor = actor
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    draw_actor_name(@actor, 4, 0)
    draw_actor_graphic(@actor, 32, 90)
    draw_actor_level(@actor, 4, 20)
    draw_actor_state(@actor, 100, 20)
    draw_actor_hp(@actor, 4, 90, 172)
    draw_actor_sp(@actor, 4, 120, 172)
    draw_actor_exp(@actor, 4, 150)
#   Stats
# Bars   

w = 160
x = 4
y = 180
color1 =, 40, 80)
color2 =, 200, 255)
color3 =, 0, 0)

    actor = $data_actors[]
    (2..5).each {|i|
    attribute = case i
    when 2 then @actor.str
    when 3 then @actor.dex
    when 4 then @actor.agi
    when 5 then
    extra = attribute - actor.parameters[i, @actor.level]
    base_max = actor.parameters[i, actor.final_level]
    rate = attribute.to_f / (base_max + extra)
    self.contents.gradient_bar(x, y+(i-2)*40, w, color1, color2, color3, rate)
    self.contents.draw_text(-40, 290+(i)*25, 200, 32, extra.to_s, 2)
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 4, 180, 3)
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 4, 220, 4)
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 4, 260, 5)
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 4, 300, 6)
#Added Stats
  self.contents.font.color = system_color
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 340, 150, 32, "STR Modifier")
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 365, 150, 32, "DEX Modifier")
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 390, 150, 32, "AGI Modifier")
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 415, 150, 32, "INT Modifier")
  self.contents.font.color = normal_color

# Class
    draw_actor_class(@actor, 254, 0)

    #Draw Class Pic
    classpic = RPG::Cache.battler(@actor.class_file, 0) 
    self.contents.blt(240, 20, classpic,, 0, classpic.width, classpic.height), 200)
# Atk, Pdef, Mdef
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 400, 20, 0)
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 400, 50, 1)
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 400, 80, 2)
#Draw Battler

  pic = RPG::Cache.battler(actor.battler_name, actor.battler_hue) 
  self.contents.blt(230, 200, pic,, 0, pic.width, pic.height))
# Armor
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(400, 160, 96, 32, "Equipment")
    draw_item_name($data_weapons[@actor.weapon_id], 400 + 16, 208)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor1_id], 400 + 16, 256)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor2_id], 400 + 16, 304)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor3_id], 400 + 16, 352)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor4_id], 400 + 16, 400)
  def dummy
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(400, 112, 96, 32, $data_system.words.weapon)
    self.contents.draw_text(400, 176, 96, 32, $data_system.words.armor1)
    self.contents.draw_text(400, 240, 96, 32, $data_system.words.armor2)
    self.contents.draw_text(400, 304, 96, 32, $data_system.words.armor3)
    self.contents.draw_text(400, 368, 96, 32, $data_system.words.armor4)
    draw_item_name($data_weapons[@actor.weapon_id], 400 + 24, 144)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor1_id], 400 + 24, 208)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor2_id], 400 + 24, 272)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor3_id], 400 + 24, 336)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor4_id], 400 + 24, 400)


Plug 'n Play!

Requires 100x100 class emblem pictures to be named (classnamehere)_class in the Battlers folder.
Requires Ton of Addons Bars!!!


Don't think there are any... unless you use two status menu scripts or something.

Credits and Thanks

  • Aqua
  • Blizzard for letting me bother him about how to do some features.

Author's Notes

Hope you like it! :)
Did you try running CP to play an awesome game but only run into this error?

Script '-> Font installer utils' line 142: Errno::EACCES occurred.

Permission denied - C:\Windows\Fonts\comic.ttf

Well... chances are, you're using Vista.

To fix this, follow these instructions:  (Lol I probably sound cheesy  :D)

1.  Open the folder where the Game is located.
2.  Right-click on Chaos.exe.
3.  Click on 'Run as administrator.'
4.  If it says, 'An unidentified program wants access to your computer,' click 'Allow.'
5.  And then it should work.  Hurray :3

Enjoy playing CP and... hopefully this tutorial didn't sound as lame as I think it is... >.>"
Express your Creativity / Aqua's Art
April 25, 2008, 05:19:40 pm
Hey!  I'm gonna post some of my art here...

