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Messages - Vell

RP? I'm always interested in doing things.
Welcome! / Re: Zeriab is back, this time with hugs
October 22, 2015, 11:22:50 pm
I namechanged. came and went! Come and go.

Entertainment / Re: Webcomics!
August 19, 2015, 09:21:12 am
Alice Grove is a webcomic brought to you by the same guy who makes Questionable Content, uploads twice a week and is a sci fi / fantasy tale.

I have no other new comics at this time, but I seem to be hitting a kick of them, so maybe you can expect more sometime soon! yay!

odd thing about it is that the higher numbers are the -earlier- pages, so all the links just go to the main page, which shows the newest page. Sorry!
Welcome! / Re: -creeps back in at (almost) midnight-
August 12, 2015, 03:43:11 am
Nobody should, Phoenix.

Nobody should.
Welcome! / Re: -creeps back in at (almost) midnight-
August 05, 2015, 02:18:00 pm
Video Games / Re: Final Fantasy XIV
July 15, 2015, 02:17:39 pm
If you play again, lemme know! Also, did you apply sub time? If you didn't and want to play again, let me send you a refer link first!
Welcome! / Re: Hello Old Friends
July 04, 2015, 11:30:08 pm
Hey ~
Video Games / Re: Final Fantasy XIV
June 23, 2015, 04:27:47 am
There should be more than one server on the EU side o.o
Video Games / Re: Final Fantasy XIV
June 22, 2015, 08:24:01 am
You should be on Balmung, btw, if you want to play with me

Getting a character on the server is a pain int he ass, though. :x I'll try to keep topic updated as to whether or not the site says characters are go.
Video Games / Re: Final Fantasy XIV
June 21, 2015, 11:30:57 pm
If they're talking servers, it's the entire service, since they share servers; Steam has nothing to do with that.

That said, if anyone's thinking of getting it, lemme know so I can toss them a refer invite; This gets both of us some nifty things, like a /brofist emote and a way for me to come to your aid should it ever be required, etc, etc.
Video Games / Re: Final Fantasy XIV
June 19, 2015, 11:30:07 pm
It's hard to find a decent mmo that goes without subscription, and the new recruit-a-friend campaign p much blows out any possibility of the game taking that away.
Video Games / Re: Final Fantasy XIV
June 19, 2015, 10:38:13 am
It's on PS4 as well, and runs better there. But yeah, servers are cross-platform.
Video Games / Final Fantasy XIV
June 19, 2015, 04:26:10 am
Is a really fun MMO.

Like, so fun

And if I recruit a friend

I can get a dragon mount

That said friend can also ride on.

And fly around on.

someone should let me recruit them and we'd play for days.
Whatever you have, send to me (or phoenix) and we'll do what we can to help you expand.
Chat / Re: The "Post your Desktop" Thread
May 04, 2015, 02:04:12 pm
I just use a bunch of fanart for games or anime or characters in general I enjoy.
Check the first page for the reimagining of this service.

As it stands I'm the only one around to help I know of.
Arcadian awoke when light shone on his face. As usual. Morning ritual, initiate. Lethargically gathering his energy for the morning - he was never one to wake up easy, and usually couldn't really get going until he'd had some coffee - he first sat up in bed, blanket still covering his legs. He yawned, covered his eyes with one hand, massaged his temples. Climbed out of bed. Step one, accomplished. A round of entirely disproportionate applause sounded in his mind. So far, so good. Finding his way through the brightened room with eyes half-closed, he entered the bathroom that attached to his bedroom.

He set the water to running on its hottest setting, grabbed a towel. Took up his toothbrush, applied some paste and half-heartedly scraped the tool against his teeth and tongue. Like a good little boy, some neurological representation of a dentist whispered to him. He spat into the sink, then rinsed it out, his hand quickly turning red from the heat. He doused the towel in the water then smacked it against his face. Massaged it lightly into his eyes, turned the faucet off, dried his face with a second towel and departed from the bathroom.

Step two, accomplished. More fanfare. Woohoo, he quipped at himself. What a boring way to start one's day. With mildly mounting energy, he put on his clothes for the day and set to depart from his room, remembering his college days.

Say, how -were- his college days? What sort of things did he focus on? Did he find someone? If so, is he or she still with him? If not, is anyone else with him?
You may answer as many as you wish! Which answers I take will be up to me.
"Hello dear reader," begins a voice, echoed into the aether throughout which you exist. You are unsure why you can hear this voice, but you believe it to be important. It speaks again, "You will soon forget about me. But while I am here, I  must ask you a few questions."

You feel a warmth, a sensation of happiness. The emotion behind a smile, freely offered. "First, I must know what you wish to be called. What is your name?" You answer, and you feel a change in the aether. A change in yourself.

Ah well, perhaps eternity alone was not meant to last. "Second, I must know; are you to be male or female?" Again, you answer, and again, you feel a change. A coming together.

"You are doing very well. Last, I must know; what do you do for a living?" You take a moment to consider this, and answer, truthfully.

And then, you feel a rush. The aether comes together. You bind to yourself. The aether, once your silent companion, is apart from you, and growing distant. That smile, once again.

"Very well. Thus I give you breath."

As the dream fades, you begin to awaken.

/o/ Okay, so, I'll be writing a story. But, here's the catch: People from the forum will respond to me, following the prompts and giving suggestions for where the main character ("you") will go, and what he or she will do. The rest is up to me. I'm hoping we can all enjoy this idea.