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Messages - PhoenixFire

Game Jams / Game Jam - April Showers, 2024
March 22, 2024, 05:49:38 am
Hello residents of Chaos; welcome to the thread for April Showers, one of the (hopefully) annual game jams I will be hosting starting this year.

Below you will find the details, rules, theme, etc for this game jam, some parts of which will be hidden until just before the game jam start date, to give everyone a chance to see the event, but get the details at the same time, so as to be on equal footing with each other.

The rules are simple and straightforward.
  • This is an old-school "session"; games should be made with RPG Maker XP, VX/VXAce, or XPAce.
  • You may use custom tilesets, scripts, etc. This will not detract from the theme, nor give anyone an advantage over others.
  • You may work as a team, or solo; projects will be judged the same regardless.
  • As in past Game Jams, you are responsible for providing your own copy of the editor you choose. If you do not have any of the editors we'll be using this time, XP is currently on sale on Steam for $2.49 USD until March 28th, and VX Ace is on sale for $6.99 USD, also until March 28th. XPAce is a custom engine made by us at Chaos-Project, and requires you to have a license for both XP and VXAce, and can be found here: RMXPAce Thread
  • Completed projects may be submitted at any time before the end date/time but MUST be submitted before then. Late submissions will be accepted on a case-by-case basis, if there are extenuating circumstances.

The theme is likely not a surprise; you must make use of a weather system in your game. It must be an obvious addition to the game, showing off different weather or seasons, and it should be a noticeable effect in some way or another. For example, maybe you dream up a steampunk game, and you use a weather system to make it rainy and dark or dreary most of the time; that would be an excellent use of it.

Although not exactly a "theme", I do ask that there be a decent amount of playtime available, even if it's in a "demo" state. Graphics don't have to be perfect, and not every area needs to be finished, but the main point of the game should be obvious, and there should be more than just a few minutes of playtime.

Start: Monday, April 1st, 2024 @ 00:00. Local Timezone is fine.
End: Sunday, April 31st, 2024 @ 23:59. Local Timezone is fine.
Judging: Judging will be held the week of May 7th - 13th. The submitted games will be posted up the 6th, with a download link to each, and a poll added for everyone to vote on. Poll votes will be tallied at 00:00 (midnight / 12am) on the 14th.

The list of participants will be listed below, as they sign up.

Want to discuss the game jam, chat with others, or just participate in our Discord community? You can join us here: Discord Link
New version of demo project, with latest version of XPAce, and a custom launcher based on the F0 one:

Also henlo, I'm back. Again. :wave:
Script Requests / Re: [RMXP] Actor follower
January 15, 2020, 02:04:59 pm
I believe, and I could be wrong, that there's a way to do this with the caterpilar script build into BABS (Blizzs Action Battle System). Might be worth reading through the manual on that to see if it fits your needs.

Other than that, besides scripting it out yourself, the closest I can suggest is make the character an event that has an approach attribute but, thats barely close to what you want I think.

EDIT: May I ask though, why you want an actor to follow a party around a map, if that character isn't part of the party?
Welcome! / Re: -creeps back in at (almost) midnight-
January 10, 2020, 10:49:24 pm
Thanks! lolz...  outta be interesting haha... Seems I already stirred some life back into the discord server;l let's see if I can't revitalize the forums hehe
Welcome! / Re: -creeps back in at (almost) midnight-
January 10, 2020, 10:16:51 pm
"Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 90 days."

Quote from: PhoenixFire on August 26, 2017, 03:44:28 pmA year and four months later.... oi vei. I'm just really bad at doing the thing. The login thing. Damn.

...and here we are, over two years later, and I'm back.. again. Back to my roots in the community where it all started for me. I will be lurking for a little bit to catch up on things, but expect to see some new content from me soon enough!

I missed you all!
Welcome! / Re: -creeps back in at (almost) midnight-
August 26, 2017, 03:44:28 pm
A year and four months later.... oi vei. I'm just really bad at doing the thing. The login thing. Damn.
I would help editing, but it looks like this is a forum I'm not a mod in haha

Good idea though. Cleaning up the post will help future visitors. I plan to keep editinf and adding to the core scripts as well, so that'll be an ongoong project.
Okay, because, I have the site back up, and have scripts and such to work into it.
KK20, etc...   Are there any new scripts or fixes to add into this?
Welcome! / Re: Hello...
January 30, 2017, 07:39:06 pm
Locky is pretty easy to get rid of... IF you have an exact copy, unencrypted, of the same file on the computer..
Welcome back.. I don't remember you, so you must be from before my time, but, glad to see old members returning :)
Welcome! / Re: I'm back
May 18, 2016, 07:22:39 pm
Welcome back :)
Welcome! / Re: Olá! :)
May 18, 2016, 07:21:57 pm
Welcome :)
Welcome! / Re: Hi all!! Starmage here!
May 18, 2016, 07:21:26 pm
Welcome starmage, enjoy your stay :)
Welcome! / Re: I come in peace
May 16, 2016, 01:32:13 pm
Welcome  :)
Welcome! / Re: -creeps back in at (almost) midnight-
April 19, 2016, 11:02:16 pm
Thanks FAX :)
Welcome! / Re: -creeps back in at (almost) midnight-
April 12, 2016, 12:07:51 am
Thanks :)
SEGAID: annafire88
Username: PhoenixFire88
Character/Main Name: Yui
Welcome! / Re: -creeps back in at (almost) midnight-
April 01, 2016, 04:05:40 pm
Alright, I'm not gonna even bother posting a new topic to point out I'm yet again back from not being here for a significant amount of time. I really need to get better at things like actually logging in and whatnot..

Anyways, it's been an interesting few months. My other half and I live in our own place now (she and I both were previously living with parents, and this is a much more enjoyable arrangement), my car almost (literally) blew up, so I have a new car, and I started more seriously working on "web-stuff"; I started making a cloud storage-esque site for people to register, upload, and download files from (for anyone who wants to be a guinea pig, the site is and is hosted on my own server at home, so I can assure you it's about as secure as it's going to get). Other than that, I've been trying to get motivated to do more scripting, but it just hasn't happened; I think I will be lurking for a bit and eventually dust off the XPAce development project and work on that for a bit, and make a game with it. Seems as though there's been some progress by KK20 and others on the graphics side of things for that engine/project :)

Anyways, I'll try to actually stay here this time lolz