My Kitsune :): ShowHide

A cute lab XD: ShowHide

My unfinished PandaLily: ShowHide

My unfinished drawing of my Gaia avatar: ShowHide

My current WIP XD:  Kidkura: ShowHide

Fur colors are subject to change so I can make him look really spiffy.  The colors there are just place-holders for now XD
The yellow orb is the light source and won't be there in the final.
Please rate!!!

Lol I need to finish more of my art

Ooh Franken mugshots from Fire Emblem... WHAT COULD THIS MEAN!!!

I also have another version of Robina (the girl on the left) with auburn hair.  I dunno which one I like better :3 (Don't feel like upping both)
New Projects / The Dawn of Light
March 15, 2008, 10:47:13 pm
The Dawn of Light


Prologue: ShowHide
They say that somewhere far away, there is a Sol Crystal that floats in the heavens, whose essence is strong enough to illuminate the entire world.  I think it's all a hoax.  We have five Crystals in our town that barely light past a block; how am I supposed to believe that there could be one that would light up all of Dargrimm?  The people tell me to hope, but I lost hope for everything ever since my father abandoned me here when I was only three.  I still remember that dreadful day. 

My father and I had been staying at a local farmer's house at a small town on our way towards the city.  One day the Sol Crystals went out because of gravitational interferences and my father told me to stay in the house while he went to check on the Crystals.  When they were back on, my father was nowhere to be found, hadn't left the slightest trace.  Without my choice in the matter, the farmer and his wife took me into their home and raised me.  It's been twelve years since that happened, but I still remember every detail, every tear, every stab of pain in my heart...


Characters: ShowHide

Class:  Archer
Age:  15
Gender:  Male
Special:  Elemental Arrows
Armais is a teen who lost all hope for the world when his father left him.  Ednire was all that he had since his mother died shortly after giving birth to him and one day, he was just gone.  De'mik has raised him like his own son but Armais never considered the farmer who raised him to be his father.  Ever since that day, he hated it when gravity affected the Solar Crystals because of the darkness that would come and the mysteries unveiled after they come back on. 

Class:  Swordsgirl
Age:  16
Gender:  Female
Special:  Styles of the Eastern Zodiac that cause Status Effects
Not much is known about this teenage girl.  She says that she is trying to become better than her sister with swords and joins Armais, knowing that his adventure will encourage her to become stronger.

Class:  Mage
Age:  14
Gender:  Female
Special:  I dunno :O
   Midori is one of those people who always see the bright side of things and could never possibly be mad at anyone.  Energetic, chirpy, and clumsy with magic, Midori is just someone whom everyone loves.  Will her smiles be the light that Armais needs or will it just lead down the road to a dark past...

Class:  ?
Age: ?
Gender:  Female
Special:  ?
   Who is this mysterious character who's happiness rivals Midori's?


Armais Walking Sprite: ShowHide

Armais Attack Sprite: ShowHide

Armais Skill Sprite: ShowHide

Seles Walking Sprite: ShowHide

Midori Walking Sprite: ShowHide

Midori Attack Sprite: ShowHide

Midori Skill Sprite: ShowHide

Used in conjunction with Cast Magic animation (Might change)


Title Screen: ShowHide

Blizz-ABS Battle System: ShowHide

Nortos' Awesome CMS with my Windowskin: ShowHide

Part of the 1st Cutscene: ShowHide

More to come.

Okay so that's what I have so far.  I'll be sure to update when I can (probably gonna be slooooooow)

*is waiting for Blizz-ABS 2.0 :D*
Not sure if this is the right place for this but...

Is there a way to make it so that when using fog, there's an area around the player that is not foggy???

This: ShowHide

To this: ShowHide

Image made with Photoshop

The scripts I currently use are:
Double Fogs by Daniel3579
Nortos' 3-Man CMS
Blizz's Tons of Add-ons

Thanks! :D